Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 953 Principles

Chapter 953 Principles
The cold mountain fell into dead silence.

Compared with Xu Bingqing's piercing voice, Ying Baoyue's voice was not too loud, but she was the focus of everyone at this time, and practitioners with sharp eyes and ears could hear her.

After listening to it, I couldn't speak for a long time.

The girl's voice is like a clear spring, calm and soft.

Not very lethal.

But very insulting.

Of course, Ying Baoyue herself has no awareness of this aspect. There is no anger, no pleasure, or lust on her face.She just said a bland fact, and after she finished speaking, she took a step back, turned around and was about to retreat behind Ji Jiashu and the others.

Since she has no intention of fighting, she feels that she should not stand at the forefront.

Lest Xu Bingqing stare at her and pop his eyes out.

If something like this really happened, it would be troublesome for Xu Canghai to find her responsible.

It was very still.

Seeing Xu Bingqing's pale face on the stage, no one dared to speak out.


Standing on the high platform, Xu Bingqing felt everyone's eyes on her, trembling with anger.

She had always enjoyed this feeling of being watched by everyone, but now for the first time, she felt that everyone's gaze seemed to carry some kind of deep meaning, which made her whole face burn.

This burning finally turned into a fire in her heart, burning her from head to toe, and her whole body was on fire.

This woman did it on purpose!

Who do you want to show by deliberately putting on such a gesture of ignoring her?
Want to prove your status by looking down on her?
Does she know how much she weighs?

"Stop!" Seeing Ying Baoyue who turned around as if nothing had happened, Xu Bingqing's eyes were full of hostility, and he shouted sharply, "Don't go!"

The girl's voice was so sharp that it almost pierced the eardrums of people.

Ying Baoyue turned around, "What else?"

Her voice was still calm, but it was this attitude that made Xu Bingqing want to tear the person in front of him to pieces.

"Speak clearly!" Xu Bingqing took a deep breath, "Do you think I won't dare to ask you if you pretend to drop a word?"

"What do you want to ask?" Ying Baoyue asked, "What am I not clear about?"

I didn't expect her to answer so eloquently, and everyone present was a little dazed.In comparison, Xu Bingqing, who had always spoken fiercely, seemed a bit aggressive.

Of course, most people only dare to think in their hearts.

"Qing'er." A male voice without emotion came from behind, and Xu Bingqing's heart felt cold again.

She forced herself to calm down and stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "What do you mean by boring?"

The question is really tricky, did Xu Bingqing think she was playing word games with her?

"It's literally." Ying Baoyue said, "Xu Shengnv said to challenge me, since it is a challenge, then I can refuse."

"Otherwise, that's not called a challenge," she said flatly, "That's called a sneak attack."

Xu Bingqing's chest heaved, and the next moment he mocked, "I said so much, isn't it just to cover up my timidity?"

"Whatever," Ying Baoyue turned around again unmoved.

As long as she wasn't embarrassed, the one who was embarrassed was Xu Bingqing who was left on the stage.

"Stop!" Xu Bingqing was furious.

"What exactly does the saint want to do?" Ying Baoyue turned her head, "You don't want to force someone to compete with you on stage, do you?"

Xu Bingqing choked, watching the whispering practitioners under the stage made up his mind.

If Ying Baoyue didn't come on stage today, all her plans with Beihan Pavilion would come to naught, and she would still be a laughing stock.

"I didn't intend to do this, but you are really deceiving people too much." Xu Bingqing drew out the sword at his waist with a slap, pointed at Ying Baoyue under the high platform, his eyes were cold, "I said, this discussion is to prevent people from gaining fame. Those who deceive the world, you are not worthy of morality and your words are flickering, you are becoming more and more suspicious, you must come to power!"

"Where did my words flicker?" Ying Baoyue said lightly, "Just because I said it's boring to compete with you?"

"That's not enough..." Unexpectedly, this person dared to refute, Xu Bingqing's eyes widened.

"But the fact is that it's boring," Ying Baoyue's voice was as calm as water, "is there any benefit for me to compete with you?"


The practitioners in the audience stared straight at the words.

Only Ji Qingyuan, who was standing on both sides of the ceremony, held his forehead.

He was probably the only one among the people present who knew what Ying Baoyue meant.Practitioners are mostly warlike, but Shao Siming is probably a rare flower among practitioners, that is, in addition to practical value, in fact, she doesn't bother to use a sword at all.

The so-called use value, such as hunting, can obtain food, such as assassination, it is for self-protection, and as for the competition...

"It's not a middle-level ceremony. What's the use of you if I win here?" Ying Baoyue said indifferently, "It doesn't count for the ranking, can it be eaten or worn?"

Ji Qingyuan covered his eyes, he knew it was like this.

"You..." Xu Bingqing has never seen such a reckless person, but the next moment her eyes lit up, she clenched the sword in her hand and looked at Ying Baoyue, "How dare you insult the competition!"

Doesn't this woman mean that the game of heroes at the Great Court Meeting is meaningless?Seeing the anger in the eyes of other practitioners in the audience, Xu Bingqing knew that Shuidong was right to quote this trick.

"You're thinking too much," Ying Baoyue said calmly, "I just don't think it's interesting to compete with you."

The audience was silent again.

A dead silence.

You can hear a needle drop to the ground quietly.

Now Ji Jiashu raised his forehead when he heard the words, and he fully understood what Ying Baoyue meant.

She didn't want to go on stage, in fact, there was only one reason.

That is Xu Bingqing's swordsmanship is not enough to make Ying Baoyue want to learn from each other.

Xu Bingqing's chest rose and fell, and there was only one thought in his mind.

She finally understood how shameless she was with this woman, and it was impossible to talk to her well.

There is only one way to force this woman to take the stage.

Don't eat and drink a toast.

"Do you think you have a choice?" Xu Bingqing sneered, "I said the sparring is just for the face of the host to give you some face!"

"The grievances between us are not over yet!" Xu Bingqing's eyes were like poisonous snakes, looking at Ying Baoyue's back and screaming, "Ying Baoyue, do you still remember Murong Heng who died in your hands?"

As soon as the name came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone didn't expect Xu Bingqing to name Murong Heng so clearly, let alone bluntly say that this person died at the hands of Ying Baoyue.

"I am the Saintess of Beihan Pavilion, but I am also Murong Heng's childhood sweetheart. Even if I risk my life, I will avenge my friend!" Xu Bingqing pointed at Ying Baoyue with his sword in his hand, his black clothes fluttering, looking extraordinarily righteous .

She knew that everyone would only praise her for being kind and righteous.

"I know he has done a lot of things wrong, so I don't blame others, and I don't set up a life-and-death situation, but the death penalty is inevitable, and I must fight you, you, the chief culprit, don't even try to escape!"

Ying Baoyue turned around, "Murong Heng didn't die by my hands."

"Do you think no one saw the scene where you let him fall off the cliff?" Xu Bingqing sneered, "Aren't you afraid of thunder when you say such things?"

"I saw it! I saw him grab your hand before falling off the cliff, but you let go and let him fall!"

Ji Jiashu's face suddenly changed, but Xu Bingqing didn't expect Xu Bingqing to distort the truth after seeing that scene!

But it was too late. Hearing Xu Bingqing's words, the practitioners in the audience exploded instantly.

Most people knew that Murong Heng fell to his death from the cliff, but not many people knew that Murong Heng held Ying Baoyue's hand before falling off the cliff.

If what Xu Bingqing said was true, no matter what happened, Murong Heng had not been convicted at the time.

What Ying Baoyue did was indeed no different from killing someone.

Everyone was talking about it, but it didn't reach Ying Baoyue's ears. She just quietly looked at the unconcealable satisfaction in Xu Bingqing's eyes on the high platform, and grasped the hilt of the sword at her waist.

Because of this moment, Xu Bingqing really touched her principles.

In other words, it touched her reverse scale.

 Sister Yue has only two nilins.

(End of this chapter)

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