Chapter 99
The sense of familiarity passed in an instant, like quicksand between fingers.

Looking back suddenly, there was only a blank space.

Ying Baoyue has retrieved most of the memories, but only one memory.

She couldn't remember anything.

At this moment, the trembling voices of the court ladies came from the ground.

"Your Highness, you... where have you been? The slaves can't find you anyway..."

"Why don't you make a sound when you come back, so that the servants can go to welcome..."

"Your Highness, how did you get your clothes..."

"Your Highness, you are back. This servant will go and report to the Captain, and let the Captain tell His Majesty..."

In the name of a report, several maids got up and quickly ran into the hall, making the others get up slowly and secretly annoyed, while the fat maid who was at the head knelt on the ground and glanced at the man who was trying to turn over and bow down beside the pillar. The thin female officer looked up at Ying Baoyue, who was still leaning on the pillar, with a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"Your Highness, Miss Yao is not good at serving her, and this servant is furious for a while, and is trying to help you..."

"Teach her for Ben Gong?" Ying Baoyue recovered and looked at her lightly.

Under the moonlight, the young girl's eyes were dim, but they seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, sending a chill down her spine.

In that gaze, the fat maid who was kneeling on the ground and secretly beating her leg with one hand was taken aback for a moment.

This is not the look of the princess she is familiar with who always looks around.

Everyone in the palace knows that Princess Baoyue is always a good master, especially afraid of those old mothers in the palace.As long as the voice of the palace is loud enough, the little princess will lose her mind and be speechless in a panic and can only be at the mercy of the palace maid.

But at this moment, looking at the girl who was holding the pillar in front of her and walking quietly behind them, the fat palace lady felt for the first time that those rumors in the palace might be false.

She even felt that if she said something wrong, she would die here.

"Slave... Slave..." The fat palace maid trembled and lowered her head instinctively, "Slave is just..."

"Your Highness... Thank you just now, Your Highness..." At this moment, a weak voice sounded, and the thin female officer carefully put the kit around her waist first, and then bent down to worship.

Ying Baoyue's eyes lingered on the kit bag at her waist for a moment, and a strange feeling appeared in her heart.

The next moment she looked away, looking at the court lady who was kneeling on the ground, Ying Baoyue said lightly, "If there is a lynching in the palace, Qin Lv will have his own judgment."

The court ladies kneeling on the ground trembled and looked up at Ying Baoyue in disbelief, "Your Highness, you..."

This princess will leave the palace tomorrow, and it stands to reason that no matter what happens, it is impossible to make a big move. They dared to be so indulgent today. How could she...

How could Qin Law be mentioned?

In this palace, no one has heard the word Qin Lu for a long time.

The unfavored concubine can be trampled on by the court ladies at will, and the palace people in the womb of the favored concubine can kill people at will, but they are just carried out and buried.

Where is the law of Qin?
"Your Highness..." The thin female official on the ground held the brocade bag at her waist, raised her head and stared blankly at the girl standing by the pillar.

"With your rank, you could have dealt with them yourself, Ms. Yao." Ying Baoyue looked at her and said quietly.

"13 people."

The woman who was called Lady Yao by other palace people was shocked, and she instantly understood what the number was.

This is the number of maids who surrounded her just now.

The other maids on the ground trembled, and the fat maid at the head looked at the little princess in disbelief.

There was chaos just now, many people ran fast, but no one expected that this girl remembered everyone with just one glance.

"The law is clear, the virtuous must not take the unworthy, the strong must not invade the weak, and the many must not oppress the few."

Ying Baoyue took off the earrings around her ears, put them in the palm of Miss Yao, and said quietly under the woman's trembling gaze, "Qin Law No. 40 Nine Series No. 18 Jian, you decide whether to punish them or not."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the Taishi Hall, stood at the entrance of the hall and looked back at the female officer wearing a bag, "Could you come to my bedroom when you're done, I have something to ask you."



The distant sky has turned pale.

Ms. Yao limped into the dusty but finally quiet Taishi Palace bedroom, staring blankly at the girl sitting on the broken stone and wood with her knees hugged.

The entire hall was empty, and she knew when she came in that the girl had pushed everyone away.

In the faint light before dawn, looking at the unusual girl, the middle-aged woman was in a trance for a moment.

When have you ever seen such a scene?
"You're here," Ying Baoyue looked at her, "Are you done?"

Lady Yao woke up like a dream, and immediately knelt down respectfully, holding the green earrings in her palms and lifting them up.

"Thank you, Your Highness, it's over."

After a pause, the woman replied, "All in accordance with the laws of Qin."

Not a trace of heaviness, nor a trace of lightness, nor a trace of revenge.

Ying Baoyue had already received a letter from the other side to ask for her opinion when the woman left the court legal department.

It seems that this is obviously the first time there has encountered such an impartial and unbiased jurisprudence.

After all, if the nobles in the palace were really offended, even a drop of stain on their beloved clothes would be enough to punish them to death.

This has been the case since the second emperor, but there are nobles who want to stand up for the maids but ask them to follow the laws of Qin?
Really haven't seen it for ten years.

Ying Baoyue jumped down from the pile of bricks and tiles, walked up to Lady Yao, picked up her palm earrings and put them back on her ears, then said quietly.

"Get up. You don't need to kneel if it's not a big deal. It's inconvenient to talk."

Lady Yao looked up in confusion, but still got up and saluted again, "His Royal Highness, may I ask that you said you were looking for a slave... yes..."

Ying Baoyue found a rock and sat down again, looked at the woman in front of her, her eyes slightly slid to the bag around her waist, and the next moment the female officer who noticed her gaze became visibly nervous.

"You were protected even when you were beaten before. What is this? Will you tell me?"

The originally respectful female officer clenched her lips, struggling in her eyes, "Your Highness, this is not valuable, it's just..."

Really stubborn.

I'm afraid that even the emperor would not be able to take away this life-saving bag from her.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "If you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it, I have no intention of stealing people's privacy."

"Your Highness..." Lady Yao raised her head in a daze.

She was really not used to calling herself this Gong, so Ying Baoyue finally decided to give up this calling in private.

"I want to ask you, how many years ago, when you were young, did you enter the palace, and where did you work in the palace?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Lady Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then she thought about it seriously, "Your Highness, this servant entered the palace ten years ago at the age of 13. As for where to work..." The woman lowered her head in shame, "When this servant first entered the palace, she was only The rough envoy of the housewife."

Ying Baoyue understood.

There is no fixed place for cleaning maids, and they are responsible for the dirtiest and most tiring work in each palace. Naturally, they can't be called as errands in the palace, and they can't even see the nobles.

Naturally, it is have any great intersection with the princess.

"Your Highness?"

During the long silence, Ms. Yao secretly raised her head, but looked at the girl in front of her in a daze when she heard the words.

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, then looked at the emaciated female officer in front of her, took a deep breath and spoke.

"There is something I want to ask about your wishes."

"Would you like to go to Nanchu with me?"



It was dawn, and the long night was over.

In the morning light, a not-so-majestic but passable guard of honor had been set up in front of the former Qin Palace.

In front of the Ganlu Hall, Ying Hanri was dressed in black clothes and a heavenly crown on his head, while the officials behind him were wearing mountain crowns, magic crowns and military crowns, robes and ribbons, looking solemnly at the young man standing The girl before the emperor.

Witness the separation of the empire's sun and moon.

Even the solemn dress couldn't hide the dark circles under Ying Hanri's eyes, the man in front of him looked at Ying Baoyue and said slowly.

"When you get married today, I hope that you will take the well-being of the people as your own responsibility, and you will help your husband and teach your children, so as to end the century-old friendship between the former Qin and Southern Chu."

She is really responsible.

Ying Baoyue, who was dressed in heavy clothes, looked at him quietly and bowed.

"Chenmei is gone, please take care of the emperor."

"Well," Ying Hanri nodded in relief, looking at Ying Baoyue's figure who turned and left, his eyes relaxed for a moment, but the next moment he seemed to remember something, and suddenly took a step forward.



Ying Baoyue stopped in her tracks. Why, there was something I forgot to say about such a solemn farewell ceremony?
"There is something, the widow must let you know the severity."

Ying Baoyue turned her head, only to see Ying Hanri looking at her with a complicated expression behind her.

"You should know that Ying Xun is also in Nanchu. He will come out for a few days at the Southern Chu's primary ceremony. You and him have never been on good terms. Don't provoke him. If he comes to provoke you..."

Ying Hanri paused, his eyes piercingly cold, "Don't get entangled with him."

Ying Baoyue was stunned when she heard the words, then nodded, "Sister Chen remembers."

Ying Xun...

Ying Baoyue looked up at the rising sun in the sky, and when she heard the name, her expression was a little complicated.

No matter what happened, how could she care about him.

After all, Ying Xun...

It's her son.

 "The law is clear, so that the virtuous will not seize the unworthy, the strong will not invade the weak, and the many will not oppress the few." - Han Fei of the Warring States Period, "Han Feizi Shou Dao"

  It means: the legal system is clear, the virtuous cannot seize the unvirtuous, the strong cannot harass the weak, and the many cannot bully the few.

(End of this chapter)

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