
Then Yin Wenjiao still has to commit herself to the thieves and live in torment.

18 Ah.

To sum it up hastily, the 18 years of a mortal is almost half a life in this age when the average life expectancy is not high.

Chen Guangrui: Is this Master Yan?

That slap hurt a little.

But Chen Guangrui is a man who repays his kindness, not to mention, the person in front of him is a fairy, who can be counted as his son Gao Pan.

When you can climb high, you don't climb high, and when you want to climb high, you can't climb high.

"That's the dog's honor."

It can be seen that Chen Guangrui is sensible.

Shengge stuffed the baby into Chen Guangrui's arms, "I named him Jiang Lai."

"Why isn't it called Jiangliu?" Chen Guangrui and Hongjiang Dragon King agreed.

Shengge: ...

Look, even the name of this little baby has been predestined.

Everyone subconsciously felt that the baby should be called Jiang Liu.

"I do not want to!"

Shengge paused every word.

Chen Guangrui has no regrets about not being able to name his own son.

When he was at the happiest time in his life, he was brutally murdered by thieves and sank to the bottom of the Hong River. After the Dragon King found his soul for him, his body and soul were still difficult to integrate.

With Dingyan Pearl in his mouth, his soul will be a leader in Hongjiang.

Such a scene is really a bit challenging for a Jinshi who has studied hard to obtain fame from sage books.

This time out of trouble, kindness and rebirth.

"Then call Jiang Lai." Chen Guangrui said relaxedly.

The Dragon King of Hongjiang still looked at Shengge with fiery eyes.

That look is no exaggeration, it can boil eggs.

Shengge once again sighed in his heart, the current Dragon Clan is too useless.

"For tens of millions of years, the dragon clan was a mythical beast, as famous as the phoenix. Why is it reduced to the current state, and it has become Kunpeng's dinner."

Kunpeng roamed the nine heavens, looking for fine nectar to drink, and chasing dragons to eat.

Hearing this, the hot and straight eyes of the Dragon King of Hongjiang instantly dimmed, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"To tell you the truth, the glory of the ancestors has long been gone."

"Most of the dragons today are not real dragons."

"Lingshan has the Dragon Transformation Pond, which can turn the world's creatures into dragons."

"From ancient times to the present, the dragon race has multiplied wantonly, and the blood of the ancestor dragon has become thinner and thinner. In addition, there are countless dragon races born in the Dragon Transformation Pond. The name of the dragon has long existed in name only."

"Inevitably, too many ordinary dragons have become dishes on the plate, losing their sacred status in ancient times."

Shengge knew that Hongjiang Dragon King's words were true.

Even the dragon sculptures on the stone pillars of the Heavenly Court imprisoned the dragon clan, and transformed from living dragons into stone sculptures to occupy them.

"The raw materials for refining the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill are very precious, even Laojun's place is not common."

She has scavenged so many elixir from Tushita Palace Pill Hall, it is rare to see Laojun frowning.

But when she was taking the elixir of rank nine, Laojun not only frowned, but also sighed.

The Dragon King of Hongjiang was straightforward, kneeling on the ground directly, "As long as the fairy is willing to give the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill, the old dragon is willing to serve the fairy as the master and form a mark of the soul. If he betrays, his body and spirit will be destroyed."

With thin blood, the aptitude for cultivation becomes more and more important.

"Isn't it okay to return the pill after turning nine?"

Ai Ai Dao during the Shengge period.

The Dragon King of Hongjiang is alive and well, what kind of Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is used.

The elixir that can bring the dead back to life is worth several lives in your pocket.

Hongjiang Dragon King nodded hurriedly, "OK."

The Nine Turns Great Returning Pill is a veritable elixir for cultivating Taoism.

There is no miraculous effect of resurrection from death, but it can cause earth-shaking changes in aptitude, and the speed of practice increases several times.

The Dragon King of Hongjiang was already a little silly, who is the little fairy in front of him.

Nine-turn elixir, which is beyond the reach of ordinary gods.

Shengge took out a Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill and handed it to Hongjiang Dragon King.

The Dragon King of Hongjiang was overjoyed, this is the real great fortune.

"The medicinal power of the Nine Turns Great Returning Pill cannot be fully absorbed in a short while, so you can stay in Hongjiang with peace of mind."

After forging the imprint of the soul, Sheng Ge ordered lightly.

Looking at Hongjiang Dragon King, who suddenly became delicate and handsome, with red lips and white teeth, Shengge wondered whether the Nine Turns Great Rejuvenation Pill had the effect of rejuvenation.

Make a living.

This level of handsomeness and freshness overshadowed the number one scholar next to him.

How about she eat one too?
"Master, the Dragon Clan respects strength, aptitude, and bloodline. Now that I have taken the Nine-Turn Great Return Pill, my aptitude has improved by leaps and bounds, and my bloodline has also been stimulated. I should be able to return to the Royal Family of the Four Seas."

"Compared to the dragon clans in various places, the Dragon King of the Four Seas has a relatively complete inheritance, and there seems to be a blood pool left by the ancestor dragon."

"If the master has an order, the sea of ​​consciousness calls, even if it is thousands of miles away, I can sense it."

Hongjiang Dragon King explained carefully.

Although the Dragon Clan has become the main dish, the Dragon King of the Four Seas is still somewhat respectable.


After all, the dragon clan has been passed down for tens of millions of years, even if it has fallen to this point, it should have some heritage.

It was the Hualong Pond in Lingshan that made her a little curious.

Dragons have been roaming the world since ancient times, and creatures in the world can go through several catastrophes and transform into dragon bodies if they have the chance.

For example, Yuyuelongmen.

For example, soaring from a snake into a dragon.

After going through the catastrophe, and turning into a dragon step by step, such a dragon family is strong and cannot be bullied.

Nowadays, a bath in Hualongchi can become a dragon?
There are mysteries everywhere.

Shengge sighed, and took Chen Guangrui away from Hongjiang Dragon Palace.

Chen Guangrui wanted to return home, he wanted to see his wife who was in love with each other, and he also wanted to take revenge.

Standing at the Hongjiang Ferry, Sheng Ge shook the baby and asked, "What do you want?"

Without hesitation, Chen Guangrui "rushed to Jiangzhou to protect Wen Jiaoquan."

"But before that, you should write a letter from home to inform your father-in-law, Prime Minister Yin, and write to His Majesty, explaining that the thief committed the crime, and Li Daitao was stiff."

"All your credentials have been taken away," Sheng Ge reminded.

Without a seal, without an official certificate, what qualifications do you have to play.

"So, what I mean is, I will take the baby to Jiangzhou, and you will return to Chang'an with the blood book. Use this as evidence and let Prime Minister Yin come forward."

Ordinary affairs, naturally have to be resolved with mortal rules.

She can't turn her hands over for the clouds and cover her hands for the rain.

Chen Guangrui thought for a while, then agreed.

"My wife's Zhou Quan has Fairy Lao."

Chen Guangrui begged with bowed head and hand.

Shengge waved his hand, it doesn't matter.

Be a teacher for one day, and be a father for life.

Since she is the baby's master, she can barely be considered a family.

Shengge crosses the Hongjiang River at night, and Chen Guangrui returns to Chang'an at night.

Walking to the private office in Jiangzhou, Shengge knocked on the door, and the maid asked why she came, Shengge opened her eyes without blushing and breathless, and said nonsense, "I am your wife's cousin."

"I'm passing through Jiangzhou today, so I'm here to visit."

The servant girl didn't suspect him, so she quickly invited him in.

Yin Wenjiao: Cousin?

Yin Wenjiao looked at the baby's swaddle in Shengge's arms, her heart sank, and she smiled bitterly.

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