Chapter 118 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (28)

Thin wire...

Is this the tool used by Fan Jin's son-in-law?

Phew, a lockpicking tool.

It has not been half a minute since Fan Jin moved to unlock the lock...

Shengge went up to look at the intact lock that could still be locked, and fell silent.

Awesome, my cheap son-in-law.

I didn't expect you to be such a Fan Jin.

Look at the speed, look at the modus operandi, no bricks, no shovel, just a thin wire...

Yes, you read that right.

At first glance, Fan Jin's son-in-law is a veteran.

How could it be possible for a newcomer to open the lock so quietly and quickly, with no surprise on his face, only a sense of reason and indifference.

Fan Jin, in fact, you are a Jiangyang thief, you are just an undercover agent lurking among the imperial examination literati...

"Son-in-law, can you teach your father-in-law this trick?"

Sheng Ge looked at Fan Jin with burning eyes, and almost knelt down and kowtowed to worship his teacher.

For Shengge, this magical lock-picking skill was much more interesting than those who were used to it.

"Son-in-law, why don't you think about the combination of the two of us, you take care of unlocking, I take care of stealing, rob the rich and give to the poor..."

Shengge is eager to try.

On a boring day, it is not easy to find something interesting.

"Son-in-law, it looks like you are so proficient, don't you..."


Fan Jin interrupted Sheng Ge repeatedly.

He is really just a down-and-out scholar who has repeatedly failed exams, and he really has nothing to do with such lofty things as robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Father-in-law, please let me go.

Sheng Ge smacked his lips with a look of disbelief.

Could it be that this god-like lockpicking technology was brought out of your mother's womb?

Don't fool her just because she doesn't read much.

"Father-in-law, let's go in first..."

He was really not that brave to talk about lockpicking and stealing in the street.

"That's right. My son-in-law is right. Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. Of course you have to go home and talk about such a secret thing."


Fan Jin raised his forehead, his father-in-law misunderstood something again.

Swear to God, he's innocent.

He is useless, but he has never done anything criminal.

Seeing the courtyard door close again, Fan Jin heaved a sigh of relief, finally he didn't have to stand on the street in front of his house to die...

Shengge lit a candle, ready to have a candle-lit night talk with Fan.

"Father-in-law, my lockpicking skills really didn't come from stealing..."

To steal it, his family has long enjoyed the hot food, so it doesn't need to be so difficult.

"Could it be that there are really people who have nothing to do to pick locks?"

Shengge only felt a toothache, and only a person with a lot of leisure could do such a thing.

However, the next second she saw Fan Jin nodded solemnly.


There really is...

Her cheap son-in-law is a typical representative, and he is really self-taught.

Fan Jin's son-in-law, in fact, there is a reason why you failed to pass the exam for more than 30 years...

It seems that instead of studying the ways of the world, I went to delve into unlocking.

Which one has the best lock-picking technology, Shandong, China is looking for Lanxiang.

No, it should be Fan Jin from Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty.

It's all because Lan Xiang's ad was too careless, she couldn't forget it even if she was so careless.

"It's not important, the point is can you teach me?"

"Don't you think I'm a genius in martial arts, no, a lockpicking genius?"

"You taught me this magic lock-picking skill, and you must be the one who is destined for your lock-picking magic skill."

"If you don't want to teach, why don't I buy it?"

"You can't be fooled, you can't be cheated..."

Sheng Ge, who has spent many years in the post bar forum and grew up watching advertisements, said these words casually without thinking.

Fan Jin picked out his ears, his eyes became more and more strange.

Why does he think that his father-in-law has a temper every day, so he can go to the street to be a sorority seller.

He has even imagined the scene of his father-in-law standing in front of a restaurant or cloth shop soliciting customers.

It must be extremely hot...

He had to admit that his father-in-law was indeed gifted in terms of eloquence.

It was so strange that it almost scared him.

Such a father-in-law was something he could never have imagined before.

The sage said, only villains and women are difficult to raise...

But why did he feel that the father-in-law who is the most fickle and has no rules to follow is the most difficult to deal with.

Self-promotion is also a skill, and he said it so confidently, he must obey.

Great job, my father-in-law.

With this eloquence, the dead can be said to be alive.

It's a pity to be a literati.

"Since my father-in-law wants to learn, my son-in-law will naturally do his best to teach his father-in-law. What my father-in-law said is so good, it really hurts my son-in-law."

Seeing Fan Jin let go, Sheng Ge silently let go of his fist, dispelling the idea of ​​deterring Fan Jin with force.

It would be nice for the little son-in-law to be well-behaved.

Fan Jin didn't even know it, he almost walked around under the fist again.

"Father-in-law, it's getting late, why don't we rest first?"

Speaking of which, Fan Jin just fell asleep while sitting in the wasteland, but he is actually not very sleepy now.

But thinking about his father-in-law's thrilling hunting in the deep mountains, he must be physically and mentally exhausted. As a junior, he must have a heart.


Although Shengge was interested in the magical lockpicking skills, he also knew that it would be a bit stupid to study at night.

After learning this magical lockpicking skill, she will become a suave hero who robs the rich and helps the poor.

It can't be used in this world, won't she be able to use it in the future world?

Not much skill...

Shengge put the prey casually in the kitchen, and after a brief wash, he fell asleep.

I really didn't expect that her little son-in-law, Fan Jin, had the potential to be a gangster.

After thinking about it for a while, she could also have the magical ability to open the lock in seconds, Shengge was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

This sense of accomplishment is much better than fighting wild wolves.

Sleeplessness is the result of overexcitement...

I don't know if I'm used to living in the wilderness, and I feel a little fluttering when I return to the soft big bed to play and sing.

After counting, Shengge finally fell asleep when the sky was getting dark.

Even the crowing of a rooster didn't wake Shengge up.

For Sheng Ge, who has lived a life as a savage for half a month, the rooster crows is a trivial matter.

Even if it was thunder, she might not be able to wake up.

Fan Jin, who was standing outside the door, felt more and more guilty when he heard the loud snoring in the room.

The father-in-law must be tired, otherwise how could he be snoring.

Just let the father-in-law sleep late, it's okay.

Fan Jin comforted himself, and was very virtuous and went to the kitchen to cook a pot of porridge like a cat or a tiger.

Although a gentleman cooks far away, since he can go to the barren hills regardless of danger for his family to have meat to eat and clothes to wear in winter, then why not cook.

Isn't it just a pot of porridge...

Although he has never done it before, he has done it many times with his wife and father-in-law.

What's the problem...

It's just that Fan Jin didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly...

Shengge woke up amidst the burnt smell and smoke.

Who is it, who is taking advantage of this girl to burn this girl to death...


This girl has always been kind to others and never provokes discord, how could anyone want to burn this girl to death...

(End of this chapter)

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