Chapter 117 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (27)

"Get down, I'll go in first."

As for why Fan Jin was not allowed to step on her shoulder first, it was of course because she was afraid that Fan Jin's son-in-law would not be able to pull her in.

Fan Jin squatted down and let Sheng Ge step on his shoulders.

Crooked, Fan Jin staggered a few times and fell to the ground.

"My meat..."

Shengge looked at the crushed basket with distress, tears streaming down his face.

"Father-in-law, it's too heavy..."

Fan Jin rubbed his shoulders, his facial features twisted.

The moment his father-in-law stepped on his shoulder just now, he clearly heard the crisp sound of his bones cracking.

If you step on it like this, will it break...

Shengge scratched her head, well, she forgot her great strength.

She didn't think there was anything in the full basket, but it was definitely the weight of a grown man.

Fan Jin was lucky that he didn't trample Fan Jin's little son-in-law to death just now.

"Father-in-law, in fact, we don't need to climb over the wall..."

Fan Jin observed Sheng Ge's face, hesitated and said it out.

It's better to make father-in-law unhappy than to be disabled...

People with disabilities are not allowed to participate in the scientific examination.


Shengge's hand paused, cheap son-in-law, what did you say just now...

"Father-in-law, I can pick the lock."

Fan Jin shrugged his shoulders, trying to reduce his sense of existence.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Sheng Ge showed an amiable wolf grandma's smile, her pale teeth seemed to open up in the next second and swallow Fan Jin, the unsightly little son-in-law, under the watery moonlight.

"You didn't ask..."


It made sense, but she was speechless.

Lang Jiujiu: Sprinkle flowers and sprinkle flowers, warmly celebrate seeing the anchor deflated again.

A jackal with a female cat: Who can imagine how aggrieved I am when I watch the host's cool and domineering appearance all the way to the sky, please come to this little Fan Jin son-in-law for more.

Dimly lit place: Upstairs you are not alone.

The frog who brought home special products: I am in a good mood, and I will give it as a reward.

o(# ̄▽ ̄)==O)) ̄0 ̄“)o
Sheng Ge, who was still preoccupied with something, suddenly smiled when he saw the reward falling from the sky.

I love you so much...

Well, she just has no integrity, ambition or something, so let's wait for the live broadcast system to upgrade and wait until the exchange mall that Yiyi said can be opened before picking it up.

She is not cowardly, but someone who knows the current affairs is a hero.

That's what the middle-aged scribe in the last world said.

Alas, when it comes to rewarding, I miss the big boss who spends money...

Lord Dijun, where are you?

Speaking of Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the special effects of blinding people and dog eyes and the blingbling colors once again shocked the entire live broadcast room.

Ye Di rewarded the anchor with [-] red crystals...

A big boss is a big boss, once you make a move, it won't be a fraction...

Shengge thought about it seriously, should she act like a dog when facing the boss.

Anchor: Boss, do you lack leg accessories?
Host: Do you still want to see me deflated?

Sheng Ge seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and kept talking every sentence.

Yedi: No shortage, no idea.

Anchor: The boss is indeed a boss, his words are so concise, fresh and refined, admiration.

Yedi: If you can change your name, I think I will admire you even more.

Anchor: ...

Boss is not good?
Lang Jiujiu: Host, can you stop your saliva?

Jackal and female cat: The flattering anchor has never been seen before or since. Sure enough, Fan Jin’s son-in-law is a teacher of the anchor. We also admire the ability to talk nonsense to people and ghosts.

Host: Hehehe...

"Father-in-law, father-in-law?"

Fan Jin bravely pushed Sheng Ge.

What to do, my father-in-law seems to have lost his mind.

It's fine if you don't scold him, why is he smiling so brightly, like the chrysanthemums that were in full bloom not long ago.

Well, he actually saw flattery and fawning on the tough father-in-law's face.

He was not mistaken, he was very familiar with that smile.

Because a lot of the time, he is like that.

Flattery and flattery must not be aimed at him. Could there be a third person here besides his father-in-law and him.

Fan Jin shrugged his shoulders and looked around. Except for the cool wind blowing slowly, there was not even a ghost.

No, ghosts...

It can't be that the father-in-law can see what he can't see.

Buddha bless, Jade Emperor bless...

Fan Jin only felt that his whole body was cold, and the wind passing through his fingertips seemed to have become gloomy.

woo woo woo...

He is obviously an open-minded scholar, why was he influenced by his father-in-law to become more and more superstitious about ghosts and gods.

When Shengge came back to his senses, he saw Fan Jinsheng's face full of love and tears.

Son-in-law, what's wrong with you...

"Father-in-law, can you see those floating things?"

Fan Jin looked left and right, and whispered cautiously and mysteriously.

Sheng Ge suddenly felt a little cold...

floating things...


In late autumn, the leaves are withered and yellow, and the wind blows to the ground. It is not normal to not see it.

"No, yes, yes..."

"what is it?"

Hearing Fan Jin's muttering and being speechless for a long time, Sheng Ge became annoyed.



Who will tell her if Fan Jin's little son-in-law suddenly developed a cerebellum during this period, so his imagination has greatly improved, and even her father-in-law can't hold it anymore...

"can not see."

"Zibuyu is strange, you haven't read it?"

From the looks of it, Fan Jin's little son-in-law was so frightened by the brain tonic that he was trembling when he spoke.

ah ah ah...

I can sing...

"I have read it, but, but father-in-law, what were you laughing at with empty eyes just now, and you are still smiling so..."

"So sincere..."

Fan Jin, who has a strong sense of survival, said the word "sincerity" against his will for the sake of his life and not to suffer from flesh and blood.

He didn't dare to talk shit in front of his father-in-law...


"I just thought of some interesting things, and I couldn't hold back for a while."

"What are you looking at, go and open the door."

Sheng Ge slapped Fan Jin's good head.

Hehehe, it must have been because I was too excited just now, and I acted too much at the moment.

She really didn't see Fan Jin's little son-in-law's struggle just now.

He must have meant flattery or doglegs...

It's really embarrassing for Fan Jin's little son-in-law. When did these two words become synonymous with sincerity.

The Chinese teacher will be pissed off...

Lang Jiujiu: Hahaha...

Beicheng Nansheng: Hahaha...

Anchor: Huh, I am so happy to hear that someone treats you as a ghost.

After Shengge's words fell, the live broadcast room fell into an eerie silence.

Well, they only noticed that the anchor was deflated...

Sheng Ge triumphantly picked up the small animals he had dropped on the ground one by one.

This is the meat of winter, so there is no room for loss.

"It's open, father-in-law can go in."

Under the moonlight, Fan Jin held a thin wire in his hand, and his clothes were crumpled...

(End of this chapter)

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