Chapter 1010 The Pretending Witch ([-])

Sheng Ge is not sure, is this protecting the Lord, or not picky eaters?
It feels like all princes have golden fingers.

In the kingdom of Snow White, the magic mirror instigates and seduces the queen, just to make the prince fall from the sky like a god.

The same goes for this Sleeping Beauty story.

The dense and large hedge made up of thistles can still be identified.

It's advanced.

Day after day, month after month.

Shengge witnessed too many people who, regardless of her obstruction, wanted to pass through the thornbushes to kiss Fangze by chance, and ended up being entangled in dysentery.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost.

They all want to reach the pinnacle of life overnight, marry the princess, and become the savior of the kingdom.

Wait, wait.

A familiar face came into sight.

"It's you!"

"It's you?"

Shengge and the younger brother of the prince who was trying to survive on a deserted island looked at each other in dismay.

Shengge is curious, this prince is frightened.

Prince: He has had bad luck for eight lifetimes, and he meets this old witch every time.

Last time, after being redeemed by his father, his life was miserable and miserable.

After finally leaving the palace, he came here with great interest after hearing the story of Sleeping Beauty.

At the moment when the prince arrived, colorful and beautiful flowers suddenly bloomed from the fence, exuding a fragrance, and even the small thorns were restrained, and they automatically gave way to a path.

Sheng Ge: This is even more outrageous than the scene where the hero meets Goldfinger in Long Aotian's fantasy novel.

The prince, who was already thinking of retreating, his eyes lit up, and he rushed towards the path.

As long as he wakes up the princess by kissing her and rejuvenates the palace that has fallen into a slumber as the princess fell asleep, then he will definitely be able to gain the protection of the kingdom.

As the prince crossed the path, the hedges behind him closed together again, and the small thorns grew in the wind.

She can break through this mutated thornbush.

But, if you can lie flat, why do you need to do it?
Shengge took out the tinder box slowly, wiped it three times in a row, and three magic dogs appeared out of thin air with a whoosh.

With an iron pick in one hand, he was mining.

He holds a broom in one hand and sweeps the streets.

Holding a gold coin in one hand, wiping the coin.

The once majestic and vicious demon dogs are now shriveled one by one, thinner and thinner, and even the light in their eyes is dimmed.

The moment the three magic dogs saw Shengge, they couldn't help taking a step back. They were animals, but not animals.

[-]/[-], [-]/[-], it's a pain.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Pull out the thorns as quickly as possible, without leaving a single plant."

She calls it magic to defeat magic.

Let the magic dog deal with the mutated terrestris.

The magic dogs looked at each other and began to work humming and humming.

The sharp thorns pierced the magic dog and howled, but the claws were not slow.

The setting of the magic dogs is to always obey.

Soon, the frightening thorns were clearly wiped out.

"Go back and perform your duties."

Magic Dog: !?(_;?
At least let them rest.

This is not a witch, this is a witch!
Shengge put away the tinder box and entered the palace.

In the palace, everything was completely silent, and there was hardly any sound, not even the sounds of nature such as insects and birds.

This is where all the species in the entire palace fell into a deep sleep with Sleeping Beauty.

The big dog in the palace lay its front legs flat, with its head resting on the legs, and fell asleep on the ground with its hind legs arched.The horses in the stables were half-recumbent, and the pigeons on the roof were sleeping with their heads buried under their wings.

Time stands still!

This is a law of time.

For Yu Shengge, this kind of law moved her so much.

There are many skills without pressing the body, lie flat when it is time to lie flat, and roll inward when it is time to roll in.

So, Shengge shrunk to an inch, tied up the prince who was about to push the door of Sleeping Beauty's room with a wretched smile, and threw it aside, so as not to affect her law of diligence.

The prince tied into a ball: the thornbush with a bad reputation is not true.

The prince didn't know how long it had passed, the palace was as silent as a cemetery, there were sounds from time to time, but it soon returned to silence.

Between noise and silence, repeated until the whole palace came alive again.

Is this still a witch?

The prince began to doubt life.

As promised, only the prince who has a relationship with the princess can wake it up!
Shengge, who was sitting cross-legged on the steps, got up and untied the rope that bound the prince.

Sleeping Beauty, still asleep.

She lifted the time freeze of the entire palace, but could not wake up the princess alone.

Well, she resigned to her fate, anyway, in the fairy tale world, princesses can't handle it with common sense.

"Go and find your princess."

The prince's facial features were all wrinkled together, he couldn't believe it, "You are so kind?"

Once bitten, twice shy.

He, his brother, had suffered too much at the hands of the old witch.

"are you going!"

"Don't go!"

The prince refused without hesitation.

He wanted to marry the princess and let his father look up to him, but he didn't want to court death.

The prince's mind suddenly thought of the long-standing story of Sleeping Beauty.

The princess will awaken her supernatural power and slap the prince flying away with her palm!

This is the prophecy of No. 13 witches, but for some reason it has become twelve witches.

If it hadn't been for him to learn a lot of wisdom, the other party might not have known about it before he came to check and inquire.

"Are you the No. 13 witch who blessed the princess?"

This kind of blessing can only be imagined by this witch who has never played cards according to common sense.

Obviously, the prince kissed the princess to wake him up, and it would be a happy and happy ending, but this old witch just wanted to get in the way.

The sky is big and the earth is big, there are many princesses, but he doesn't want this one.

The prince is complacent, contented that he has seen through the truth.

Shengge raised his eyebrows. He has some brains, but not much.

"Do you think you can still go?"

If he passed through the thornbush safely, it means that he is the prince in the mouth of the No. 12 witches.

The king and queen had such a child, how could they watch the opportunity of Sleeping Beauty wake up slip through their fingers.

This prince who suddenly grew a brain, is now riding a tiger, unable to leave even if he wants to.


Before the prince's question mark face could take shape, he heard a majestic voice behind him, "Take it down!"

A group of knights wearing silver armor and long swords led the prince into the ancient palace, walked through the narrow stairs, and walked to the end of the highest floor. When he opened the door, the beautiful princess had picturesque eyes and was sleeping soundly.

The prince stiffened his neck, looking like he was swearing to die.

The knights were also unambiguous, and they directly held the prince and stood in front of the window, as if they were about to throw him down.

The prince's eyes widened and he bared his teeth and claws, "Is this still forced?"

He was wrong!
He shouldn't be obsessed with sex, and he shouldn't be lucky enough to enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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