Chapter 98
The last night in the former Qin Palace might really turn into a sleepless night.

Probably finally found out that the princess was gone. From a distance, the entire Taishi Palace was brightly lit, with countless guards and palace people coming in and out, and there were loud shouts everywhere.

"Your Highness, where are you?"

"Haven't the bricks at the door of the secret passage been removed? You bastard!"

"A bunch of trash, they can't even look down on a woman!"

However, among these shouts and curses one after another, only the voices of a group of women were particularly harsh.

Extraordinarily...full of real emotion.

After all, a large group of people were trembling and running around in and out of the hall, raising their hands from time to time, shouting and weeping bitterly, but they were all so focused on their own roles that they didn't even notice the girl hiding under a tree outside the hall.

Hearing the guards' scolding, even the stones chopped up by the man in black at the entrance of the secret passage in the hall have not been removed yet.

It's really waiting for these people to come to rescue, the princess's bones will be cold.

Rather than finding the princess, the palace people probably wanted to find a scapegoat.

Ying Baoyue stared coldly at the palace ladies who were not so much wrestling as they were beating a female official unilaterally.

Under the cold moonlight of the first quarter moon, in the shadow of the huge pillars outside the Taishi Temple, an atrocity is taking place.

Although she is only waiting for rank ten now, she can somewhat hide her aura. Ying Baoyue took a slight breath and approached the fighting maids.

Maybe it was because she was too focused on beating and scolding, when she quietly walked in front of the group of people, no one of the group of maids noticed, they just kicked the person on the ground with their feet.

The man was thin, with a sharply pointed jaw protruding from under the baggy clothes in the shadows.

Women's hands are naturally not as violent as men's, and even kicking people looks delicate, but Ying Baoyue knows how painful it is to kick the mud clogs worn by court ladies on a mortal body.

kill without spilling blood.

However, during this fierce violence, the female officer on the ground curled up into a bow shape, as if she was holding something firmly in her arms, without saying a word.

Ying Baoyue looked at the thin figure on the ground, her pupils shrank slightly.

It was a thin, middle-aged female official who had already combed herself. She was obviously older among the group of court ladies. She should be respected in the palace according to seniority, but now she rolled on the ground in a mess.However, although it was just a short glance, Ying Baoyue still recognized her as the female official who lifted her bed curtain before.

Compared with the older female officials, the young court ladies around them are more domineering.

"Don't talk again? Her Royal Highness disappeared during your night duty, do you still think you are justified?"

"Madam Yao is gone, do you think you can ride on us when you are old?"

"No one will protect your poor life this time!"

The palace servants who had accompanied Little Princess Baoyue to grow up had been completely cleaned up after the princess disappeared last time.The palace servants sent to serve her tonight were all transferred from other palaces.

Including the cold palace.

Ying Baoyue knows that as a concubine princess with a delicate identity and a criminal record, it is definitely a hot job to take care of her.

The palace people transferred tonight should all have not been doing well in the former Qin Palace.Based on this, the closer a female official is to her, the less popular she will be in the palace.

And this thin female official had been sent to her bed before, and her status in the palace was evident.

And from the yelling and scolding of the maids, Ying Baoyue also learned the reason why this female official is not welcome.It is probably because this female official has been in the palace for more than ten years. She was originally just a low-level court lady, but because of her seniority, she was later valued by a foster nun and became a female official who supervised the palace people.

Since it is the supervisor of the palace, it will naturally catch many shortcomings, and if it is stern and selfless, it will make countless enemies.

And three years ago, the nun who promoted this female official passed away due to illness, and this female official's natural resentment broke out and became the target of public criticism.

Living in the palace, isn't he a smooth master?
Seeing the female official being beaten without making a sound, the other court ladies seemed even more annoyed. The leading young court lady grabbed the man on the ground by her hair and lifted her up, revealing her bruised face and her pregnant face. A corner of something.

That's a bag of tricks.

It looks very old, but it is neatly folded, and there are finger marks on it, which is enough to show how much her master cherishes it.

The female officer's pale thin lips were so tight that she could hear the creaking of her teeth just by looking at her.

Is a stubborn person.

But just when this kit was pulled out, the middle-aged female official who had been silent all this time suddenly struggled violently.

"Don't touch it!" For the first time under the moonlight, the woman's face showed strong emotional fluctuations. Her originally numb eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot. The key was kicked.

"Hey, I know you, a woman, only care about this thing!"

"I've wanted to know for a long time, what is in the treasure you carry all day long! Land deeds? Bank notes?"

Seeing the reaction from the woman on the ground, the surrounding maids suddenly became excited.

"Sister Gui, you and her roommate don't even know what you're pretending to be?"

"This woman didn't even ask for money when she begged her before, but I want to see what she's hiding!"

The thick maid stretched out her hand to snatch it, but the thin woman got such great strength from nowhere, the veins in her hands were bulging, and she held on tightly, her eyes suddenly shot out a cold light, as if she was in the snow. A lone wolf stared at the maid.

Ying Baoyue, who was about to step forward, paused, suddenly a white light flashed in his mind, and he was stunned for a moment.

these eyes...

Where has she been seen?

"You, you bitch, how dare you look at me like that? Who gave you the courage?" At this moment, the chubby maid's face twitched with anger.Picking up the woman's head is about to hit the pillar!

The timid palace maid covered her eyes and quietly let go of her fingers, waiting to see the bloody scene.

The thin woman tightly hugged the brocade bag in her arms, as if she only cared about this thing. The palace maid who was holding her hair had a look of cruelty in her eyes, and she used all her strength to hit her head against the pillar, and it seemed that she was about to hit it. A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, the next moment, her ferocious smile froze on her lips.

There was a muffled crash.

It wasn't the crisp crashing sound that the other court ladies imagined.

Covering her eyes, she let go of her hand, and stared blankly at the picture in front of her. The thin female officer who closed her eyes slowly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of her.

The expected sharp pain did not come, but was replaced by an extremely soft touch.

The young court lady who had just flaunted her might was staring blankly at the white hand placed between the woman's forehead and the pillar.

Just at the moment when the knife was sharp and flint, when the woman's head in her hand was about to hit the pillar, a hand was inserted horizontally for no reason, and it cushioned the female officer's head.

"Who cares..."

Following that pure white wrist upwards, the maid's annoyed voice became softer and her eyes opened wider and wider.

"your Highness?"

"How is it possible, how could His Highness walk without making a sound, she... huh?"

"Your Highness..."


"When will Your Highness..."

A court lady sat down on the ground with a plop, and then there were sounds of panic and hurried confessions from all directions.

However, amidst the commotion, Ying Baoyue just stared at the face of the limp woman beside the pillar.

who is she?

In those ungraspable memories, I once...

have you seen her?

(End of this chapter)

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