
It seemed that the majestic Monkey King shouldn't be like this.

It is obviously a body nurtured by heaven and earth, a body conceived by the sun and the moon.

It shouldn't be like this, and what should it be like.

A picture suddenly appeared in Shengge's mind.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven should hold a Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, wear a golden armor with locks, wear a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and walk on cloud shoes with lotus root silk on his feet.

Inexplicably, Shengge's heart was filled with uneasiness that was closer to the hometown and more timid.

This feeling came suddenly, but it was extraordinarily strong.

It was so strong that her own eyes seemed to be filled with mist, but she didn't even notice it.


Shengge closed her eyes and let out a long breath of relief.

Maybe, maybe it's because of that drop of blood.

Shengge thought of the drop of blood that Patriarch Subhuti asked her for when she left the Three Star Cave on the oblique moon.

When Shengge stopped in place, Sun Wukong, who had a keen sense, noticed this line of sight.

Is that a fool?
This is Sun Wukong's first thought.

Otherwise, no one in this world would have such complicated and strange eyes.

The first time I saw him, I was pitiful.

But when that poor look really touched him, he couldn't understand it anymore.

Then, that idiot cried?
He must have been crying, because his piercing eyes can't go wrong.

It's not fear, it's not disgust, it's not pity, what is that?
But why is that idiot motionless?

Sun Wukong ignored the strange feeling in his heart.

He was clearly a stranger, but for no reason he felt very familiar.

"stop looking!"

The thunderous sound made Shengge wake up from his strange mood.

As Shengge got closer, he saw the embarrassed monkey more and more clearly.

Well, it looks pitiful and embarrassing at first glance.

Take a closer look, even more embarrassing.

What is the feeling of being connected by blood?
Shengge suddenly remembered the old scalper's saying that he took a shortcut to recognize his godfather.

"What are you doing here?" Sun Wukong bared his teeth, showing a fierce look on his face.

Shengge looked directly at Monkey King, "Look at you."

Monkey King: !?(_;?
Through his piercing eyes, he naturally saw that the fool in front of him was a monkey.

After him, the monkey tribe can also produce such a monkey with excellent talents.

"You also heard about the great sage's disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and you yearn for it?"

Sun Wukong raised his chin, both in his eyes and in his voice, there was a natural rebelliousness.

Shengge laughed, even though it still looked dirty, it suddenly became much more pleasing to the eye at this moment.


"I just listened to your deeds, learned from a teacher, and always wanted to see what the Monkey King, who made the entire heaven helpless, looked like."

There was a warm smile on Shengge's face, and even his voice couldn't help being a little more indulgent.

Monkey King, who has always been arrogant, is a little at a loss at this moment, "Are you disappointed?"

Being pressed under the Five Elements Mountain without knowing how time flies, being blown by the wind and raining, he was so hungry that he even ate the weeds growing beside him.

But today, for some reason, it jumped happily again.

After thinking about it, Monkey King felt that it was a stream of light that suddenly rushed into his body that day.

In the streamer, there is the aura of the master and the aura of the monkey in front of him.

Well, he must be missing Master, that's why he loves Wu Ji Wu.

When he left the oblique moon Samsung Cave to bid farewell to his master, the master said fiercely that his going would bring bad luck.

Depending on how he caused trouble and committed murder, he was not allowed to be called the master's apprentice.

If he utters half a word and his master finds out, he will be skinned and raked in, and his soul will be banished to the Nine Nether Places, and he will never be able to stand up again!
Alas, master's words are fierce, but I have to admit that master, an old man, is really good at pinching and counting, and every word and every word has come true.

Not only did he cause trouble, but he also made waves and pierced the sky.

Shengge reached out and straightened the hair on Monkey King's head, and said firmly, "I've never been disappointed."

"Your feat is unprecedented."

"Why don't you say there will be no successor?" Sun Wukong blurted out.

Don't try to bully him for being uneducated!
He was also deeply influenced by the oblique moon three-star cave.

Shengge was stunned, so he should be humble.

"Because there will be latecomers!"

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance,"

Sun Wukong was skeptical, but his mood was obviously much better.

"Then can the latecomers resist the Tathagata Buddha?"

Sun Wukong asked seriously, he broke into the Lingxiao Palace, and immediately sat on the golden chair of the Jade Emperor with his legs crossed, and drank the fine nectar and jade liquid, which was not interesting.

Sheng Ge glanced at Sun Wukong, Chen Xiang split the mountain to save his mother and revise the rules of heaven, it seemed that it was the heavens who also resisted.

Looking at it this way, Tianting is also quite back.

To be honest, if she were the Queen Mother, she would not agree with Xian Fanlian.

love what?
One has an endless lifespan, and the other has a lifespan of more than a hundred years, and in the end, something may happen.

Seriously cultivating for thousands of years, the reason for being in the immortal class is to have a so-called beautiful, tragic and soul-stirring love with mortals?
Where did you go early?
From the perspective of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor, you will find how hateful those immortal officials who have adultery with mortals are.

Occupying the fairy class, leading the benefits of the heavenly court, and then saying behind his back that the heavenly world is ruthless and cold, and the rules of the heavens are harsh, and then ran away with the mortals without hesitation, and finally the heavenly court will be passed on by the common people for thousands of years Black pot.

Well, she pulled away again.

Shengge stared at the scorching light in Sun Wukong's eyes, and really couldn't say anything to spoil the scenery.


Big deal, she will be the latecomer first.

They are all monkeys, rounding off a family.

Sun Wukong is so pitiful, like a prisoner in the wind and sun, it is impossible to recognize her godfather, but as the No. 1 monkey family, she should protect Sun Wukong as a matter of course.

Sun Wukong's smile became brighter, and the arrogance and sharpness in his eyes gradually melted away, like the stars reflected in the water under the night sky, sparkling with waves.

"Master misses you very much."

Shengge sighed and sat on the ground.

While cleaning Sun Wukong's dirty little paws, he said quietly.

Sun Wukong was startled for a moment, then scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.


"I don't have a master!"

Sun Wukong kept in mind the words of Patriarch Subhuti.

He was born with a temperament of causing trouble, and he must not let Master suffer disaster and implicate those fellow apprentices.

Shengge pulled Sun Wukong's little paw and began to trim his nails.

Yu Gong, everyone is a monkey and should help each other.

In private, Monkey King and her are from the same school, and the most important thing in the same school is unity.

"Okay, you don't have a master."

Sheng Ge didn't correct it, and there was no name of Patriarch Tisubhuti from the beginning to the end. He just lowered his voice and continued, "He is very worried about you."

"I've never forgotten you either."

Otherwise, what would Patriarch Subhuti sigh and sigh every day?

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