
Could her son still be unable to escape this catastrophe?

A few days ago, she took a risk in order to exchange for a chance of life for her son, but this turned out to be the case.

Yin Wenjiao's eyes were slightly red, her expression was a little flustered, accompanied by despair.

This person presumably saw her blood book.

If she had known this, she shouldn't have been lucky enough to write the blood book that day, so that her son could save his life anyway.

This private yamen is full of Liu Hong's people.

Longtan Tiger's Den, if you enter, you may never be able to leave.

Especially since this little girl is so beautiful, I am afraid that she will end up in the same fate as her.

"Cousin." Sheng Ge smiled, with a calm expression, and spoke familiarly.

Yin Wenjiao responded dryly, looking at the baby among the Sheng singers without blinking.

Her husband died tragically, and she committed herself to the thief in order to give birth to a child. If the child dies, she will never live in the world again.

Seeing Yin Wenjiao's distraught appearance, Shengge sighed, and said via voice transmission, "Your son is destined for me, and I will accept him as my apprentice."

"With my help, Chen Guangrui has also returned to Yang, and now he is rushing to Chang'an with a blood book in his hand to ask Prime Minister Yin to come forward to honor the Emperor of Tang."

"Mortal matter, mortal matter."

"You adjust your mood, don't be suspicious."

"Soon, reinforcements will arrive."

A sentence passed into Yin Wenjiao's ears.

Yin Wenjiao's heart twitched slightly, a warlock?
She grew up in Chang'an City since she was a child, and she is also the daughter of the prime minister. Of course, she has heard that there was once a famous magician in Chang'an City, who was regarded as a guest of honor by His Majesty.

Are today's warlocks so young and picturesque?
Yin Wenjiao felt at ease, and the faint joy that emerged gradually dispelled the despair.

Just about to speak, Liu Hong hurried over after getting the news.

After all, he is a fake, and he really has a guilty conscience.

"Ma'am, who is this?"

Liu Hong pretended to be gentle and refined, but there was a fierce look in his eyes that he thought was hidden.

Obviously, Liu Hong has already moved to kill.

Yin Wenjiao was terrified, waiting for Ai Ai, for fear that Liu Hong would notice the baby scarf.

That was her clothes changed, Liu Hong should be familiar with it.

Yin Wenjiao raised her eyes again, and the swaddling towel had changed color, as if she had misjudged the color just now.

"This is the cousin-in-law, right?"

Seeing that Yin Wenjiao was full of fear for Liu Hong and couldn't speak easily, Sheng Ge answered the words familiarly.

"I'm Wen Jiao's cousin. When I was traveling, I happened to pass by Jiangzhou and came to visit Wen Jiao."

"My cousin-in-law, forgive me. I was not in Chang'an when you got married, but I also asked someone to send a congratulatory gift. I don't know how my cousin-in-law likes it."

Speaking of this, Shengge sighed, "That lonely copy is very hard to find."

Liu Hong responded hastily, "I like it."

"Since it's a congratulatory gift, it's all about joy."

"I don't know if my cousin is pregnant with a baby?"

A few days ago, Yin Wenjiao drowned Chen Guangrui's parent and child in the river, and now someone came to the door with a baby in his arms, so he couldn't let him not think too much.

"My apprentice." Sheng Ge confessed very frankly.

"Wen Jiao and I have very different personalities. She has been gentle and docile since she was a child. She is familiar with poetry, books, and playing piano and chess. She is a famous lady in the capital."

"But I'm different. Since I was a child, I like to be restless. Sticks and swords are almost the same. I want to be a chivalrous woman who walks the rivers and lakes with righteousness."

"You are really lucky to marry Wen Jiao."

Shengge teased.

"I heard that my cousin's husband is the number one scholar in the new discipline. He is full of beauty and success, and Zhilan Yushu is elegant and elegant. It's just that I was a little surprised when I saw him today."

"It's better to be famous than to meet."

"Oh, cousin-in-law, don't mind. I think it's not my cousin-in-law's fault. It must be the people who saw the number one scholar parading in the street spreading rumors. Cousin-in-law doesn't need to blame himself."

"It can't be said that they are exactly the same, it can only be said that they are irrelevant."

"Cousin doesn't mean you are ugly, it's just that you are not so good-looking."

"My cousin has always spoken so directly. My cousin's husband is one of the best scholars, so he won't care about me, a vulgar Jianghu girl."

Let Shengge do the talking alone.

Liu Hong's face was flushed, like an angry puffer fish, but it was not easy to attack.

Blowfish: Bah, bad luck!
"Is it because the water and soil in Jiangzhou made my cousin-in-law uncomfortable?"

"Or is it that the daily business is too busy and the human relationship is too complicated, which makes the cousin-in-law look so tired from the vicissitudes of life. Look at this face, is it the imprint left by the wind and the sun and the hard work in the fields?"

"Oh, it's really not easy to be an official."

Liu Hong: ...

Yin Wenjiao: ...

Liu Hong was so angry that he couldn't let it out, every light word seemed to poke his heart.

Before, he was just a boatman.

Imitating the talent and demeanor of the No. [-] scholar almost cost him half his life.

Yin Wenjiao, on the other hand, was curious, are all sorcerers so introverted nowadays?
Not only must there be supernatural powers, but also a sharp tongue.

Sheng Ge continued to talk nonsense in a serious manner, "Cousin-in-law, I wonder if I can stay at the house for a few days?"

"If I can stay comfortably, I will speak well for you in front of the dignitaries when I return to Chang'an, so that you can end your transfer as soon as possible and return to Chang'an to work."

Well, she was provoking Liu Hong.

False, after all, is false.

In the distant Jiangzhou, everyone was terrified.

Dare to go back to Chang'an?
Gritting his teeth, Liu Hong forced a smile on his face and nodded in response.

At the same time, he thought of thousands of ways to kill people.

Killing people is the first time to be born and the second time to be acquainted.

Both Chen Guangrui and Shutong died at his hands, and it would be nice to have another cousin who walked the rivers and lakes.

The completely different personalities made Liu Hong change his greedy and lustful nature, and decisively decided to find an opportunity to get rid of him.

The reason why he kept Yin Wenjiao was because he wanted to see the sex, and secondly, he was convinced of Yin Wenjiao's meek and weak character, so he couldn't make a big storm.

"I will let my cousin come here with pleasure, and make guests feel like home."

Liu Hong racked his brains and finally came up with two idioms to confirm his identity as a scholar.

Shengge hooked the corners of his mouth sadly, and continued to pretend, "Is my cousin-in-law not treating me like a family member?"

"The guest feels at home, the guest feels at home, so it's just a guest."

Liu Hong was speechless.

Jiangzhou's official Shumen Zao and all the officials he belongs to are not as difficult to deal with as the woman in front of him.

"It was my slip of the tongue, it was my slip of the tongue."

"Madam, take good care of your cousin. I'll finish the rest of the business and return."

Liu Hong intends to find his murder partner Li Biao.

Both he and Li Biao have their lives at stake, and if one reveals his secrets, the other will not be able to please.

Therefore, it is the most reliable and convenient to use.

Seeing Liu Hong's figure getting farther and farther away, until it turned into a small black spot.

Shengge snorted lightly, and there was no one who could beat him.

Her mouth is really giving her credit.

Those who abscond are most afraid of and most excited about the appearance of inexplicable people around them.

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