Chapter 105 The Butcher Hu Who Wants to Change His Job ([-])

He really knew he was wrong...

"Is that so?" Fan Jin replied shyly, never mentioning why Xiangxiang was so sweet.

The father-in-law had just beaten someone up, and if the wife started a fight, it would kill her.

Shengge smiles, fools have fools.

This way, Fan Hushi will be less troubled, so there is no need to be strict with her.

"Husband, what did you do wrong?"

"It's really scaring me. I thought Dad wanted that pole to beat you."

"How can you carry water when the pole is broken?"

Fan Jin felt that his butt hurt even more, was his wife serious when she said this?

Even so, Fan Jin didn't go anywhere before confessing to Fan Hushi.

He was really fooled out...

"Perhaps my father-in-law is afraid that I will waste my studies and acquire bad habits, that's why I'm so angry."

After being beaten up, Fan Jin didn't feel ashamed.

He understood that his father-in-law was doing it for his own good.

As a scholar, the reputation of being undisciplined and dishonest spread out, and the township examination might be ruined.

It's better to be beaten than his father-in-law who slashed at him with a knife and shouted loudly.

"But my father's attack is too heavy."

Fan Hushi looked at Fan Jin's bloody wound, tears fell uncontrollably.

"Don't cry..."


Daughter-in-law, can you stop making trouble?

Tears fell on the wound like a handful of salt, it was hot and painful.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

"Husband, the weather is so hot. You were beaten up by your father. It will be very uncomfortable to lie in bed to recuperate. What if you die..."

Fan Hu's brain holes spread uncontrollably.


Fan Jin only felt a headache, can he take the medicine quietly?don't scare him...

Sheng Ge, who had good hearing, bent the corners of his mouth as he listened to the chatter of the young couple in the room.

In fact, this kind of Fan Jin doesn't seem to be annoying. When facing a person in a real way, it is with emotion, joy, anger and warmth.

No matter how ingenious and vivid the words are, it is difficult to completely outline all aspects of a person.

Speaking of which, Fan Jin is quite interesting.

There is nothing wrong with being able to bend and stretch, and to be cowardly when it is time to be cowardly.

Fan Jin's old mother stood aside with a cane, looking at Shengge in fear, even holding back her cough, she couldn't hold it anymore, she covered her hand and tried not to make too much noise.

My father-in-law is getting more and more scary...

Fan Jin's old mother looked at the thin branches and the broken thick wooden stick, her heart beat faster.

I don't know where my father-in-law's strength came from.

Is it possible to kill a pig?
When slaughtering pigs, pigs have to resist, and once they come and go, they develop supernatural powers?



Fan Jin's old mother replied immediately when she heard Sheng Ge speak.

This attitude was very much like the instructor's roll call during military training, but it made Shengge a little uncomfortable.

There's really no need to be so afraid of her...

Sheng Ge asked herself that she was still quite pleasant, it must be because Butcher Hu had committed too many sins before, and his appearance was too fierce.

"Mother-in-law, you don't need to be so nervous."

"It's just a few flesh wounds, nothing serious."

Sheng Ge suddenly felt that it seemed a little too much for him to beat Fan Jin in front of Fan Jin's old mother.

Is she too double standard?

If someone beat Amao in front of her, she would have already gone to find someone to do her best.

Just like the sentence of the middle-aged scribe in the last world, she carefully remembered it.

Now she has spoken to Fan Jin's old mother...

Therefore, as an in-law, for the sake of long-term friendship and harmony in the future, she should explain a little bit.

"My mother-in-law, as a scholar who has not yet passed the exam, don't you want fame when you go in and out of Huajie and Liuxiang?"

Shengge lowered his voice and said lightly.

Over the years, Fan Jin's mother has also become obsessed with Zhongju.

She believed that Fan Jin's mother knew about this matter, and Fan Jin might have to live a life of chaos for a few more days.

Flower Street and Willow Lane...

don't want fame...

Fan Jin's old mother quickly grasped the point of the words, and nodded blankly.

"Thanks to my father-in-law for reminding me."

Fan Jin's old mother felt that her son was reliable, honest and kind, and she only read sage books, so how could she go back to Huajie and Liuxiang.

Well, it must have been led astray by those young people.

Mother Fan's thoughts are most common among elders.

My own child, Xiong, must have been spoiled by a more bearish child.

"Father-in-law, are you okay this time?"

Fan's mother's heart was raised high, and she had long forgotten about Sheng Ge's beating of Fan Jin just now.

Isn't it just a beating, and I was beaten a lot before.

The focus now is whether it will affect the next township examination, whether it will affect the future official status...

"It should be fine."

"However, this kind of thing must be avoided. If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts."

Shengge didn't explain too much.

There is still a qualitative difference between sex with prostitutes and drinking and listening to music.

"How can this child be so worrying?"

Mother Fan tapped the ground heavily with her crutches, and she restrained herself after noticing Shengge's gaze.

Fan's mother wanted to cry in her heart, father-in-law, can you leave quickly?
With you here, I just want to fulfill my majesty as a mother, but I dare not.

Fan Jin, who had given the medicine, limped out with the help of Fan Hushi.

"Today, I want to congratulate you on being a scholar, and I want to ask you some questions."

"The timing doesn't seem right now."

"I'll give you three days to recover from your injuries, and move to my house after you recover from your injuries."

"If you want to come to my mother-in-law, she won't mind me supervising Fan Jin."

When he said the last sentence, Sheng Ge looked at Mother Fan.

Mother Fan looked embarrassed, but thinking of what Sheng Ge said just now, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

It's better for my son to suffer a little bit now than to be unable to be an official.

Besides, although the father-in-law was a little fierce, but at most it was a skin trauma, which couldn't hurt his life.

A loving mother has many losers, she can't indulge and ruin Jin'er...

Fan Jin's eyes quietly turned around his father-in-law and old mother. He was the one involved. Why didn't anyone ask his opinion.

Why is his life so hard...

Fan Jin couldn't remember how many times he felt that his life was suffering tonight.

Why is it always he who gets hurt...

"father in law……"

Sheng Ge first broke a branch again, then looked at Fan Jin with a smile, showing Grandma Wolf's smile again.

Seemingly amiable, but actually indifferent and fierce, with a posture of striking at the slightest disagreement.

"Why, son-in-law, do you dislike your father-in-law's small yard?"

The branches rustled in Singer Sheng's heart, helping Fan Jin recall the memory of being beaten bit by bit.

"how come."

"What my father-in-law said is that everything is obeyed by my father-in-law."

Fan Jin flinched flamboyantly, holding his voice and timidly replied.

Three days...

only three days
In three days he will go to hell.

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(End of this chapter)

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