When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 2 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 2 Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry ([-])


Without warning, Shengge's live broadcast tour began.

If you say that the only consolation is that her mother like the Queen Mother will not see her such a sad face.

001 presented her with an invincible live broadcast room that claims to boast of time and space in the universe, but unfortunately, the number of viewers in this live broadcast room is zero.

"Shengge, you can live broadcast through different time and space, and you will definitely become fat."

"Don't worry, all income will be [-]% to [-]%, you will be [-]% and I will be [-]%."

For a lazy person like Sheng Ge, since he couldn't resist, then let nature take its course.

Of course, the premise of letting nature take its course is that she doesn't even know that she is really fat.


"Damn, come out for me."

Seeing the reflection in the lake, Shengge almost scared himself to death.

Dirty curly lotus pods hang over the mouth, ears like cattail fans show golden eyes.The fangs are as sharp as steel files, and the long mouth is open like a brazier.

Although she was wearing clothes, her chubby belly was like a woman about to give birth, and she couldn't even hide it.

Looking at this appearance, Sheng Ge could only think of fat head, big ears, and very greasy.

As a schoolmaster who grew up watching Journey to the West (it seems that he accidentally exposed his age), he is very familiar with this look.

Zhu Bajie...

Shengge really experienced the feeling of wanting to cry but not crying.

It turned out that this was the true meaning of the fat and oily mouth Erdan said, and she thought she would become a rich woman.

Rich woman = fat woman?
Such a gap made it difficult for Shengge to accept.

"Shengge, I'm not a jerk." 001 corrected angrily.

Hehehe, you still dare to get angry.

It's hard to accept that anyone can turn into a pig in the blink of an eye, okay?

Either you are completely a pig, or you are completely a human, half human, half pig, what is going on?

No, Shengge thought about it, little brother Bajie has changed 36 times.

I change, I change...

Shengge felt that she was about to be useless, why Zhu Bajie could pretend to be a human being to cheat marriage in Gao Laozhuang, but she couldn't change.

People often say that the same person does not have the same fate, but now she has become Zhu Bajie...

"Damn, do you have something else to hide from me?"

Live broadcast, who stipulates that as a bystander, you can't live broadcast?

Hehehe, is it possible that the feeling of being on the scene will be more wonderful?
"It's true that there are so many small things that are hidden from you..." Because of his guilty conscience, 001 no longer bothers about the name.

"Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance..."

"There is a wish completion plug-in installed in the live broadcast system, so, so..."

Listening to 001's stuttering voice, Shengge could already imagine the appearance of a shy little beauty clutching her clothes in a state of anxiety.

What to do, the girl who is a top student is heartbroken.

"Ninety one points, I ninety you one." Shengge, who felt hurt, started the journey of bargaining.

Hmph, depression needs a lot of income to soothe.

"Do you want to be so ruthless, Shengge, the little one needs enough energy to maintain the safety of your space-time travel."

Shengge has a cold face, but this girl doesn't listen.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-eight..." Seeing that Sheng Ge was unmoved, 001 gritted his teeth, and finally said this sentence.

"Deal." A sly light flashed in Sheng Ge's eyes, Xiao Mian, I want you to plot against this girl again.

Shengge touched his big nose, and smiled distortedly, since it's here, let's be at ease.

"Damn, what wish does Zhu Bajie have?"

Shengge really doesn't understand what's so good about live broadcasting the process of helping others fulfill their wishes.

Can this girl go back to her old job as a school bully helping people with their homework?

"Zhu Bajie doesn't want to learn the scriptures, he wants to marry Gao Cuilan, and then return to the Heavenly Court to be the Marshal of the Canopy."

"The drunken play fairy was demoted to the mortal world to practice again. He admits that he has failed, but the animal way can only be regarded as a mistake. He wants to put his fate in order again."

"The most important thing is that he has to keep up with Gao Cuilan as he is now."

Shengge blinked his eyes, so ambitious.

But, are you sure it's not embarrassing her?
Gao Cuilan wanted to marry a pig because she couldn't bear it...


"Change the task, I don't think I can complete it."

Put yourself in the shoes, if she were Gao Cuilan, she wouldn't be able to be with Zhu Bajie.

It's not that I hate her, I can only say that she is a complete face dog, otherwise she wouldn't have been single for so many years.

"Shengge, you are Zhu Bajie now, is it really okay for you to despise yourself?"

001 didn't think that Bajie's appearance was so unsightly. The world is full of wonders, and this can only be said to be characteristic.

Hehehe, for 001's idea, Shengge just wants to say that it has a unique taste.

Think about Zhu Bajie’s evaluation of Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West: "Zhu Wuneng... is happy to return to the great religion, enters my monk, and protects the holy monk on the way, but he has a stubborn heart and lust. Because you have contributed to the burden... ..."

All the way to learn the scriptures, ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, all the twists and turns are turned into the four words of the Buddha's understatement.

Official complaints are the scariest.

For Bajie, Shengge can only say that he has no feelings.

Neither hate nor like.

Although he likes beauties on the way to learn Buddhist scriptures, cheats and plays tricks, and is lazy from time to time, everything is excusable.

He didn't follow the Buddha at all, although he was the marshal of the canopy, he commanded hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers, but he had the heart of a mortal.

He has the seven emotions and six desires, anger, ignorance, joy and anger, love and hatred entanglement, and all kinds of emotions.

There is no Buddha in his heart, so how can he be required to have no distracting thoughts in his mind and the six sense organs to be pure?
Of course, if Zhu Bajie was a beauty, she might become his little fan girl.

Dazhi Ruoyu's way of doing things is quite admirable.

"Shengge, now that you know about the live broadcast mission, I won't show up until the mission is over."

"Sensitive images in the live broadcast room will be automatically mosaiced, so you don't have to worry about your privacy being leaked."

001 is extremely unfeeling like a heartbreaker.

"Damn, where's the big gift bag?"

Sheng Ge felt as if she had been cheated again. Although she was a top student, was it really okay to throw her in the mythical world of Journey to the West with confidence?

You must know that here are all gods who turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain, and Xueba seems to be useless.

Well, I finally experienced the feeling that a scholar meets a soldier, and the reason is inexplicable.

"What is the big gift bag, I haven't seen it before."

"Shengge, I wish you good luck."

For some reason, Sheng Ge felt that 001's voice was cheap, which made her teeth itch with hatred.

"Dirty, second egg..."

Bah, at least let me introduce the progress of the plot to Xueba.

It doesn't matter if you don't give a big gift bag or a golden finger, but you are still so elusive.

Negative Ratings.

"What a big pig..."

Just when Shengge was thinking nonstop, a bullet screen appeared in the live broadcast room.

The number of viewers finally broke through zero.

(End of this chapter)

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