Chapter 1020 A Fateful Encounter ([-])

Sun Wukong was still skeptical, ignoring the strange sense of familiarity and intimacy in his heart, and looked at the monkey in front of him vigilantly.

At this moment, Monkey King felt that the monkey in front of him was either sent by the Heavenly Court or the Buddhist world of the Western Heaven.

Is it possible that he is still not relieved after being pressed under the Five Elements Mountain for hundreds of years?
Are you still thinking of getting out of his sect, and then wipe out all the sects in one go?

Gods and Buddhas all over the sky, it's too stingy!

Sun Wukong withdrew his hand violently, the sharp scissors cut across a long bloodstain, bared his teeth and claws, and roared at Shengge with bared teeth.

Being crushed under the Five Elements Mountain, all his supernatural powers are useless, and now he has always been the most ordinary and most ordinary monkey, and he is no longer the majestic monkey who beat the Jade Emperor and took turns sitting in the golden chairs of the Lingxiao Palace. great sage.

Therefore, he could only use instinct to frighten the monkey in front of him.

In the past hundred years, he has not lived well.

Without supernatural powers, you can't call the wind and rain, and you can't be afraid of cold and heat, water and fire, and hunger and thirst.

He will be hot or cold, hungry or thirsty, and there will be Sanskrit sounds in his ears that only he can hear every day.

Sanskrit sounds eroded him bit by bit. When he was about to die, the Lord of the Earth, who imprisoned him in the name of the Jade Emperor and the Buddha of the Western Paradise, would let him eat iron balls and drink hot copper juice. To tame his wildness, punish him for his heinous mistakes, and use it to help him clear his karma.

He was really afraid that one day, the man in Wuxing Mountain would never remember his original self again.

Monkey King raised his voice, piercing like thunder, and continued to stare at Sheng Ge angrily.

Seeing the bloodstains on Sun Wukong's palm, Shengge's eyes darkened.

No wonder Patriarch Subhuti misses Sun Wukong so much, and Sun Wukong is also trying his best to protect Patriarch Subhuti.

Shengge sighed, and activated the Dapin Tianxian Jue, "Is it believable now?"

Sun Wukong was taken aback for a moment, then froze immediately, hope appeared in his eyes, and upon closer inspection, there seemed to be a layer of water mist.

It turned out that Master really still missed him.

He seemed to really miss Master a little bit.

Without Master, he is still a wild monkey in the mountains.

Shengge took Monkey King's hand again, trimmed his nails, bandaged his hands, wiped his face clean, and pulled out the weeds from his ears.

She wondered why there was grass growing in the monkey's ears.


Shengge waved his hand, and a pile of bananas, peaches, and various fruits appeared on the ground.

This is very attractive to Monkey King who has been eating iron and drinking copper for a hundred years.

Monkey King picked up a peach and bit it down. With a crisp sound, even the peach core was broken.

Sun Wukong was inexplicably embarrassed, his habitual movements.

Iron pellets are too hard.

Shengge felt sad for a while, this monkey could affect her emotions so easily.

Shengge tried her best to control her expression, as if she didn't notice the scene just now, she got up to take a look around the Five Elements Mountain instead.

She really wanted to split this mountain.

Since the words in front of me say that Chen Xiang can split the mountain to save his mother, why can't she split the mountain to save the monkey.

"will you come back?"

Monkey King swallowed, and spoke abruptly.

Shengge didn't look back, but said softly, "I'm not leaving yet, I just want to see what kind of magical power this mountain is."

"I want to save you."

Shengge rides the clouds and fog, looking down at the Five Elements Mountain from a high position.

The entire Five Elements Mountain is full of golden light and a thousand auras.

Those who don't know why, I'm afraid they will really feel that this is an auspicious miracle.

There is a big square stone on the top of the mountain, on which there is the Tathagata's "press paste", which is the six-character mantra of "Om, Well, Nei, Ba, Ether, Pieces".

That pressing sticker firmly turned the Monkey King Monkey King into a monkey who was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

Shengge stepped forward, trying to peel off, press and paste the golden light, the six-character mantra seemed to suppress Shengge, the person who tried to provoke, with thunderous force.

Shengge snorted and staggered back.

At this moment, Wuxing Mountain seemed to have an invisible coercion.

A suppressed cry of pain from the foot of the mountain dispelled Shengge's plan to try again.

The extreme pain distorted Sun Wukong's face, his veins ruptured, and his palms and cheeks were covered with dense drops of blood.

Under the Five Elements Mountain, all spells have no effect on Monkey King.

Shengge was very fortunate that she was not too tedious to learn the art of medicine in the Sanxing Cave of Xieyue.

After a lot of fuss, Monkey King gradually calmed down.

The Five Elements Mountain also stopped moving, and the ubiquitous Sanskrit sounds filled his ears, as if they wanted to take advantage of his weakness to thoroughly persuade him, let him turn back from the sea of ​​suffering and convert to Buddhism.

There was a mocking smile on Sun Wukong's mouth.

If he is unwilling to surrender, no matter how many Sanskrit sounds, no matter how much pain, it will be nothing.

What can he do.

The apologetic Sheng Ge finally knew who the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was.

Never need to be pitiful, let alone pity.

Whether it is torture or calculation, they can't change his own will.


Unless he himself is really tired and doesn't want to confront the world anymore.

"Are you blaming yourself?"

Sun Wukong looked at the silent Shengge, and continued, "There is nothing to blame for this."

"You want to save me, I am very happy."

It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not.

Well, this new disciple that Master has accepted, he looks very pleasing to the eye.

"If I go out in the future, I will definitely cover you."

"Let you walk sideways in the three realms."

Just when Shengge was about to speak, a gust of fragrant wind appeared, and a figure appeared urgently, "I am the one who imprisoned the Great Sage. The catastrophe of the Great Sage has not yet been completed, so I can't get out."

Monkey King didn't even look at the person who suddenly appeared.

What is difficult is not the prisoner, but the Tathagata Buddha.

Sun Wukong still had bright eyes and said, "Let's go."

He has always had a temperament that distinguishes between likes and hates. He will remember if you treat him well, and he will also remember if you treat him badly.

Shengge looked at the various fruits scattered on the side, and thought of the people saying that Monkey King was hungry for iron pills and thirsty for copper juice, and felt extremely unhappy.

Iron pellets and copper juice represent an extremely cruel punishment for "sinners" in Buddhism.

The fruit would rot quickly, and she couldn't stay here for long.

It seems that she has to learn alchemy, the kind that can keep you hungry for a month if you eat one.

For alchemy, it is natural to go to the Taishang Laojun in Tushita Palace.

She can also do superficial alchemy.

However, she doesn't have any prescriptions, so it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Try to go to Tushita Palace to learn all kinds of pills, and then get some elixir for the great sage.

Now that the Taishang Laojun has cultivated a sharp eye for Sun Wukong, it is reasonable to do good things to the end, and then subsidize some elixir.

"wait for me!"

As soon as Sheng Ge finished speaking, he grabbed the prisoner and flew out.

"Have you heard an old saying?"

(End of this chapter)

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