When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 104 The butcher Hu who wants to change his career is on the shelves

Chapter 104 Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job ([-]) Released Fourth Change
If it wasn't for her keen perception, she might not be able to smell it.

However, she feels that it is still necessary to guard against the passing of time.

The scholar met to drink and listen to music, and after a few years, she became a student of the emperor, whether it was a brothel or not, she couldn't let her go.

Shengge felt that being an old man was really tiring.

Obviously these stupid things are not mentioned in the plot, so it is possible that passing the hospital examination ahead of time means that everything will change.

No, Fan Jin must go to Shandong to learn Taoism according to the plot track, otherwise she will not be able to complete the task.

So, cheap son-in-law, I'm sorry, you have to cut off your romantic thoughts about your father-in-law.

Well, father-in-law is so selfish.

No, it's not selfish, it's mutual benefit and win-win.

The ghost knows how distorted the plot will be if it collapses, so we must not relax.

What if Fan Jinzhong fails, what if there are some problems in the imperial examination, what if...

For the plot of the collapse, Shengge can instantly make up [-] possibilities.

Being a father-in-law is tiring, and being a father-in-law who insists on dying with Fan Jin is even more tiring.

I heard that Emperor Zhengde favored eunuchs the most. Even if this world is not a real history, there should be some similarities.

Or, she enters the palace to be a eunuch, blowing the wind around the pillow?

Bah, no, it's the wind in my ears.

But to be an eunuch has to cut off a small object on her body. Although she was a little disgusted at first, she was afraid of pain...

Well, the ploy didn't work.

If Fan Jin entered the court as an official, he would never admit that there was an eunuch father-in-law.

That's harder to accept than father-in-law being a butcher.

Alas, why does it feel like the future is bleak?

It's all Fan Jin's fault. To be honest, it's just a matter of meeting in the middle of next winter. Why do you have to destroy the timeline?

She still understands the principle that one hair can affect the whole body.

Now the timeline has changed, who knows what will happen in the future...

No, I can't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this task is hanging in the balance.

Hmph, relying on others is the most troublesome thing, even if she has all kinds of skills, she can't become Fan Jin, and she can't hold Fan Jin's mind and body.

Fan Jin, who was tremblingly waiting for his fierce father-in-law to scold him, felt his father-in-law emitting a cold air all over his body, as if he was going to strangle him to death.

Father-in-law, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil.

We are the relationship between the father-in-law and the son-in-law, not sworn enemies.

father in law……

Fan Jin felt that he was not as unlucky among all the scholars, and there was nothing he could do about such a talented father-in-law.


Another cold snort.

Fan Jin looked at the leaves blown down by the night wind, and his heart was cold.

This time the father-in-law won't be chasing him with a butcher's knife.

Thinking about it any further, he was afraid that he would faint first.

Fan Jin and Sheng Ge were thinking about each other, but neither of them could see through each other's thinking.

"I heard that you won the prize, I immediately brought meat and wine to celebrate, but I didn't expect..."

She also fell hard and ate a mouthful of dirt, okay?

The baby is so wronged, but the baby just doesn't say anything.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law is really wrong. If you want to beat him or scold him, just be happy."

Well, as long as you don't kill him with a butcher's knife.

Stay alive, everything is easy to talk about.

Shengge pouted, can you not admit your mistake so readily.

"Bring a pole."

The thick and long shoulder pole is the most convenient for picking people up.

She is taking precautions against the passing of time, is it true that she will wait for Fan Jin to become obsessed with brothels in the future before making a move?

It is too late to make up for the dead sheep, and the lost sheep will never be found again.


Already dumbfounded, Fan Hu was holding the water pole in a daze, and only realized when it was handed over to Shengge.

"Father, why do you need a pole?"

Fan Hu didn't understand what his father and husband said at all.

What exactly did the husband do, the old man was so angry that he wanted to do something.

Isn't it just a gathering with a few friends of the same case?

Sheng Ge and Fan Jin spoke cryptically, and it wasn't Fan Hu's and Fan Jin's old mother who were confused.

"If you don't take a shoulder pole, should you use a butcher's knife?"

Shengge sighed, I really don't know if it's a lucky thing for cheap daughter to stay like this.

"I can't fight..."

There was another plop, and another person knelt in front of Shengge.

Fan Hushi was still holding the pole tightly in his hands, for fear that Shengge would snatch it away.

Unlike Fan Hu's hoarse voice, Fan Jin only had a wry smile in his heart.

He knew it, he knew that his father-in-law wanted to kill him with a butcher's knife.

God, my life is so miserable.

When Sheng Ge didn't know, Fan Jin had a little dramatist in his heart, the kind who automatically added drama.

Looking at Fan Hu who was holding a shoulder pole in one hand and her calf in the other, who was about to cry, Shengge was about to laugh angrily.


Stay away from this girl, I don't know that the clothes are newly changed.

Shengge retracted her legs, took a step back, and broke a branch from the road outside the courtyard.

No one can shake her heart to beat Fan Jin...

Fan Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw clearly what Sheng singer was holding, isn't it just a branch?
It was only when the branches brushed against him that Fan Jin knew that his father-in-law's ability to beat people had improved again.

Although the branches were obviously fragile, the father-in-law whipped out the effect of a whip.


Fan Hu's Gulu is far away, obviously the same idea as Fan Jin, isn't it just a branch, it's much better without a pole...

Estimating Fan Jin's body, Sheng Ge smoked more than a dozen times, and only saw the blood oozing from Fan Jin's butt before throwing the branch aside.

If you do something wrong, you have to be punished.

It's really weird for an old man to look at his son-in-law's butt.

"This matter ends here, if there is a next time..."

Shengge broke the arm-thick wooden stick standing on the side with his bare hands.

Hands are always more useful than dry words.

Now not only Fan Jin was honest, but even Fan Hu who was crying on the side subconsciously covered his mouth, for fear of making his father unhappy by making noise.

What if the stick was replaced by her...

It's rare that Fan Jin and Fan Hushi have a tacit understanding this time, and they don't need words at all.

"Father-in-law's lesson is that there will be no next time."

With Fan Hu's support, Fan Jin stood up and said again and again.

Sheng Ge saw Fan Hushi and Fan Jin's old mother holding back tears, and instantly felt that this villain seemed too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"This is medicine for golden sores, go and apply it to him."

Fan Jin's pupils shrank, and he obediently motioned to Fan Hu to take the golden sore medicine, almost crying in his heart.

There is no one who comes to visit and brings golden sore medicine. Does the father-in-law have the idea of ​​beating him up?

This is Fan Jin wronging Shengge...

The gold sore medicine was given by others, and it was used to offset the reward for writing letters.

"Father is still thoughtful."

Brainless Fan Hu said.

"By the way, Mr. Xiang, why do I smell your fragrance? It smells so good."

Fan Hu's silly Baitian asked casually.

Fan Jin staggered and nearly fell, so stop playing with him, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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