Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 97 Story

Chapter 97 Story
The girl made up a story.

A naive princess was assassinated suddenly, she was knocked out and put into a coffin, but she woke up biting the tip of her tongue, and heard the unscrupulous fairy officials talking about the second emperor's ridiculous children who had been confiscated, and didn't know it, the little princess was shocked He wrote down what the fairy official said, and then broke out and kicked the coffin board vigorously to escape, and then fainted and was rescued.After being rescued for half a month, after constantly pondering, the sealed talent was suddenly triggered, and the story of recovering the talent and becoming a practitioner.

The logic is rigorous, well-founded, and can be compared with the testimony of all parties and common sense in the world.

Listening to the girl seriously asking, "Brother Huang, after all, there is no way for ordinary people to become practitioners in this world, is there?"

Hearing this, Zhao Guang couldn't help but want to nod.

So true.

Even if he was a bystander who watched the whole process of the woman's breakthrough, he would have believed it if his second brother hadn't insisted that the woman was an ordinary person.

And in this world, very few people think that they have no talent.

What's more, Ying Hanri, a man who thinks he's very talented.

This is a story that can be said to his heart, Zhao Guang took a deep breath and felt cool behind his back.

What's more, this former King of Qin... was not considered a smart person.

How he will react...isn't hard to guess.

Late at night.

The hall of Ganlu was quiet.

Ying Hanri sat on the edge of the beauty's couch, looking at the girl in front of him with a dazed expression.

"You mean...we are born practitioners?"

"That's right," Ying Baoyue nodded, "It's just that the awakening time is later than ordinary people."

By the way, ordinary born practitioners will awaken their power around the age of five.

"Then... that widow's talent was sealed by those people?" Ying Hanri's eyes were filled with overwhelming anger, watching Ying Baoyue nodded, picked up a tea cup beside him, and fell hard to the ground.

"Hateful! Only the widow knows!" The young emperor cursed bitterly, as if he had finally regained the dignity of the emperor.

He just knew that, as the real dragon of the Ying clan, how could he not have the talent of a practitioner?

Sure enough, he was assassinated by a traitor!

"How dare you delay my cultivation!" Ying Hanri roared angrily, "This crime deserves death!"

"Brother Huang, please calm down." Ying Baoyue looked at him regretfully and said, "It's a pity that my sister is useless, I couldn't hear the voice of the fairy official, and I couldn't remember his face."

"Forget it, it's such a big deal," Ying Hanri waved his hand, "I'm sorry you don't have the ability to know."

Ying Baoyue's expression became more and more ashamed.

"So... the formula you said can really break the seal in the widow's body?" Ying Hanri asked, staring at the girl in front of him, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"Chenmei doesn't know either," Ying Baoyue looked at him in confusion, "but Chenmei had been meditating for half a month, and on the day she saw Lord Guichang about to return to Guiyang, her body suddenly changed while meditating. "

"Really?" Ying Hanri widened his eyes, then looked at her eagerly, "Then what is the content of that formula? Tell me!"

Facing the urgent eyes of the emperor in front of him, Ying Baoyue leaned down slightly.

"Brother Huang, before this, my sister dared to ask for two favors."

Ying Hanri's eager eyes were interrupted, and a little anger welled up, but looking at the trembling younger sister in front of him, he frowned.

"There is no turning back about your marriage. If it is this matter, don't even think about it. Tell me the formula honestly..."

"No," Ying Baoyue shook his head again and again, "I will go for the marriage, and I will share your majesty's worries. The kindness that my sister wants is the other two."

She said solemnly, "I also ask Your Majesty to retract the conscription order, and allow Guichang and Mu Rongyin to reconcile on their own."

Ying Hanri's head grew dizzy after hearing such a long grace, now he only wished to hear the mantra as soon as possible, frowned and thought for a moment.

"Let's leave the conscription first. As for the matter of Guichang's inner house..." Ying Hanri said impatiently, "I'm not a matchmaker, so let them figure it out on their own. I don't have time to intervene."

Ying Baoyue smiled inwardly when she heard the words, and saluted respectfully, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Facing Ying Hanri approaching menacingly, she lightly parted her vermilion lips, "The formula is..."



"Reverse the formula of medicine and combine it with the acrobatic poems in the book." Li Ji stood on the top of the palace wall in the night and looked at the girl beside him. "Is this the formula?"

"What?" Zhao Guang, who was recalling the formula in his mind, was stunned, and looked at Ying Baoyue who was standing on the wall with them, "You made that up?"

"Who knows." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Your second brother's statement has no basis either."

There are also countless kinds of pharmaceutical formulas and acrostic poems in the scriptures.

Zhao Guang was completely speechless.

Thinking of Ying Hanri, who was like a treasure before, he looked at Ying Baoyue, "You really are not afraid that the former king of Qin will come to you after half a month of failure."

"Then he can come to Nanchu to find me." Ying Baoyue said, "You are very welcome."

He really has that courage, and she also has the consciousness to pay the price for what happened tonight.

Zhao Guang choked.

He mourned for Ying Hanri from the bottom of his heart. Ying Hanri was completely immersed in it after the girl said the formula before, and he didn't even care about the girl who resigned on her own and stood on the palace wall with them.

"Let's go." Li Ji's words interrupted Zhao Guang's thoughts.

Zhao Guang patted the dust on his body, and finally said to the girl, "You really don't hesitate to reveal information about your own country to us."

He clearly knew that they were from Soochow, but he didn't mind them wandering around in the palace.

"You didn't get any important information," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "and there is no king in the world."

In her eyes, there is not much difference between Soochow and Former Qin.

"What..." Zhao Guang didn't know what to say about the woman's thoughts.

"Zhao Guang." Li Ji's voice sounded again, and Zhao Guang hurriedly stood beside him, the two were about to jump off the wall, when Ying Baoyue pinched the straw rope in his hand, "Wait a minute, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Li. "

Zhao Guang turned his head, only to see that the woman re-braided the broken straw rope into two strands and walked behind Li Ji.

Zhao Guang watched the girl standing on tiptoes, inserting her fingers into Li Ji's messy black hair, straightening it out in just three or two strokes, and knotting it with a re-braided straw rope.

"Sorry, I broke it before," Ying Baoyue said, "It's just that I don't have a man's headband, so I'll pay you back when I have a chance."

Zhao Guang looked at the slightly stunned elder brother in front of him, and sighed, "He can lose as many hairbands as I give him."

"No need to pay." Li Ji said, and then said again, "Zhao Guang."

Looking at the backs of the two who were about to leave.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "See you by fate."

But some people think that it is better not to see each other again.



Finally, on the last night of leaving Qianqin, at least he has done almost all the things that should be done.

After seeing off the pair of brothers, Ying Baoyue walked towards the Taishi Palace, but before she could reach the gate of the palace, there was a sudden burst of violent beating and cursing outside the palace.

"it was all your fault!"

"How can you be a female official with your virtue! It's because Mrs. Yao was blind back then!"

Listening to the noisy voice, Ying Baoyue frowned.

What's going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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