Why did the innocent relationship between master and servant become so eccentric in Shengge's mouth, which makes people wonder.

"do not be angry!"

"Get angry and hurt yourself!"

Sheng Ge said earnestly and earnestly, "If you hurt your body, it will easily affect your appetite. If you have a poor appetite, the grass will eat more slowly."

The old scalper said that he was not comforted.

The old scalper ruthlessly pawed the green grass to vent his anger, and it took a long time before he asked, "Has the cowherd turned into a cow?"

Shengge nodded, "He is also sincere to you."

The old scalper felt a chill in his heart, "Can you stop talking?"

Shengge chuckled, "It's not like meeting old friends in heaven, I'm so excited."

Well, she was deliberately disgusting the old scalper, who made the old scalper's idea too wicked.

"Shengge, Shengge!"

At this moment, the fairy in red and the Weaver Girl came together.

After experiencing the Cowherd incident, Zhinu's gentleness became a little more firm.

It stands like a blue mountain and stands erect, and moves like an emerald and its feathers.All the colors are burning, and there is no one to look at, the face is like a bright moon, the brightness is like the morning sun, the color is like a lotus flower, and the skin is like honey.

Old scalper: !?(_;?
There is a vague premonition in my heart.

The fairy in red noticed the sight of the old scalper, and slapped him across the air, "What are you looking at, what a wicked thing!"

The old scalper shrank, not daring to breathe.

Now in this heaven, apart from the inexhaustible green grass in front of him, what he fears most is this fairy.

Other fairies cared about their appearance and demeanor, at most they would be cold-hearted to him, but the red clothes were different, a disagreement was a serious move.

Zhinu pulled Sunge away from the old scalper.

"A few days ago, I was busy weaving clouds and clouds, and I didn't know that you had succeeded in cultivation and soared into the heaven during the day."

"Have you really succeeded in worshiping Patriarch Subhuti?"

Zhinu looked Shengge up and down with a smile on her face.

Sheng Ge thought of the instruction given to Sun Wukong by Patriarch Subhuti, and also thought of her and Sun Wukong's almost identical supernatural powers, and shook his head resolutely, "There are not enough chances."

"In a barren mountain, I ate a strange fruit, and picked up an ancient book under the cliff, and my spiritual platform was clear, and I practiced super fast, so I succeeded in ascension."

Shengge didn't know how these lies were so easy to come by.

Zhinu didn't doubt Shengge's rhetoric.

The sky is big and the earth is big, not without treasures scattered around the world.

Chang'e was able to fly to the moon and live in the Guanghan Palace with an elixir, so Shengge may not be able to fly to the heaven with a fruit to become a little fairy boy.

"That's your luck, too."

"Is the palace allocated to you now?"

Shengge shook her head, she wasn't making up people yet.

Wherever she is needed, she is there.

"Would you like to stay with me?"

"Although life is a bit boring and boring, it is still quiet and safe, and I can support you for a while."

Zhinu rubbed Shengge's head pitifully.

She also didn't expect that the little monkey she met by fate would turn out to be so beautiful after being transformed, especially the eyes, which are extraordinarily dazzling.

Shengge hesitated for a moment, but still refused.

She really likes pretty fairies, but she still has things to do.

She must go to the Tushita Palace of Taishang Laojun.

Sun Wukong was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain. Due to the uniqueness of the Five Elements Mountain, Sun Wukong's fundamental aptitude was constantly being weakened. Even if he escaped from the predicament in the future, it might be difficult for him to return to the peak of his strength.

She must steal all the skills of Taishang Laojun that can be learned by stealing, and if she can't learn by stealing, she will steal the elixir. She wants to make Sun Wukong's body great.

Those who are monkeys are loyal.

Sun Wukong said, as long as he gets out of trouble, he will cover her and let her walk sideways in the Three Realms.

Although she doesn't need to be covered, she is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle.

In case she really caused a big mess in the future, at least there is a helper.

"Sister Zhinu, I want to go to the Tushita Palace of the Supreme Lord."

Zhinu pursed her lips slightly, learning alchemy?

Alchemy is more boring than Zhiyunxia!
"Have you figured it out?" Zhinu tried to persuade her a little more.

Shengge nodded firmly. The most urgent task is to save Monkey King, and other things can be put in the back row.

"Then my sisters and I will intercede with Taishang Laojun for you."

Seeing that Shengge had made up her mind, Zhinu sighed.

The Tushita palace is not so easy to enter.

Too many fairy children want to enter the Dousita Palace not to imitate Laojun's skills, but to hug their thighs.

After all, Laojun has a special status in heaven.

"Sister Zhinu, I will pass the entrance examination to the Tushita Palace by myself."

Sheng Ge said sweetly and vigorously.

Under the seat of Patriarch Subhuti in the Three-Star Cave of the Oblique Moon, she has learned too much miscellaneous things, and it is not a problem to go to the alchemy boy in Tushita Palace.


Zhinu was dumbfounded.

The power of the heavenly court is far more intertwined than that of the human world.

The red-clothed fairy who had taught the old scalper a lesson was long overdue and "has ambition."

"Weaver Girl, Shengge has this ambition, so let her go and do it."

"If it's not fair for the Tushita Palace to be responsible for selecting the disciples of Xiantong, I'll go cry outside Yaochi and let the Queen Mother make the decision."

Shengge thought for a moment, "Is the Queen Mother a good god?"

She didn't know why she would ask such a question.

She seems to be a little familiar with this heaven.

If there really was a past life, she would probably have been a fairy.

Zhinu hesitated to speak, and finally said slowly, "Now that I've reached the position of Queen Mother, I can no longer simply judge it as good or bad."

"Don't listen to those gossips outside, the queen mother also has the difficulties of the queen mother, she must abide by the rules of heaven, and treat them equally."

After being calculated by the old scalper and the cowherd, Zhinu gradually understood the intention of those heavenly rules.

The rules of heaven are a kind of confinement and also a kind of protection.

Shengge blinked, then suddenly smiled, "Then I understand, the Queen Mother is a good god."

The fairy in red sighed, "If you can't be admitted to the Tushita Palace, maybe you can choose to enter the Yaochi."

"With your temperament and this small mouth, the Queen Mother will definitely like it."

Shengge backed away, and righteously said, "I have to rely on my ability to make a living."

"Iser serves God, but it will not last long."

Immediately afterwards, Shengge told the Weaver Girl and the Fairy in Red about the Cowherd.

The Weaver Girl and the Red Fairy turned black, "It seems that I have to ask the Queen Mother for a favor and go to the underworld."

The gratitude of the villagers will be transformed into the merit of the cowherd.

The merit will protect the cowherd to reincarnate and reincarnate, and the next life will be rich and prosperous.

But the cowherd did not return to human form until his death, which shows that he did not really repent.

How can such a person have a good afterlife.

Then, the red-clothed fairy came and the Weaver Girl flew towards Yaochi aggressively.

She doesn't care, she's going to kill the cowboy, that underdog.

As soon as the fairy in red and the weaver girl left, the old scalper started roaring crazily.

Shengge chuckled, so scared.

"It's you, it's you who ruined my plan and made me fall into this situation where I can't return to my place. I am neither a fairy nor a demon nor a human!"

The old scalper's huge eyes were full of anger, and he opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to bite Shengge to death one by one.

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