Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 984 Trading

Chapter 984 Trading
Ying Baoyue raised his brows slightly, "Didn't Your Majesty guess it early? Otherwise, why did you let all the hidden guards withdraw?"

She smiled and said, "Are you not afraid that a monster like me will assassinate the King of Soochow?"

The reason why she is not afraid of the hidden guards in Zhao Muren's palace is because she knows that once she reveals her true identity, Zhao Muren will definitely settle accounts with her first, rather than kill her.

Looking at the awkward face of the man in front of her, she knew that this man was also sure that the real she would not kill him, so she dared to ask the hidden guards to go out.

Although they dislike each other, they trust each other in some things even they themselves don't want to admit.

"Did you assassinate it?" Zhao Muren was as stubborn as ever, and the coercion of the mature king spread in the palace. He looked at Ying Baoyue and sneered, "A mere sixth-level cultivator, a widow will crush you!" Killing you is like crushing an ant."

"You're too trusting," Ying Baoyue frowned, "Son of God doesn't even dare to say that. This is the realm that I finally came back from cultivation."

He actually dared to look down on her, it was intolerable.

"That's why the Son of God won't even look at you, isn't it rare for you to be laughed at?" Zhao Muren's eyes showed a hint of pleasure, and he thought that you have today, and he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to pinch her neck. Yue moved to the side, and the man's big hand was empty.

"Sorry, I can't pinch anyone," she smiled, a red light flashed on her chest, "If you don't want to lose your hand, please stand still, Your Majesty."

Zhao Muren stared at the red light on her chest, "What is this?"

"It's me who became Ying Baoyue," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said calmly.

Zhao Muren withdrew his hand and looked at her with gloomy eyes, "Are the names exactly the same?"

After a pause, the man said coldly, "It's really disgusting."

I don't know if it's because of her disgusting situation or because of the disgusting person who named the former princess of Qin.

"Hey, that's enough for you," Ying Baoyue frowned and stared at him, "You don't have virtue in your mouth, no wonder you are still a bachelor."

Men on the Shanhai Continent get engaged at the age of 13 and get married at the age of 15. Ordinary people become grandfathers at Zhao Muren's age.

But this annoying man became more and more moody in this palace.

However, to Ying Baoyue's surprise, being ridiculed in such a way, the moody king should have become even more furious, but Zhao Muren calmed down with a hiss like a pot of coke being poured into a bowl of water.

"You...really her?" Zhao Muren asked forcibly suppressing the disgust in his heart.

"Who is it?" Ying Baoyue looked at him speechlessly. Did this person regard her as the hope of getting out of the single?

"Who does Your Majesty think I am?" She asked lightly, "Aren't you afraid to say it?"

Zhao Muren stared at her, and squeezed out the name that he would never forget from between his teeth.

"Lin, Bao, Yue."

"Hey," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I am."

Although it was a little unexpected, Zhao Muren guessed her identity when she greeted her earlier.

To be honest, it was not part of her plan to actively reveal her identity to Zhao Muren. Unlike Ji Qingyuan and others, Zhao Muren, as the king of a country and her old enemy in her previous life, was not someone she would trust.

But it is really difficult to get around him to get the water-avoiding beads, unless she asks Li Ji for help, but Li Ji will definitely pay more, and she really doesn't want to owe him any more favors.

Zhao Guang later revealed that Li Ji's marriage proposal at the primary ceremony had used up his only chance to avoid death before the King of Soochow.

In addition, at the Dachao meeting today, she used her own swordsmanship under Xu Bingqing's sword, Zhao Muren should have suspected her if he was not blind.

Then it's better for her to take the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper.

As she expected, Zhao Muren had indeed guessed who she was.

Even if you think of her as a monster...

"Your Majesty has already guessed who I am," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"Can I not guess it?" Zhao Muren looked into her eyes and said lightly, "I only know one person who can use holy swordsmanship."

"You'd better stop calling me by that name," Ying Baoyue raised his forehead, "This name is too high school."

It's not that her master read too many fantasy novels in her previous life, so she encouraged Emperor Ying to come up with such a name.

Wind, fire, water and thunder, on the basis of the Shanmen sword, there is a higher standard of swordsmanship.

If it is said that the first sword of fire method and the first sword of water method can be divided into upper, middle and lower classes according to the order of sword moves, on the basis of these three classes, there are also holy class and god class.

Of course, in today's world, young practitioners generally believe that these two sword techniques are just ideals in the classics.

Just like the rule of the last three generations touted by great Confucians, it is something that has been lost.

"The widow thinks this name is quite good," Zhao Muren said indifferently, "After all, only those who can use holy-level swordsmanship are worthy of being called a sword master."

Ying Baoyue's eyes paused slightly, "That Northern Wei Sword Master, do you know who he is?"

"How could the widow know," Zhao Mu said humanely, "that person doesn't usually go down the mountain, and even the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty couldn't invite him out. I don't know if this sword master is called out by himself or by bribing a few ordinary people. I don't know where he got out of." A person who is trying to catch fame."

The Juggernaut may be a fake, but Shao Siming is real gold.

If he hadn't been following Li Meiniang outside the customs, and accidentally ran into Lin Baoyue practicing swords, he would have never thought that Emperor Taizu's so-called ideal of swordsmanship could be realized by someone.

Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment. Counting Zhao Muren's accident, only five people in the world had seen her original swordsmanship.

It must have been lost by now.

In fact, Meng Shi has only mastered half of the move Yuemanxilou, which is also a holy-level swordsmanship.

But if it is not completely mastered, it is not considered to have a successor.

"Okay, don't change the subject, let's talk about yourself," Zhao Muren folded his arms and looked at her coldly, "What's the matter with you? Are you seizing your house or are you really bewitched?"

In other words, is she a human or a ghost?
Ying Baoyue briefly introduced her own rebirth and a series of experiences from the former Qin Dynasty to the Southern Chu Dynasty, omitting some details, and focused on mentioning that she lost a lot of memories, including the time related to the disappearance of the Azure Dragon God. that part.

"Do you think that a word of amnesia can lightly reveal everything?" After hearing these narrations, Zhao Muren sneered, feeling that at most she could only half believe what she said.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it," Ying Baoyue spread his hands, "Oh, by the way, Li Ji and Ji Jiashu are outside, if I don't go out, they will be anxious, let's make a long story short and get down to business."

"You can do it, and let the widowed Lord Zhaohua and Lord Nanchu Chunhua drive you." Zhao Muren's eyes became colder, which meant that if he couldn't give the whole continent a legitimate reason, he couldn't keep her here tonight. down.

"That's mutual help between friends," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Does Your Majesty want to keep me tonight? May I ask what reason do you want?"

What reason does he have?Zhao Muren was furious when he heard the words.

If Ying Baoyue's identity is exposed, will it hurt his sweetheart who may still be alive?If he severely punishes the ex-Qin princess who is showing off today for the crime of breaking into the palace, will it cause chaos in the city again?

Ruyang City is already chaotic enough.

This woman has spotted his trick!

Zhao Muren looked at her coldly, "What are you doing here tonight?"

"I want to borrow something from His Majesty," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "it's not much, it's just a bead called water-avoiding bead."

Her big face said that she didn't borrow much, this is their Soochow's national treasure!

"Why should I lend you the widow?" Zhao Muren sneered, "Does the widow look so generous?"

"I knew His Majesty would definitely say that," Ying Baoyue said seriously.

"So let's make a deal."

 The rule of the last three generations: the ideal form of ancient politics, some say it refers to the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and some say it refers to the three generations of Yao, Shun and Yu, and the good governance of the three generations of kings, which embodies the retro-ism tendency of Confucius "laws and kings".

(End of this chapter)

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