When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 1 The Debris Flow in the Live Streaming World

Chapter 1 The Debris Flow in the Live Streaming World


Binding succeeded...

A faint electronic sound was mixed in Shenge's slightly empty live broadcast room.

Of course, Shengge was unaware of all this quietly happening.

Well, she is an internet anchor.

In this ever-changing Internet era where countless people are trying their best every day to attract attention, the anchor Shengge's work is a bit shabby.

First, Shengge is not trying to be cute.

Second, Shengge doesn't have a hot body that makes people nosebleed.

Third, playing, playing and singing is not good.

However, this live broadcast room of hers has survived countless ups and downs and survived in a stable (shaky) existence.

Not for anything else, but because Sheng Ge is a top student and she can help others with their homework.

Even Shengge's humble live broadcast room has existed for several years, but no one knows what she looks like.

Well, she wears a mask to help people with homework in every live broadcast.

It's not that she deliberately turned everyone's appetites on purpose, it's just that her parents can't afford to lose this person.

Shengge's family is well-off, so she doesn't need her to show her face at all, and it's okay to live in a pigsty with rich clothes and fine food.

Of course, Shengge has always done the same.

But life is always boring, so Sheng Ge, which came out of nowhere, became a mudslide in the live broadcasting world.

While others are dancing in short skirts, she is solving difficult problems.

When others are singing love songs, she is biting her pen.

When others were laughing, she was writing hard.

Of course, she will show Chinese Kung Fu from time to time.

That's right, she is a simple and rude academic bully.


This is what the flowing audience and the iron Shengge are talking about.

Year after year, Shengge sent away countless primary and middle school students, and the live broadcast room stood proudly.

After solving the last question of the day, Shengge stretched and took off his mask.

Hmph, aren't these students being too stingy, can't the rewards be so much?
Looking at the income that is about to be received today, it seems that you can eat a bowl of Mala Tang for [-] yuan.

She should be content, it's better than not being able to afford even a skewer before.

Fortunately, I don't need to make money from live broadcasts, otherwise I would really starve to death.

"Hey, what's the matter, Mom?" Shengge, who was about to take a break, saw the fatal serial calls on the muted phone.

Taking a deep breath, he looked like he was facing an enemy.

"Xiao Ge, your third aunt has found you a blind date. I heard that she is a sea turtle. Let's meet up this weekend..."

Sure enough, I don't know when my mother's every phone call was to force a blind date.

25 years old, old?


But in the eyes of my mother, she is simply a fighter among the leftover girls, a leftover fighter, and a leftover to the end.

"Mom, I'm afraid it won't work this weekend. You also know the homework of the students on weekends..."

"Are you still working on your horrible live broadcast? A month's salary is not worth a single lipstick of yours."

"Don't refuse, or your living expenses will be cut off."

Without giving Shengge a chance to explain, he simply hung up the phone.

The cost of living is indeed the killer feature.

Think about the eighteen times I have been on blind dates, tall and short, fat and thin, white and black, all kinds of crooked melons and split dates, all kinds of scenery in four seasons.

When most people hear that she is an internet anchor, their conditioned reflex turns off the lights.

A small portion of the rest fled upon hearing of her income from a bowl of hot and sour noodles.

The worst thing is that the blind date doesn't pay the bill...

Oh, don't take bean buns as dry food, and don't take hot and sour noodles as delicacy.

A blind date means she has to settle the bill again, and she really has nothing to love in life.

"Ding, do you want to get promoted and raise your salary, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of your life?"

Shengge, who was thinking about it, was stunned for a moment, her first thought was that she forgot to turn off the live broadcast.

After all, such so-called live broadcast accidents are very common on the Internet. Somebody forgot to turn off the camera while taking a shower...

Shengge checked carefully, such a low-level mistake would never happen to her.

auditory hallucinations

But before she could lie down, the electronic sound came to mind again.

Marry Bai Fumei?
In no mood……

This girl is female, likes men, and must be a beauty.

"Who is talking?" Sheng Ge thought it was some kind of prank she didn't know.

"Hello host, I am the live broadcast system 001, of course you can also call me by my nickname Dandan."

The electronic sound seemed to be trying to show a playful feeling, but it was counterproductive, and it abruptly made Shengge get goosebumps all over.

"Don't call me a host, unless you're a parasite."

Shengge's spirit of being a top student was instantly awakened, and he corrected Dandan's words solemnly.

As an anchor of Xueba, Shengge upholds a rigorous scientific attitude to put an end to all unrealistic fantasies.

001 was taken aback for a moment, this host was really beautiful and refined.

If Shengge knew what 001 was thinking, she would be pissed. You think you are a domineering president.

These days the domineering president is getting more and more difficult to mess with, there are always inexplicable creatures running out to grab lines.

"Host, do you want to..."

"Do not want to."

Shengge categorically refused, then put on earplugs and covered the quilt to get ready to sleep.

No matter what kind of prank he is, he can't hear it when he is asleep.

"Does the host want to get rid of the blind date and marry Gao Fushuai?"

001 turned around a few times and finally realized what went wrong with him just now.

Get rid of the blind date?

Marry Gao Fushuai?
Shengge felt as if he was about to fall.

These two conditions are more attractive than the other, but it's a pity that they are all illusions.

Shengge felt that he must have collapsed from solving the equation just now...

"This is not an illusion..."

001 Ba La Ba La explained for a long time, and Sheng Ge gradually believed it.

No matter how tightly she plugged her ears, this electronic sound could still clearly appear in her mind.

Black technology...

"why me."

Xueba can always carry forward the spirit of inquiring to the extreme.

"Because the host really loves live broadcasting. He doesn't rejoice with things or feel sorry for himself. It's a clean stream."

Hehehe, Shengge simply didn't know whether 001 was praising her or scolding her.

In the final analysis, isn't it just a sentence that you know you won't make money and you won't turn back?
"Can I return it?"

Shengge felt that in order not to be entangled by this weird thing, she could reluctantly show her thighs and not be this clean stream.

Why didn't anyone tell her that being a top student is still risky.


"Host, why do you want to return the product? Haven't you never had a job? It just so happens that you can treat the live broadcast as a job."

"It should be a happy thing to work on a hobby, right?"

It was said that Sheng Ge just wanted to roll her eyes, whoever said she likes live broadcasting, she is just lazy and late-stage cancer, she just doesn't want to move.

"Don't call me a host, I can't stand having parasites on my body."

Really love life, don't be a bully.

(End of this chapter)

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