Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 898

Chapter 898
Li Ji's voice was calm, he didn't seem to be making any bold words, but Dongfang Yi knew that this was his determination.

A gentleman's words are more important than a thousand pieces of gold.

"Okay," Dongfang Yi looked at him and smiled, but there was gloating in the smile, "Now that you have figured it out, there is news from the palace that I am about to tell you."

"In the palace?" Li Ji was stunned, "Could it be related to the Grand Court?"

The Intermediate Ceremony has not yet started, and the Grand Court will know how many practitioners will participate. If there is any accident, it will not be revealed for the time being. If something happens, the Grand Court will have an accident first.

"That's right," Dongfang Yi nodded with a smile, "but you don't have to worry too much, it's not a major event related to practitioners. It's just a grand court meeting in five days, and His Majesty will come with the Changle Princess."

"Princess Changle?" Li Ji froze, "What kind of etiquette is this?"

There is only one eldest princess in Soochow, named "Changle", but this eldest princess is not well-known both in Soochow and abroad.Just because she was not the biological daughter of the former king of Eastern Wu, but a niece adopted by Zhao Muren's father before his death.

The Soochow royal family was not prosperous due to the special affection of the former king, but compared with the scarcity of the population, what is more terrifying is the scarcity of female relatives.

Zhao Muren's mother walked ahead of his father. Except for the queen, the former kings of Eastern Wu had almost no concubines, let alone daughters, and the entire harem was empty.So when he was seriously ill, some courtiers wrote to persuade the king of Soochow to adopt a clan daughter, otherwise the big Soochow would not even have a princess.

Adopting a daughter is not as worrying about threatening the throne as adopting a son, so Zhao Muren's father readily agreed, and chose a seven or eight-year-old girl from the clan to enter the palace, and gave him the title "Changle", which means auspiciousness.

Because she is a daughter of the clan, her surname is Zhao, and the little girl's name has not been changed to the King of Soochow. Princess Changle's boudoir name is Zhao Wenxiu, and she has become the only princess of Soochow.

But this daughter failed to keep the king of Soochow alive. In the second year after adopting Princess Changle, the former king passed away.Prince Zhao Muren succeeded to the throne, and Princess Changle changed from a princess to a long princess.

"I remember that Changle was married last year, isn't he married yet?" Li Ji took a deep breath, "Why did Your Majesty bring an unmarried princess to the court meeting?"

It is true that such an occasion should not bring the princess to appear. The news from the palace is that Princess Changle is crying to go, but the reason why Zhao Muren agreed is not hard to guess.

"Why bring it?" Dongfang Yi shrugged and said helplessly, "Isn't it because there is no queen in the palace?"

Li Ji understood and helplessly helped his forehead.

The Grand Court Meeting is the opening ceremony of the middle-level grand ceremony, and it is also an important diplomatic occasion between the six countries. According to the past tradition, the king of Soochow and the queen attend together.

But Zhao Muren has no queen since he ascended the throne.Not to mention the queen, the entire harem of Soochow doesn't even have a female family member except for the unmarried eldest princess.

"But this is too..." Li Ji was speechless.

"I heard that it was Princess Changle who asked to go this time," Dongfang Yi said, "Princess has reached the age of marriage, and I'm afraid she also wants to see her at the court meeting."

After all, all the best young people of the right age from the six countries gathered at the Great Court Meeting.This idea is not too much. Although women cannot practice cultivation, Soochow has been encouraging childbirth. Princess Changle is sixteen, but the husband-in-law Zhao Muren chose for her always refuses. will not object.

But Dongfang Yi grew up watching Princess Changle grow up in the palace, and knew that the princess's mind might not be limited to this.

"I'm afraid you know some reasons why Princess Changle must go," Dongfang Yi looked at Li Ji with a gloating smile, "You haven't been back for two years, so get ready."

Li Ji felt the veins on his forehead twitching again.

He slowly touched the mask on his face and said lightly, "I hope the princess can find a good marriage at the court meeting."

Dongfang Yi sighed at his appearance, then remembered something and smiled again, "But speaking of it, this is the first time that so many women have appeared in the Grand Court."

Two princesses and a saint, this scene is estimated to be very lively.

Li Ji's eyes were a bit complicated, but the next moment he stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the lights in the distance, his eyebrows and eyes stretched.

No matter what happened, he believed in the leader.

That's the leader they decided.

Dongfang Yi followed his eyes to look at the splendid city of lanterns in the city like a swimming dragon, and then looked back at a basket beside the altar.

"Although I didn't know you were coming tonight, the old man originally planned to finish setting up the altar and make a gadget to pass the time," Dongfang Yi said, looking at Li Ji who turned his head with a surprised expression when he heard the sound, "You used to go on August [-] When you are in Soochow, you have to tie the lanterns, although it is not August, but it is indeed the [-]th, do you still want to tie the lanterns?"

Li Ji nodded. Speaking of which, on August [-]th this year, it happened to be the feast of Ji Xia in Southern Chu, and he delayed putting up the lantern because of some things.

Watching Yoshiko find the material for the lamp from the basket and move his hands skillfully, Dongfang Yi stood aside for a while and finally couldn't help asking.

"I never asked you before, why do you have to tie up lanterns every year on August [-]th?" Dongfang Yi used to treat him as a child's heart for fun, but Li Ji's habit lasted for eight years. Has grown into a man with a weak crown.

Moreover, none of the lamps he had made in the past eight years remained with him, and they were all let go.

Li Ji was pasting paper on the skeleton, he was startled when he heard this, and the next moment he looked at the paper lantern under his hand, "I vaguely remember that she once told me."

Dongfang Yi's heart was shocked, he knew who she was, because Li Ji's she only refers to one person.

"She told me that no matter where she is, as long as I put up the sky lantern, she can find her way home." Li Ji said quietly.

Dongfang Yi took a breath.

"But now it has almost become a habit," Li Ji said calmly as he started, "It's been eight years, and I almost know it."

Know that person will not come back.

"That liar," Li Ji said quietly while smearing the lamp surface with his eyes as calm as water while saying such scolding words.

The boy's voice was quiet, but it was a lot recognizable.

Although he said so, Li Ji's hands never stopped.

Dongfang Yi watched him meticulously paste the paper onto the skeleton bit by bit, but was also speechless.

The next moment, the old man looked at the lanterns gradually formed by Li Ji's men, and his eyes froze, "What kind of lanterns are you making this year?"



"Sister, what kind of lantern do you like?"

There are few people on the cold mountain, and the Lantern Festival on Ruyang City East Street is full of fun.

Walking on the colorful streets, Ji Ange, who had never been out before, was dazzled by the sight. She already held several lanterns in her hands, but Ying Baoyue, who was walking beside her, was still empty-handed. She couldn't help asking .

"Am I..." Ying Baoyue murmured.

 Li·Ji, a handicraft master, has discovered the skills of making candied fruit, sewing clothes, washing sheets, and making lanterns. I don’t know what skills he can develop in the future.So does anyone still remember that Wukouji brother who was as cold as ice in the coffin when he first appeared on the stage?

(End of this chapter)

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