Chapter 107

Alas, worry...

Father-in-law is so fierce now, wouldn't it be even more fierce after he passed the imperial examination.

How can I live this day.

No, in order to avoid getting beaten up in the future, he should study hard.

As an official and lord, the father-in-law can also fear a thing or two.

Unknowingly, Fan Jin's thoughts have gone astray a lot.

Sheng Ge, who is full of food, drinking and sleeping soundly, has no idea that she has once again left a psychological shadow in Fan Jin's heart.


"Husband, why are you crying?"

In the early morning, the east is slightly white, and the rooster crows, waking up everyone who is sleeping in the dreamland.

Fan Hu rubbed his dazed eyes and asked carelessly.

"I yawned."

Fan Jin was speechless.

How could he forget that his wife's sleeping appearance can be shockingly terrible.

In one night, he was wounded and beaten countless times in various ways.

To know this, he might as well lie on Xiao Pizi's table all night.

"Husband, is it too painful?"

"I'll give you medicine right now."

Fan Hushi never thought that Fan Jin's tearful little shou appearance was caused by himself.

"Husband, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I was as powerful as my father."

Fan Hushi said with a smile while changing Fan Jin's medicine.

Fan Jin smiled wryly, isn't he just as powerful? He danced and danced at night when he was so powerful, and he didn't even remember that there was an injured husband beside him.

"Husband, why do I feel that your injury is worse than last night?"

Fan Hushi, who didn't know anything, stretched out his hand and poked lightly.

Fan Jin once again enjoyed the feeling of gasping for breath.

"You help me clean up, I'm going to my father-in-law's house today."

After much deliberation, Fan Jin made a solemn decision.

He never wanted to feel the pain of last night again.

Anyway, you have to go sooner or later, and it’s okay to go two or three days earlier.

"Husband, don't you encounter something unclean?"

Because Fan Hushi was surprised, he inadvertently aggravated the movements of his hands.

Fan Jin became more and more determined to go to Shengge's house to enjoy a private room in advance.

"Zibuyu is strange, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Fan Jin, who had been suffocated all night, unconsciously raised a few points in his voice.

Everyone else was angry when they got up. He was angry after being beaten all night, but he still hadn't vented his anger yet.

Look at my wife's confused face, she doesn't know what crime she committed last night.

"Husband, aren't you most afraid of your father?"

"Besides, when you go to your father's house, who will give you the medicine? I don't worry about my father's rough hands and feet and his strength."

Hearing this, Fan Jin felt cold.

He'd better stay at home honestly and recover from his injuries before going.

He really couldn't imagine the scene of his father-in-law who broke the stick with his rough hands and gave medicine gently.

Can't think, can't try...

This attempt is highly risky.


When Fan Jin was selected as a scholar, there was quite a lot of excitement outside Sheng Ge's house, but there were very few people who actually congratulated him.

Shit said, this time I really don't care about my business...

Obviously the shit I prepared will come next year, and he also wants to know why Fan Jin suddenly fell in love with his husband...

When the sun was high, Sheng Ge finally carried his book basket on his back and went to a crowded place to become a letter writer again.

Sheng Ge looked at the sun above his head, which was still hot but not even a trace of coolness, and felt depressed.

This girl wants to turn on the air conditioner, eat watermelon, eat ice cream, and drink lemon juice...

There are too many things I want to do, but I don't want to write letters to make money.

Sheng Ge looked at her dog-like calligraphy and pouted, that's all, she should not be too ambitious.

Shengge has already thought about it very well. She will do this letter writing job until she can write words that can be seen by others, and then she will become a treasure hunter.

Well, that's right, it's just looking for medicinal materials all over the mountains and plains.

She felt that this highly hierarchical society seemed a little more difficult to get along with than the troubled times.

In troubled times, no one has time to talk to you.

She also thought about becoming a chef with her superb cooking skills, but no one dared to use her, so she was very helpless.

When this girl gets rich in the future, she will definitely open a restaurant that only sells one table a day, so that you can't eat whatever you want.

While thinking wildly, Sheng Ge numbly wrote a letter for an elderly man.

"Old Hu, I heard that your son-in-law has become a scholar, do you want to treat me to dinner?"

A few fake blind men around Shengge who were selling calligraphy, painting and even fortune-telling booed after the old man left.


"You, and you, aren't you a scholar?"

Shengge casually pointed to the two half-immortals who were shaking their heads and stroking their messy beards, pretending to be blind.

In this era, it is really difficult to test for a scholar, but it is useless after passing the test.

They can neither glorify their ancestors, nor support their families, and it is even difficult to guarantee their own basic necessities of life.


Oh, it just sounds nice.

Think about those ancient costume dramas, every now and then it's the scholar who is poor and poor, and the scholar's wife and children are separated...

To be a talent, you need to be cautious.


"Shouldn't we celebrate that the group of scholars has grown bigger again?"

The fake blind man who was fooling people all day long when disaster was imminent reacted very quickly and changed his rhetoric in an instant.

It is worthy of being a scholar in the past, and what he said is nice.

"Then you guys have to celebrate with Fan Jin, I'm not a scholar."

Sheng Ge spread his hands, making money is so difficult, don't think about letting her be taken advantage of.

"You're really insane."

"I'm just stubborn, what can you do to me..."

Shengge is a bullying person, and a group of people who also make a living on the street will not make her cowardly.

Hmph, in terms of verbal arguments, she has never been afraid of anyone.

Shengge is alone, fighting against all the heroes, talking dry, and closing the stall in advance.

She would never admit that she was tired of being Mr. Letter Writer.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Shengge was sitting peacefully at home waiting for her cheap son-in-law to come to her door.

She thought it was time to arrive at noon, but she didn't expect Fan Jin to dawdle to the tip of the willow on the moon.

Hehehe, can you come later?

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law knows his mistake."

Before Shengge could speak, Fan Jin wisely began to admit his mistake.

Sheng Ge touched the corner of his mouth embarrassingly, did Fan Jin know to admit his mistake?

"If you make a mistake knowingly, you will add another mistake to your mistake."

Fan Jin frowned, it would be great if he could come.

The father-in-law didn't see his wife and mother parting with snot and tears when he came.

It's as if he came to his father-in-law to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​flames, and there is no return date.

Obviously it was the mother who most firmly agreed to the father-in-law, but in the end it was the mother who cried the most.

The loud crying sound disturbed all the other people who came to the door.

But, can he tell his father-in-law?
Obviously not, what if the father-in-law gets angry and beats up the mother.

 Second more...

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(End of this chapter)

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