
At that time, although there was an element of deception, it was a fact that Sun Wukong was easily crushed by him under the Five Elements Mountain.

Now, Monkey King has broken the golden bowl.

The golden bowl broke into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

"What hatred and hatred, the Buddha wants me to dissipate in this golden bowl?"

Monkey King has a straight back, sharp eyes, and his whole body is like the wind.

Free, unruly, and powerful enough to destroy everything.

Monkey King stepped forward, "Because I don't want to convert to Buddhism?"

"Because I don't want to be the most obedient pawn in the Buddha's hands?"

"Because I have my own will and my own choice?"

"Since it is so overbearing, why bother to keep saying that all living beings are equal, and those who follow the Buddha will prosper, and those who go against the Buddha will die."

"The Buddha not only wanted to be the Lord of Lingshan, but he also wanted to control the fate of all living beings in the Three Realms."

"Life or death depends on the will."

Tathagata's face was ugly, and his eyes kept turning between Monkey King and Sheng Ge.

Such as the clever words and expressions that make a withdrawal, the heartbeat that almost resonates at the same frequency.

This little hozen is the enemy.

Back then, he should have killed her desperately.

Today's predicament is all because of his indecision more than two hundred years ago.

"This seat can't be wrong."

Even now, he couldn't let go.

Otherwise, he, including the entire Lingshan, and the entire Western religion will be reduced to a laughing stock.

All the immortals and gods watching looked inexplicable.

Is the Tathagata still believable?
In their view, the Monkey King who caused the disturbance in the Heavenly Palace more than 500 years ago should have been so fearless.

Besides, that little fairy is a boy under the seat of Laojun of Tushita Palace.

It is not difficult to choose between close and distant.

Shengge chuckled, "All the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and even monsters with connections know that when I was trying to save Monkey King from the Five Elements Mountain, I was cut off by the Tathagata, and my realm plummeted."

"The Tathagata still felt provoked, so he went to the Lingxiao Palace alone."

"My friendship with Sun Wukong is not the moon in the mirror."

Speaking of this, Sheng Ge sneered, "Buddha really thinks that anyone in this world is worth everything for me?"

"Can life and death be judged by you alone?"

"Sun Wukong's words should have pierced your secret little thoughts."

After a long delay, people who belonged to Lingshan came one after another upon hearing the news.

For a time, evenly matched.

Guanyin was terrified, she must be punished for this matter.

Tathagata was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jin Chanzi, "Disciple Jin Chanzi, pay homage to the Buddha."

Tathagata: ...

Everyone in Lingshan: ...

"The disciple was once the second disciple of the Buddha, but he was also the first golden cicada in this world."

"The escape of the golden cicada is not groundless."

"So, in the past nine reincarnations, the disciple is like a cicada shedding its shell and transforming."

"The flesh and blood of every life has the effect of longevity and regeneration."

"Buddha, are the disciple's bones also annihilated?"

The gods were in an uproar and whispered.

Tathagata's throat seemed to be blocked suddenly, unable to spit out a word completely.

This is his second disciple, who was demoted to the lower realms and punished for ten lifetimes of reincarnation, not just because of contempt for Buddhism, but also because the golden cicada was the only choice.

The first golden cicada in the world is a natural god, immortal.

Shedding is also a new life.

Now, in the tenth life of reincarnation, almost none of the golden cicadas have escaped their shells and regenerated forever.

Therefore, this is also the life he gave Jin Chanzi to become a Buddha.

"Buddha, Lingshan needs golden cicadas, but not golden cicadas, right?"

The corners of Jin Chanzi's mouth rose slightly, full of sarcasm.

"The Buddha was still popularizing the five insects and four monkeys just now. The head of the five insects is the golden cicada. During the period of shedding its skin, the outer shell is extremely hard, but the flesh inside the shell is very fragile."

"Ancestor Hongjun preaches, but all qualified creatures have to go to West Kunlun to listen to the lecture, and I can't avoid it."

"On the way to West Kunlun, the Taoist guide happened to meet a six-winged golden cicada that emerged from its cocoon. Taking advantage of its weakness, the golden light surrendered."

"Buddha, should I call you Tathagata Buddha, or welcome Buddha?"

What he thought of was not just the reincarnation of the tenth life.

All kinds of things before the prehistoric conferment of the gods are also being remembered one after another.

He also once doubted whether his master was a reclusive sage who gave a ray of mind to experience the world, such as the Empress Houtu who became holy in the six realms of reincarnation, otherwise he didn't know how to explain the drop of blood that could awaken his thousands of years of memory .

But, gradually, he himself rejected this idea.

Jin Chanzi's words completely tore up Tathagata's fig leaf.

Sheng Ge was also surprised, it turned out that this was the origin of Jin Chanzi.

The Golden Cicada once made the saints' brains very troubled.

I never thought that after being subdued by the Taoist guide, I would follow the Taoist guide to practice and reincarnate.

When the sage nearby stayed away from the world as agreed, he was reincarnated and became the master of Western religion once again.

Tathagata's face was completely black.

Obviously just to distinguish the real and the fake Sun Wukong, but it first brought out his selfishness to cause six impurities, and then pulled out his reincarnation and used the six-winged golden cicada to shed his body to teach the West to cultivate the law of longevity.

His position as the leader of the Western religion is no longer stable.

It was originally a safe move, but one careless move caused the whole game to be lost.

Tathagata's gaze was like a torch, and a bright and dazzling Buddha's light burst out from his eyes, shooting straight at Shengge.

All this is because of this little hozen.

Monkey King, who should have surrendered under the Five Elements Mountain, is still proud.

Jin Chanzi, who was supposed to honestly complete the final mission of reincarnation in the tenth life and help Buddhism spread to the east, now regained the memory of a thousand years ago and rebelled.

"Then I wonder which old acquaintance you are?"

Tathagata subconsciously believes that the only one who can break his chess game and put him in an embarrassing situation is the old acquaintance who made him behave with his tail between his legs.

Shengge frowned, "We don't know each other well."

"Try it and you will know." Tathagata has already made up his mind to pull Shengge into the water.

A saint who disturbs the situation will be criticized by thousands of people.

But if there are two saints, then everyone will turn a blind eye.

So, as soon as he made a move, Tathagata used his strongest supernatural powers, making Shengge's past nowhere to hide.

However, the Tathagata worked hard and tried his best, but he only moved a few pages of Shengge's book of fate.

Coincidentally, the scene of cutting the heart caught everyone's eyes.

This scene happened to confirm Shengge's sentence that life is connected and blood resonates.

Sun Wukong's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and the fog that had been hanging over his mind for a long time seemed to dissipate little by little as the Tathagata touched Shengge's book of fate.

Who is he?
Who is she?

It turns out that those strange familiarity are all derived from their several reunions.

It turned out that they had so many lives.

As the mist dissipated, Sun Wukong's aura continued to rise, giving him a feeling that heaven and earth could not be restrained.

Tathagata stopped his supernatural powers, his face was pale, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

This little hozen is not a saint.

No wonder it can make the clear secrets chaotic, no wonder it can make his chess game collapse.

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