Chapter 1052 A Fateful Encounter (42)

It turned out that this little hozen should never be surrendered to his chessboard, and should not be accepted by the Dao of Heaven.

But why, from the beginning to the end, the way of heaven never warned.

And Sun Wukong...

In this world, is there really a sky beyond the sky?
He always thought that the saint is the pinnacle of the world, and no one can match him.

Therefore, after the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the saints avoided the world according to the rules.

But he couldn't accept that he had planned so hard and ended up just hiding behind the scenes.

Therefore, he escaped into reincarnation with the Golden Cicada, reincarnated and rebuilt.

Although it is difficult to reach the peak of cultivation, he still has memory and supernatural powers, especially his understanding of Buddhism, so he became a Buddha again and lived in Lingshan.

And the Six-winged Golden Cicada became his second disciple.

The aura of heaven and earth is far inferior to that of the ancient prehistoric times. Life is long and easy, but true immortality is difficult.

Even the lifespan of gods and Buddhas is decreasing sharply.

The first golden cicada in the world became the most powerful guarantee for him to contend against the heaven.

Even the Queen Mother's flat peach tree is hard to compare with.

Tathagata was silent, his thoughts were flying.

And the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas in the crowd of immortals and gods were winking at each other, and then they all agreed to celebrate their choice.

I always feel that they took advantage of the Great Sage.

The scenes that happened today have left the glorious and flawless golden body of the Tathagata gone, replaced by a conspiracy image of greed for life, fear of death, disregard of rules and six unclean roots.

The seat of the Lord of Lingshan, the Tathagata could not sit firmly.

Monkey King doesn't even need to stick to Lingshan anymore.

The rest of the Buddhas will never stand by and watch the thriving Western religion fall into a dilapidated and desolate situation again because of the Tathagata.

I just don't know if I have the courage to clean up the portal by myself.

But in any case, they are all stained.

The rise of the Dragon Clan is just around the corner.

Especially the Dragon King of Beihai couldn't help but praise himself in his heart.

"Buddha, why do you have sophistry?"

"Lingshan, the sacred place in the hearts of Buddhist disciples, has become a place where filth is hidden. It is ridiculous to say."

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva manifested in the Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land, and stated that only the true Mahayana Buddhism can transcend sentient beings and help sentient beings escape suffering."

"But is that really the case?"

After Sheng Ge's voice fell, several figures reappeared in the mountains and fields.

Laojun, Jade Emperor, Queen Mother.

It can be said that there are countless gods and Buddhas in the sky, and all of them are here.

The six-eared macaque was completely wilted.

Thinking of this, the six-eared macaque decided to take the initiative to confess.

Under the watchful eyes of all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, it is impossible for Tathagata to kill him.

"I confess."

The six-eared macaque spoke timidly.

Turning his mind, the six-eared macaque returned to its original appearance.

"I was originally a six-eared macaque among the four spirit monkeys. I wanted to seek the way of longevity, and was taught by the Tathagata Buddha. Today, under the order of the Tathagata Buddha, I transformed into the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and joined the team of Buddhist scriptures."

"The Buddha said, it is very important to obtain the scriptures and spread the Dharma to the East, and there must be no mistakes."

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven has been influenced by Buddhism for 500 years, but he still hasn't enlightened and converted to Buddhism. I am afraid that something will happen."

"So, there is a farce about the real and fake Monkey King."

It's one thing for everyone to understand, but it's another thing for the six-eared macaque to say it so bluntly.

Nezha, who had watched the show for a long time, was rebellious, and excitedly concluded with his fingers, "First, the Tathagata Buddha tried to hide the truth from the truth."

"Secondly, the Tathagata Buddha obtained the flesh and blood body of the Six-winged Cicada IX through painstaking efforts."

"Third, the so-called Buddhist scriptures are a scam from beginning to end."

"Is it because there are not enough Buddhist scriptures in Lingshan, so the Tathagata is so idle?"

Li Jing: He tried his best, but he really couldn't cover Nezha's mouth.

Provocation everywhere, hatred everywhere.

He deeply suspects that real Taiyi did not reshape Nezha's golden body with lotus flowers back then, but the rebellious bones collected in the Three Realms.

It's fine to keep clamoring every day to overthrow the old Jade Emperor's Lingxiao Palace, but now he's going to provoke Tathagata again.

He finally understood that Nezha just couldn't stop wanting to rebel.

As for who rebelled, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that there is a rebellion.

The Mucha envoy who was following Guanyin blushed, but couldn't help but glared at Nezha.

He is Nezha's elder brother, but also a disciple of Guanyin.

Nezha made a grimace, and continued to yell, "The master of Lingshan is so inconsistent. Doesn't the whole Lingshan follow the same way?"

"After all, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

With this sentence, the attack surface becomes very wide.

Facing the glaring stares of the Buddhist people, Nezha was eager to try.

"Great Sage, do you want to fight?"

"Shengge, do you want to fight?"

Hurry up!
His hands are itching to death!
The Tathagata looked around, his eyes flicked across the faces of all the gods and Buddhas, and finally fixed his eyes on the Taishang Laojun. "Old Monarch, you won this game of chess. This old monk feels ashamed."

"Although the old monk is defeated, Buddhism will prosper forever, and the battle between Buddhism and Taoism will not end with the defeat of the old monk."

Laojun waved the floating dust in his hand, "I have never played a chessboard with Buddha."

"I only follow the true avenue."

"The Dao is natural, but the Dao loves the common people."

"Using the creatures of the three realms as pawns to seek to calculate the incense of believers has deviated from the Dao from the very beginning."

"A temporary gain or loss is not a long-term solution."

"Tathagata, you are stubborn."

The Tathagata smiled strangely, "This loss is not due to my wise plan."

"After 500 years of imprisonment under the Five Elements Mountain, even if Sun Wukong could not convert to Buddhism and devote himself to Buddha, he would never have the spirit to soar to the sky. This is his despair of the world and of people's hearts."

"However, this little hozen just happened to light up a bright light for Monkey King in the abyss, pick up his broken pride, and awaken his courage and blood."

"Also, if I can take this little hozen under my door first, she will be the best substitute for Monkey King."

"She will follow behind Jin Chanzi in the name of Monkey King, live for Monkey King, help Buddhism spread to the east, and all the luck of heaven will return to Buddhism."

"And Sun Wukong will also become the founder of my Buddhism."

"It was my bad move, and I failed to figure out that people who do not belong to this world descend here."

Speaking of this, Tathagata shifted his gaze to Shengge, "I think, Jin Chanzi's awakening of memory in advance is also related to you."

"If I'm not mistaken, you are here only for Monkey King."

"It's for him, but it's not only for him." Sheng Ge sighed softly, "Whether it's Buddha or Dao, it's always about protecting the three worlds."

"All living beings have feelings, protect them, and they will be grateful."

"As Laojun said just now, the true Dao should love the common people."

"Conspiracy and calculation are not long-term solutions."

"Let's not put the creatures of the three realms in dire straits just because of the whim of the gods and Buddhas aloft."

Tathagata still smiled strangely, and even brought a question of "You have experienced countless things, why are you still so naive?"

(End of this chapter)

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