Chapter 108 The Butcher Hu Who Wants to Change His Job ([-])

My mother is old, but she can't stand such a toss from her father-in-law.

"It's not an example."

Seeing Fan Jin's limping gait, Sheng Ge's heart softened once in a while.

"That's your room, clean it up yourself."

She is so lazy, don't let her take care of the wounded tenderly and considerately.

Of course, if the injured number has a prosperous beauty, that's another matter.

She is so unprincipled...

But who made Fan Jin a bad old man similar to her.

Maybe in a few years, he will look older than her.

They are all bad old men, so let's be self-reliant.

Fan Jin was surprised that his father-in-law let him go so lightly, it was a bit unbelievable.

Fortunately, he was already prepared, waiting for his father-in-law to scold him head-on and face-to-face.

After so many years, he was used to it.

People often say that a woman's heart is like a needle under the sea, but why do I feel that my father-in-law's mind is much harder to guess than a woman's mind.

No matter how smart Fan Jin was, he would never have guessed that Butcher Hu's muscular body was filled with a schoolgirl.

"I don't care what to look at."

Hmph, just because you're a bad old man, it's useless to act coquettish and pretend to be pitiful.

"How dare my son-in-law make my father-in-law work hard?"

Fan Jin's ability to talk nonsense when he sees people is already perfect.

There is only one way to face Hu Butcher Fan Jin, and that is to admit his mistakes, keep admitting his mistakes, have a good attitude, and never talk back.

In the past, he endured humiliation, but now he is trembling with fear...

He didn't dare to talk back, and he didn't dare to resist.


Sheng Ge curled his lips secretly, Fan Jin looked like a ball without edges and corners, rolling wherever he went.

Smooth, can be a man.

If you walk too rough, you will lose your waist: Shouldn't the cheap son-in-law stand up and let the old man, the anchor, know what is inviolable?
Lang Jiujiu: Brother Tai Lang thinks too much, the cheap son-in-law is better than blue in knowing current affairs.

A jackal with a female cat: Brother Tailang actually wants to watch a show. After all, the anchors in this world are a bit majestic. When they stare, the cheap son-in-law and his family dare not show their pride.

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: The love of the anchor is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and I miss it for a few days.

Shengge blinked, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room couldn't see her, okay?
After finally being able to show her prestige, these people began to miss her who was bullied before.

It's just too deceiving...


Fan Jin pushed the door open and saw the messy pile of sundries, he suddenly felt nothing to love.

He is still injured, his father-in-law is so cruel.

Fan Jin secretly turned his head to look at the singing and dancing alone under the moon, and his heart ached even more.

The same person has different fate, who will let him be the father-in-law?

In the future, he will also have to raise a daughter, and then he will be able to experience the feeling of being a father-in-law.


Thinking of his children, Fan Jin felt a little sad.

Maybe he really has no children in this life, he is 53 years old...

He seldom thought about these things in the past, and only focused on studying for the imperial examination, why now he always thinks wildly...

As a person who has never done manual work, it is really difficult to tidy up a utility room.

Shengge knew, but didn't intend to help.

You can study and take the imperial examination, but this does not mean that you have to be a useless person.

With such a fragile body, how can it withstand the storms in the future.

In order to avoid any further farce after Fan Jinzhongju, Sheng Ge decided to toss and torment Fan Jin more in the future, to exercise his endurance.

"Hurry up."

Sheng Ge drank the tea in the cup and urged.


Fan Jin replied weakly.

He felt that he was about to collapse, his arms were numb, and he couldn't lift his strength.

"Father-in-law, where do I sleep?"

Fan Jin managed to tidy up the sundries and reserve enough space to rest and study, but found that there was no bed.


Only then did Shengge remember that Butcher Hu's greasy, age-filled bed had already been burned by her.

"Isn't there a table, you make it for the night first."

Shengge said with peace of mind.

"It's about..." Fan Jin looked up at the bright moon hanging in the sky, but the bright moon couldn't shine into his heart.

In the past, I only felt that the future was bleak and there was no light.

Now he feels that just living is extremely difficult.

"Don't you want to?"

"Haven't you ever heard that when the heavens send a man down to a man, he must first work hard on his mind and will, exhaust his muscles and bones and starve his body and skin?"

"What happened to the table, do you look down?"

Beicheng Nansheng: Is the anchor trying to kill the cheap son-in-law?

Anchor: Pay attention to the wording, your wording is really easy to make people think wrong.

Play to death...

How to play……

"Father-in-law taught me that." Fan Jin squeezed his throat and replied pretentiously.

It's also a workout...

Fan Jin comforted himself in his heart, as if he was dealing with his future boss in advance.


In the quiet courtyard, the sound of stomach rumbling was very clear.

Fan Jin rubbed his belly in embarrassment, his eyes wandering.

For a whole day, he drank a bowl of porridge in the morning, and then he had to deal with his mother and wife crying and saying goodbye...



Shengge didn't go too far either.

This era pays attention to the gentleman staying away from the kitchen, and Fan Jin, who is deeply poisoned by the imperial examination system, always takes this so-called sage's teachings to heart.

She can't push too much, things will be reversed when they are extreme.

Besides, she didn't want to train Fan Jin to be a 24 filial husband.

The way of getting along with husband and wife is what Fan Hu should do, so it has nothing to do with her.

The Sheng singer deftly heated up the ribs that had been stewed at noon. Now the ribs are not as respected as the later generations, so they are very cheap.


Ribs with whole grain cakes, she is also a poor person now.

If ever poverty is to be eradicated, it is her deadline.

The strong smell of meat lingered on the tip of Fan Jin's nose, and Fan Jin couldn't help swallowing.

Unexpectedly, his father-in-law could live such a delicate life by himself, without the poverty and slovenliness he imagined.

While his father-in-law was cooking, he took a peek at the yard and the room. Everything was neat and tidy, even a little elegant.

Fan Jin felt more and more that he was blind before.

"Don't drool in it."


Fan Jin's face turned red immediately, but fortunately the lights were dim, so he couldn't see clearly.

This point of father-in-law has not changed, his speech is still like a knife, and he will not stop until he stabs someone to death.

"I didn't expect my father-in-law's cooking skills to be so good."

Routine flattery, this is Fan Jin's way of survival.

The person he fears the most, his father-in-law must be at the top of the list.

"Ha ha."

Sheng Ge glanced at Fan Jin with a half-smile, boy, even if you want to flatter, it will be more convincing if you take a bite and then flatter.

Just by smelling it and swallowing your saliva, you know that your cooking skills are good?

What if it's dark food?

 good Morning.

  Pass by and leave a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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