Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 954 The Gap

Chapter 954 The Gap
Ji Jiashu immediately felt the change in Ying Baoyue's breath.

"What?" Xu Bingqing on the stage saw Ying Baoyue's hand holding the sword, and smiled coldly, "Are you angry?"

"Do I have it?" Ying Baoyue asked.

The breath in Xu Bingqing's chest was not smooth again.

The girl under the stage had a calm face, without a hint of anger.

But Ji Jiashu knew very well that she was angry.

very angry.

When he was in Nanchu, he knew that it was actually very difficult to anger Ying Baoyue.But from the few times when she got really angry, he somewhat understood that her current state was called anger.

Ji Qing watched this scene from a distance, and tightly held Ji Ange's hand beside him.

"Brother, sister..." Ji Ange said uneasily.

"She's angry." Ji Qingyuan said.

She was angry, someone was going to be unlucky.

He is more familiar with Ying Baoyue's state than anyone present.It was only because Lin Baoyue, who broke through the heavenly ranks and rushed to the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion the day Ji Jiashu's mother conspired against him to poison the young Ji Ange, was in this state now.

"It's really eye-opening for me to be so nonchalant after killing someone."

Xu Bingqing on the high platform was very annoyed at Ying Baoyue's still calm face, and continued to speak, but a cold female voice came from the audience.

"To shut up."

Xu Bingqing was taken aback when he heard the words, and the next moment his eyes filled with boundless anger, "You still want to kill someone..."

"I was the one who didn't hold Murong Heng back. I never denied my sins." Ying Baoyue said quietly.

Xu Bingqing was a little surprised when he heard it.

The situation was so chaotic at the time, she didn't see exactly how Murong Heng fell, she just mentioned it to splash dirty water on Ying Baoyue, but she didn't expect Ying Baoyue to admit it on the spot.

However, she didn't expect Ying Baoyue to change the subject, staring into her eyes and saying quietly.

"But it wasn't me who drove him to his death."

Looking at those crystal clear eyes, Xu Bingqing's heart skipped a beat for some reason.

Ying Baoyue drew his sword out of its sheath, pointed at Xu Bingqing on the stage, and spoke quietly.

"I can accept your challenge, but I don't accept your reason for challenging me."

Her voice was still as calm as water, just like her identity as a water magician, but for some reason, everyone seemed to see flames burning on her sword.

The girl under the stage stood up straight.

The two women on and off the stage drew their swords and pointed at each other. The scene revealed a complete chill, and the onlookers were all moved.

And looking at the cold front pointing at her under the stage, Xu Bingqing's eyes couldn't help shaking a little.

What is this woman...

But the next moment she stabilized her mind, her eyes became more and more angry, and she clenched the sword in her hand, "What do you mean? I avenge my friend, how dare you..."

The venue became quiet again, because Ying Baoyue walked out of the crowd.

He walked down the stage step by step.

Her feet were close to the high platform, and the point of the raised sword was only an inch away from Xu Bingqing's.

"Friend?" Ying Baoyue said calmly, "Don't say it, you seem to care about his life."

Xu Bingqing was taken aback, her eyes widened in astonishment, she heard her breathing quicken, "You..."

"Who do you want to be, what kind of trouble do you want to make, I don't care if you want to be a saint or a practitioner," Ying Baoyue looked up at her, "but I don't want to see people being used like this after they die."

That's her bottom line.

For some reason, Xu Bingqing felt that Ying Baoyue's glance seemed to see her heart, and his whole body felt cold for a moment.

But after realizing this, Xu Bingqing became even more angry.

What does this woman mean by this?What is this insinuating?
"How dare you..." Xu Bingqing still wanted to speak, but Ying Baoyue interrupted her.

She quietly stared at the Northern Wei woman on the stage, and said every word.

"Xu Shi Xu Bingqing, listen carefully, if you are not challenging me for yourself, then you don't want to touch a single hair of me."

The girl's voice is like cutting gold and cutting jade.

The practitioners in the audience couldn't speak for a long time. Looking at the girl in the audience, an unspeakable emotion rolled in their hearts.

The cold wind blew across the top of the mountain, but people suddenly discovered that the direction of the wind had changed.

Although Xu Bingqing stood taller, but the "momentum" between the field.

I don't know when it has changed.

Xu Bingqing's pupils shrank, and he stared blankly at the young girl under the stage.

Obviously she was the first to raise the challenge, she had just won the glory of the Six Kingdoms by defeating the Xirong people, and she had something to do with this woman, but why?
Why did she still dare to threaten her?
Xu Bingqing only felt a slap on her face, a little hot.

She didn't understand why Ying Baoyue could still be so confident, but she knew that she had to drag this woman into the battlefield today, and she had to defeat her in front of everyone, and make this woman pay for her words and deeds.

She didn't understand anything else at all, only understood the conditions under which Ying Baoyue would come up to fight.

"Okay, since you don't know how to repent, then the saint will act for the heavens," Xu Bingqing shouted, "I will challenge you on my own behalf, don't be afraid..."

"As I said before, it's no fun to compete with you," Ying Baoyue interrupted her again, "Since Xu Shengnv just said that she would not hesitate to risk her life, then let's gamble."

Xu Bingqing was taken aback.

The expressions of everyone in Beihan Pavilion changed, as did the expressions of Ji Jiashu and others.

The life betting between practitioners refers to a kind of sword fighting between people in the same realm, and it is a kind of life and death game.

Once started, outsiders cannot stop it.

With the death of one party as the end point, family members and friends of both parties will not seek revenge after the end.

Xu Bingqing's hand holding the sword was a little stiff.

She has been a practitioner for a short time, but she has also heard of this kind of life and death situation.

But it doesn't mean she can accept it.

When she heard about it, she thought that these practitioners were really a bunch of lunatics!
The son of a daughter can't sit still, but now, she actually wants to bet her life with someone?
Why did the situation become like this?

With her father around, who would dare to bet her life?

Aren't you afraid of bearing her father's wrath?
"What's the matter? Don't you want to fight me?" Ying Baoyue's voice was calm, and the hand holding the sword was also steady.

"My realm is higher than yours," Xu Bingqing took a breath, with a proud expression on his face, "Bet your life with you, obviously bullying you. Are you trying to put me in an unjust place?"

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "I don't care."

Xu Bingqing froze in place.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, anyway, with her father around, she would be fine.Seeing the brash young girl under the stage, anger welled up in her eyes, and the long sword in her hand suddenly burst into flames, "If that's the case, then..."

"There are relationships."

However, at this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded not far from the altar.

Ying Baoyue was startled and looked behind her.

Sensing that Xu Bingqing was not in the right state, Ji Jiashu, who was about to draw his sword, stopped by his waist and looked at the person in front of him.

All eyes gathered.

I saw the masked man in Tsing Yi standing beside the altar with his five fingers closed, and he clenched the hilt of his sword, looking at Ying Baoyue and speaking quietly.

"As chief priest."

"I disagree."

 Li Ji: It’s okay with you, we have a relationship, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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