Chapter 96
"His Majesty?"

Not far away from the edge of the gauze curtain, a fairy official noticed the movement here almost immediately, and Zhao Guang heard a drop of sweat rolling off his forehead.

However, at the next moment, Ying Hanri stared at his younger sister's eyes, raised his hand and waved it down.

"It's fine for now, just stay there and don't move!"

Ying Baoyue moved her ears, she remembered this voice.

According to the memories left by the little princess, she heard that the person just now was a guarding officer close to Ying Hanri, named Jiang Yong.

Even the personal guards were able to move away, looking at the gloomy man in front of him, Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

She was right once.

"You...what do you mean by what you just said?" Ying Hanri looked at Ying Baoyue coldly.

He looked at his sister who had been away for a month, and remembered what Guichang said to him in the afternoon, and his eyes were even more unkind, as if she meant to tear her apart without explaining clearly.

However, facing the pressing question from the man in front of him, Ying Baoyue just raised his head and looked around.

Ying Hanri frowned, and said lightly, "Jiang Yong will open the barrier, and the people outside won't be able to hear it."

Sure enough, as she expected, although Ying Hanri would find a large number of immortal officials as guards, the higher the realm, the more they would be released.

On the one hand, a high-level practitioner can arrive instantly as long as he calls, on the other hand, if he is too close, his every move will be noticed.

For high-level practitioners, his elder brother is obviously wary.

As an emperor, it is fatal to be touched too much.

For practitioners who are really used for personal service, the middle class is the most suitable.This is probably the "Emperor Mind Technique" taught to him by Ying Hao's father.

If the little princess's memory is correct, Jiang Yong should be ranked fifth.

If there were no outside practitioners, Li Ji should be able to easily avoid his eyes and ears.

"Brother Huang." Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Hanri and said calmly, "You should know that I have become a practitioner."

Ying Hanri's pupils shrank, and his gaze became colder as he looked at her.

"Guichang told me everything," the man looked at her condescendingly, "Who is behind you?"

He thought he had seen through everything, his younger sister was stupid and had no opinion, and he never took her seriously as a woman who couldn't make trouble.

I didn't expect that she would make such a big mess before getting married.

Every one of the things that Guichang said was unimaginable to his ears.

It is impossible for his so-called younger sister to be able to do it.

Then everything is very simple.

Think he can't see through?

Since she couldn't do it, it wasn't her doing it.

Just a string puppet of the old stuff.

I didn't expect that group of old people to be dishonest at this time. It's not enough to put their minds on Ying Xun, even his useless sister has to be used.

"There's no one behind me." Looking at the mocking eyes of the young man in front of him, Ying Baoyue also felt like laughing.

I really don't know what this person just made up in his head.

Although I'm sorry for bullying a child, she must fool this person now.

Although it is a child, the child's decision will cause countless people to be hurt.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Hanri and said seriously, "Brother Emperor, sister Chen has not been ordered by anyone."

Ying Hanri sneered, "You think your nonsense will..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the girl in front of him suddenly took a step forward, and pressed his shoulder suddenly, her eyes were filled with strong emotions, and she just stared into Ying Hanri's eyes.

"You, be bold! Get lost..." Ying Hanri was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand violently, only to find that he couldn't break free from his younger sister's hand, and the anger in his eyes became even more intense, "Jiang..."

"Brother Huang, this is the power of a practitioner." Before Ying Hanri called out the guards, Ying Baoyue spoke quickly.

Ying Hanri stopped talking, narrowed his eyes and looked at her coldly.

Sure enough, this is his heart disease.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, looked at him and said, "No one instructed me, it's just that I know, the power we originally had."

Ying Hanri frowned even tighter, "What do you mean?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him seriously and said, "Brother Huang, if you want me to continue, please order the immortal officials above rank five to withdraw at least fifty feet away."

"What do you want to do?" Ying Hanri said coldly, "I want the assassin to..."

"There is no assassin," Ying Baoyue interrupted him, "You can let Jiang Yong stay here, and if you have something to do, you can kill me first."

Zhao Guang, who was listening on the sidelines, gasped when he heard the words.

"You..." Ying Hanri looked at this somewhat unfamiliar younger sister.

"The next words were all overheard when I was knocked out and almost died," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "It was after hearing these words that I awakened to become a practitioner and escaped. Birth day."

"And I will be stolen out of the palace by someone, and I will hear someone talking, brother, do you really have no idea?"

Ying Hanri's pupils contracted.

Only high-level practitioners and immortal officials can do it.

Looking at Ying Hanri whose gaze was vacillating, Ying Baoyue added further anger, "Brother, have you ever wondered why our grandfather is clearly a high-level practitioner, but we are born with no realm at all?"

"Brother Huang, these words must not be heard by the high-level practitioners outside, they will be..."

Before Ying Baoyue finished speaking, Ying Hanri raised his hand.

"Jiang Yong."

"Subordinates are here."

Ying Hanri stared into the eyes of the girl in front of him, and said word by word, "Send the widow an order to have the surrounding immortal officials of rank five or above withdraw from the Ganlu Hall for fifty feet and wait for the order."

"Yes." Jiang Yong replied.

"Also," Ying Hanri continued, "you'll have to watch over the widow later, if the princess behaves abnormally, or someone breaks in, immediately restrain the princess, and take her as a hostage or even take her life in an emergency .”

"Yes, the subordinate has orders."

Jiang Yong's figure temporarily left from outside the gauze curtain, while Zhao Guang looked at the girl in front of him with a slight sideways look, and smiled at where he and Li Ji were in a direction Ying Hanri couldn't see.

She... really did it.

A few words made Ying Hanri change his mind.

No, not a few words.Every word of this girl is inducing the self-proclaimed wise young emperor in front of him.

Step into her carefully crafted stories, or... traps tailored for her.

"Let's go." At this moment, Li Ji's voice came from beside him, and Zhao Guang moved his steps reluctantly.

The woman fulfilled her promise and bought time for them, but for some reason, he wanted to watch how this woman tricked Ying Hanri now rather than visiting the Temple of Manna.

"I can tell you what she said later." Li Ji glanced at him, "If you want to go, go quickly."

Yes, why didn't I expect the second brother to hear it if he wanted to.

After all, a mere fifth-order barrier couldn't stop him.

Zhao Guang moved away excitedly, but as he followed Li Ji up the eaves and over the walls while listening to his brother expressively repeating the conversation between the woman and Ying Hanri, he almost fell off the beam.

This's a pity not to make up stories.

(End of this chapter)

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