Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 899 Start

Chapter 899 Start

"I like it..." Ying Baoyue was thinking, but only saw a figure approaching him, Song Qian said with a smile, "I know what kind of lamp Your Royal Highness likes."

"Huh?" All the girls asked with wide eyes, but Song Qian smiled confidently, "Your Highness likes rabbit lanterns, plum blossom lanterns, dragon lanterns and sky lanterns, right?"

"That's right," Ying Baoyue nodded, spreading his palms to his side, "That's what Song Jizi said."

Now even Zhao Guang and Ji Jiashu looked over unexpectedly, Song Qian had a proud smile on his face.At this time, Gui Li, who was a head shorter than him, puffed up his cheeks and questioned, "Why does His Highness like any lamp, Jizi Song, you will know everything?"

Gui Li's feet left Song Qian three steps away, the girl still had a disgusted look in her childish eyes, although she didn't say anything disgusting, but Song Qian still shivered, looking at the doubtful girls and pupils around him. Ji Jiashu, who is not good at light, Song Qian said quickly, "I didn't inquire about this, someone told me!"

"Is there someone?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback, and fixed her eyes on her, "Which expert is that?"

How do you become an expert if you know a hobby?
Although that person is indeed an expert.

Ying Baoyue knew who Song Qian was talking about, so she wasn't surprised that Song Qian would know, but she was a little speechless for the person who told everything to her nephew.

From the time she entered the Zhongtang Bieyuan, she found that the room Song Qian had arranged for her had all the bedding in her favorite color, even the decorations, and there was even a crooked doll beside the bed...

To be honest, she didn't like crooked dolls specifically, but because she liked the dolls that Master made for her in her previous life.

Plum Blossom Crisp and color preferences are not bad, how should Song Qian think about her when he arranges such a doll?How old does that man think she is now?

Ying Baoyue thought of the strange way Song Qian looked at her these days, and his teeth felt a little sore.

That person... is simply using his nephew as a tool.

Now that Song Qian has even been told about his preference for lanterns, what exactly does that person want?Was she trying to raise her nephew to be her old father?

"That person is..." Staring at Ji Jiashu and the others, Song Qian was about to sweat coldly on his forehead. At this moment, seeing Ying Baoyue winking at him, Fu Zhixin said loudly, "It was the princess' elder brother who told me of!"

Brother... that's right.

Originally, there was an age gap between him and her, so she should call that person brother, although somehow that person deviated from this route later on.

But other people don't know about the past between her and Zhongtang. When it comes to the elder brother of the former Qin princess, the only one who is notorious in the whole continent.Now all the teenagers are dumbfounded, after all most practitioners in this world don't want to talk about that person.

"So that's how it is," Zhao Guang forced a smile on the side, "As expected of His Royal Highness in the Middle Tang Dynasty, he has a lot of friends."

Song Qian looked at Zhao Guang's eyes and knew that this person must be slandering him now. He is worthy of being a businessman in the middle Tang Dynasty, and he can associate with anyone for the sake of benefit.

For the sake of one of his uncles who didn't like to be named, Song Qian had no choice but to accept the scapegoat with tears in his eyes.Fortunately, a stall selling rabbit lamps just appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, little rabbit!" Gui Lihuan yelled and rushed forward, breaking the weird atmosphere.

The older boys and girls all laughed, Gui Chen took out the money he had saved from his bosom, looked at his sister and Ying Baoyue, "Mingyue, do you want anything?"

After all, everyone just heard Song Qian say that Ying Baoyue likes rabbit lamps.

"What about me..." Ying Baoyue looked at the naive rabbits in front of her. Song Qian said that the order of the lights was actually her preference that changed from childhood to adulthood. If it was placed before she was ten years old, it would indeed be the best Love the bunny lights.

But now she...

At this time, Ji Jiashu stepped forward, smiled and said, "Does your Highness want the latter two more now?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, but he didn't expect this young man to understand.

"Dragon Lantern?" Gui Chen said jokingly, "Mingyue, I can't afford it."

Playing the dragon lantern is actually a program at the Lantern Festival. It is seven or eight meters long and requires more than a dozen people to lift it up.

No one knows that this kind of lamp can't be bought and played at home, but the other two kinds can't be carried in the hand to play with. Ying Baoyue also laughed when he heard this, and took off a round rabbit lamp from the stall, " I want this."

Gui Chen was waiting for Gui Li to finish picking and paying together, but saw a young man's arm passing in front of him, "Boss, I bought this lamp."

Ji Jiashu opened his mouth and said, the owner who sold the lamp looked up at him, "Oh, what a handsome young man, are you buying a lamp for your wife?"

Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu in front of the stall were both startled. Ji Jiashu was stunned for a moment and smiled, "Boss, I'm not married yet. But I have a marriage contract."

"Really? It looks like it's coming soon, young master is so lucky," the boss said with a smile as he took a look at Ying Baoyue who was standing quietly by the stall while collecting the money.

Most of the lamp sellers in this lamp market are country folks who come to the market. They don’t know Mr. Chunhua, let alone a princess. Ji Jiashu was almost said to be sweating on his back. He was afraid that Ying Baoyue might notice something, so he looked back and forth. Changing the subject, "Boss, are there any sky lanterns around here?"

"Sky lanterns?" The boss frowned, "There are too many people here and there is no place to put them. There shouldn't be any."

"It seems to be like this," Ji Ange looked at the stalls around and said, "It is said that dragon lanterns can only be seen on August [-]th, but there are indeed no sky lanterns around here."

However, at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded from the bustling crowd.



"It's a sky lantern!"

Ying Baoyue raised her head following the gazes of the crowd, only to see a sky lantern raised at some point on the mountain peak in the distance.

Cheers and envy erupted from the crowd.

The moonlight is like silver, in the dark forest, the lamp seems to be floating towards the moon, the red light is warm.

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the lamp, when Zhao Guang's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"A lamp without a moon is not entertaining people. A moon without a lamp is not spring. When spring comes to the world, people's hearts are jaded. The lamp burns and the moon is like silver. The streets are full of pearls and emeralds, and the village girls play and sing to compete with the gods. Smile, how can this good day disappear."

She stared blankly at the young man beside her who seemed to understand something in his eyes, but Zhao Guang looked at her as if he knew the lamp and asked with a smile, "Your Highness, does this lamp look good?"

"Looks good," Ying Baoyue nodded, looked at the lamp and laughed, "This is really a good sign."



There is no light but no moon but no entertaining. There is no spring without a light.

Spring hasn't come yet, but the five days passed quickly, and the day for the Great Court Meeting arrived as scheduled.

Early in the morning, Ying Baoyue was dragged up by Ms. Yao to get dressed. When she changed into the sacrificial dress she had worn once, everyone in the room was stunned.

"What's the matter?" She smiled and looked at them, "It's not like I haven't seen them before."

"That's what I said, but..." Ji Ange looked at her speechless, when Lou Xiaolou knocked on the door from outside the house.

"Your Highness, Lord Chunhua is here to pick you up."

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and the morning sun poured in from outside the door in an instant, and the paper window seemed to be printed with a spring-like red light.

Looking at the red shadow outside the door, everyone in the house was breathless, as if seeing a garden full of spring.

 Ahhh, it's about to start!

  "A lamp without a moon is not entertaining people. A moon without a lamp is not spring. When spring comes to the world, people's hearts are jaded. The lamp burns and the moon is like silver. The streets are full of pearls and emeralds, and the village girls play and sing to compete with the gods. Laugh, how do you get rid of this good time." --Ming Tang Bohu "Yuanxiao"

(End of this chapter)

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