Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 985

Chapter 985
"Deal?" Zhao Muren had a half-smile on his face, "What else can you offer now?"

The most commendable thing about Shao Siming's previous life was her swordsmanship and cultivation realm, but he heard clearly just now, she said that she had forgotten everything in her life, and she didn't even have the talent to practice fire swords, so she could only start from the water method school. .

Although she has reached the ground level now, three months ago, she was a useless person.

"What does Your Majesty want?" Ying Baoyue took a deep look at him.

"You always know what the widow wants," Zhao Muren also looked at her deeply, with an indifferent expression, but he had already changed his name.

"The only thing I want, you know from beginning to end."

The only person in this world who can trade this thing is this woman who died eight years ago.

Only she can make another proud woman bow her head willingly.

"If you want another scar on your face, just say so." Ying Baoyue sat on the bed and stretched her legs, rubbing the knuckles on her hands, "I remember I taught you that feelings cannot be traded, this will only push Mei Niang more and more. Far."

"I know this kind of thing!" Zhao Muren said angrily, "I just want to know where she is now!"

Who does this woman think of him?
Such a thing... It's not like he didn't think about it.

Feelings can't be traded?This woman's thinking is as innocent and ridiculous as ever.In the nomads north of the Great Wall of Eternal Night, women are family property. Although the Great Wall is not so barbaric, marriage is the basic method for aristocratic families. As the lord of a country, he only needs to use some means...

Well, for Li Meiniang, who has been expelled from the family tree and is proficient in the art of concealment, even though she has the power of the emperor, he really has nothing to do with her.

Zhao Muren touched the scar on his face, "It's good that I didn't settle accounts with you, you still dare to mention this scar brazenly, now you have the ability to touch me again?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Can you find Dongfang Yi to get rid of this scar? Why is it still there? Now you understand that feelings can't be traded?"

"Don't talk to me about these sour stories!" Zhao Muren said impatiently, "I don't know where she is. If I knew, I would have snatched her back!"

Nine years ago, when Shao Siming left the frontier and Yinchanwei lost the protection of the commander, he wanted to do this!

But at that time, Da Siming went to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to stabilize the situation, so he could only endure it.

Eight years ago, the news of Shao Siming's death came, but Da Siming still stayed in the frontier. He had no chance to do anything, until the news of the death of Da Siming and the Second Emperor came out at the same time seven years ago, the mountains, seas and continents were in chaos, and the entire Soochow was disrupted. into troubled times.

He managed to stabilize the situation in the court, but there was no news of General Plum Blossom in the frontier.

There were rumors that Yin Chanwei had all died for the Lord, but he didn't believe it.

Zhao Muren looked directly at the girl sitting on the bed, because he knew that she would not allow such a thing to happen.

Whether she herself is alive or dead.

Zhao Muren's tone was harsh, but Ying Baoyue stared at him, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

Lu Yao knew that Ma Ma could see people's hearts for a long time, and what this man said was harsh, but she understood that it was just a dead duck with a hard mouth.

If Zhao Muren really wanted to know Li Meiniang's whereabouts so much, there was actually a way, such as... grab Jin Niang and force her out of the mountain.

"Mei Niang, I don't know where she is," Ying Baoyue looked at him deeply, "but there is a girl named Li Jinniang among the people who came to Soochow with me this time."

Zhao Muren's pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment he turned his head away, "I'm not interested in her sister."

He knew what she was trying to test him. It's not that he didn't think of this method when he was most anxious. Anyway, he just took Li Jinniang as a cover, and he wouldn't really hurt a little girl.

But he knew that if he really used this despicable method, his and Meiniang's lives would be over.

Sure enough, this person is just stubborn, Ying Baoyue looked at the man who opened the conversation, and smiled slightly in his heart.

People's hearts change, but there are things in this world that don't change.

"But having said that, I really don't know where Mei Niang is," Ying Baoyue said seriously, "Even if she hides, she should stay in the north. I have never been to the north in my life."

With her current state, if she went to the north, let alone looking for someone, she might not be able to protect herself.

Zhao Muren frowned, "Don't you have any way of contact?"

If a person can be resurrected from the dead, isn't the first thing to do is to contact the previous forces?

Lou Xiaolou also questioned this question.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "I don't need any special method to contact them."

"Then..." Zhao Muren's eyes lit up, but Ying Baoyue raised a hand to stop what he was going to say, "But I can't get in touch now, the time has not yet come."

Nonsense, this woman is just looking for reasons to prevaricate him!
"Mei Niang... isn't she dead?" Zhao Muren was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking.

I hadn't seen him in ten years, and the man's eyes had already had fine lines, but his eyes were as nervous as a boy's, waiting anxiously for the answer to the question that had tortured him for nearly ten years.

"I can only tell you that she will not seek death," Ying Baoyue looked up at him, "but..."

They all understood what was not said later.With such a harsh environment and behavior at the border, it is difficult for a female cultivator to survive, and they know it well.

"That's enough," Zhao Muren lowered his eyes slightly, and the next moment he had regained the majesty of the emperor, "Since you can't get what I want, how dare you make a deal with me?"

"I can't get what you want, but I can bring benefits to the King of Soochow." Ying Baoyue said seriously, "What I want to do is also for this country."

If he really put gold on his face, Zhao Muren couldn't help sarcastically saying, "Isn't Dongwu being hurt bad enough by you?"

Losing the protection of the beast god is equivalent to cutting off the lifeline of a country. It is not too long now. If the Azure Dragon God really does not appear again in ten or twenty years, Soochow may really die in his generation!

"It's just an apocalypse, why do you all guess out of thin air that I killed the Azure Dragon God?" Ying Baoyue said helplessly, "No one thought about it, maybe I saved it?"

"Oh?" Zhao Muren's eyes paused, and he said expressionlessly, "Where is the Azure Dragon God now?"

This is simply a dead end.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and decided not to dwell on this question, but the next moment she suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhao Muren with a frown.

"By the way, when I was in the former Qin Dynasty, I heard that Soochow had converted to believe in Yinglong, so where is the God of Yinglong? Why is the altar for offering sacrifices to the gods in Jianzhang Palace empty?"

The eight beast gods are Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, Xuanwu, Tengshe, Baigou, Yinglong and Gouchen.

When she had just been revived in Guijia Xiaoyuan, she did hear Guichen say that after the Azure Dragon God disappeared, Soochow used to believe in Yinglong, who was a lower status among the Eight Beast Gods, in order to avoid the destruction of the country and species.

But when she arrived in Southern Chu to participate in the primary ceremony, she also met many practitioners from Soochow, but no one mentioned Yinglong God, and Zhao Guang and others did not attract divine enlightenment during the sacrificial dance.

After arriving in Soochow, she has never seen any decorations related to Yinglong.

How is this going?

She originally thought it was Gui Chendao's hearsay, until she saw the brass and copper mirrors surrounded by four sides on the altar today.

Yinglong, named Gengchen, is a winged dragon in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is the true dragon and the ancestor of the dragon clan in Chinese tradition, also known as Huanglong.

In other words, Yinglong is yellow.

Those brass and bronze mirrors are the evidence that Soochow once offered sacrifices to Yinglong.

But those bronze mirrors have been covered with dust, and the whole altar has been in disrepair for a long time.

What the hell happened?
"You want to know?" Zhao Muren looked at her with low eyes.

 Soochow's national fortune is quite tragic.

  Guichen mentioned in the first volume Chapter 9 Losing God that Soochow has now converted to Yinglong as respect. If you don’t remember it, you can go back and have a look

(End of this chapter)

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