Chapter 1011 A fateful encounter ([-])


What's more, you shouldn't listen to the nonsense of father and brother, saying that the princess will marry the prince unconditionally.


It's all lies!

The knights did not respond to the prince, still with a cold face.

The duty of the knight is to protect the princess.

As for the prince's wishes, what is that?
They don't care.

The prince's body was half hanging on the window sill, precariously "Don't let go."

There was a cry in the prince's voice.

Such a high palace building, if you fall, you will die.

"I go!"

"I go!"

The prince made a quick decision.

It is better to be slapped flying with a palm than to be smashed into meat sauce.

The prince was crying, lying on the edge of the bed, leaning over, ready to kiss.

Sleeping Beauty suddenly opened her eyes, and pushed her white and tender palms forward. The prince only felt a strong force, and he was embedded in the wall in the next second.

Sleeping Beauty wakes up!
The whole kingdom rejoiced. .

Ha ha!

Can't she go?
"One by one, I have an ominous premonition."

"I have it too."

When Shengge left this world, the intermittent live broadcast room was completely opened at this moment, and those long-lost people also appeared again.

The sun and the moon are turning, and the sea is changing.

As long as she can remember, she has been a wild monkey on a barren mountain, and she also has an iron rod to help her fight off the bad monkeys who rob her of food.

Moreover, there will often be a bunch of messy words said by others in front of her eyes.

Those texts said that she was Shengge.

A wild monkey that screams all over the mountains and plains has such a literary name?

Isn't this funny?

Literature and art cannot gain a foothold among the monkeys in the barren hills.

Those monkeys would snatch her fruit and throw stones at her, just because she wasn't very monkey-like sometimes.

Therefore, violence is useful.

The iron rod changed her situation of being bullied, and she faintly became the untouchable among the monkeys.

Although she is not the monkey king, she is better than the monkey king.

The Monkey King has it, and so does she.

What the Monkey King doesn't have, she still has.

But those monkeys respected the Monkey King and feared her.

Just be afraid if you are afraid, it is better than being bullied to death before.

Closer to home, let’s talk about this mountain where she dominates.

This mountain, said to be deserted, has not reached the point where there are no people.

It is said that there is a small village at the foot of the mountain.

Well, I heard from an old scalper.

This is the only talking animal that she has ever met besides herself.

What a pity, it turned out to be an old scalper, not a monkey.

She didn't know where this pity came from.

Anyway, something spoke to her.

The old scalper said that he had a kind-hearted but poor and weak master.

Moreover, his master lives with him in the cowshed every day.

To this, she just wanted to say, how miserable!

As for other emotions, sorry, she doesn't.

Today is the day she made an appointment with the old scalper, so she hid early in the big tree at the foot of the mountain and waited.

After waiting for a long time, she saw the old scalper and the young man leading the old scalper.

This was the first time she had seen this young man so closely.

The clothes are tattered and dirty, and the hair is messy, even more messy than the random nests built by the bird tribes in the barren mountains.

She looked down at the clothes that seemed to be tied up with various leaves on her body, and then at her white and clean nails.

He pouted.

With healthy limbs and an old scalper, he deserves to live such a miserable life.

Not as good as her a monkey!

Especially, the name is still so vulgar.


Can this also be called a name?

Because raising an old scalper is called a cowherd, what about the one who raises ducks and feeds chickens?
What about monkeys?

Monkey man?

I saw this young man named Cowherd with a piece of grass in his mouth, found a flat big stone, put his hands under his head, crossed his legs, hummed a little song she couldn't understand, and began to close his eyes to brew sleep.

Cowherd is very relieved, after all, there are few people here, and the old scalper is very human, and will never run around.

The job of herding cattle is extraordinarily easy.

The little song gradually stopped.

It was replaced by high and low snoring.

Shengge jumped from the tree and sat on the back of the old scalper, who carried her up the uneven mountain road.

"Why are you here so late today?"

Shengge looked at the horns and asked curiously.

The old scalper didn't return to Shengge's question, "In the future, I won't be able to visit you."

Shengge: !?(_;?
Could it be that she will have to talk to herself again in the future?

"Monkey, I was the Taurus star in the sky, but I was demoted to the earth for violating the rules of heaven."

"Recently, my memory suddenly recovered, and I think I will die soon."

"What I care most about in this world is the little master Niu Lang who eats and lives with me. If I die, he will be deserted alone. It's really pitiful."

The hooves of the old scalper scratched the ground lightly, with a sad voice.

Shengge immediately jumped from the old scalper to the big tree beside him, "Don't even think about it, it's impossible for me to accompany that dirty young man for you."

It was impossible for her to give up her freedom for a talking partner.

It's impossible!

There is not such a deep friendship between her and the old scalper.

However, is it too exaggerated to eat and live together?
She can understand sleeping on a piece of thatch, but what about eating?What about drinking water?Use the same slot?

What a shock.

A puff of air came out of the old scalper's nose, and then he stared at Sheng Ge with big eyes, "You think too much."

Just this monkey's temperament of jumping up and down, fearing that the world will not be chaotic, is simply a disaster, and he is not willing to let his master suffer this crime.

"Aren't you surprised by my identity at all?"

The old scalper muttered dissatisfied.

Sheng Ge realized later, yes, she was not surprised?

The stars in the sky, this is a fairy, why is her heart still calm, as if it is normal.

Considering the self-esteem of this old scalper who had been talking with her for a long time, Sheng Ge's expression was exaggerated, and his voice was too good, "Wow, that's amazing."

The old scalper said that he was not comforted.

"That is to say, in this world, there are really immortals who ride mountains and mountains, and there are also Lingxiao Temples above the clouds, right?"

That's all she cares about.

Could it be that if she also finds a blessed place to practice and worship a famous teacher, she can find many people to talk to her.

She is really getting tired of such a life without people and monkeys.

The old monkey on the barren hill often mocked her for having a heart despite being born as a monkey.

Tch, she is so special, she must be extraordinary in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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