Chapter 119 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (29)

Hey, only smoke...

Shengge looked at the sun and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Fan Jin's son-in-law is probably trying to show caution when cooking.

Sheng Ge hurriedly put on her clothes and went out to look at Fan Jin, who was disheveled and drooping.

"Son-in-law, haven't you already burned the fire once?"

The implication is, isn't it said that the first time is born and the second time is familiar?

But why do you get more thrilling every time?


Fan Jin was tongue-tied and speechless for a long time.

Shengge sighed, this is what her little son-in-law looks like when she makes a mistake.

Should she be thankful that the kitchen didn't burn down, and her prey were rescued in time.

"Father-in-law, I just want to cook porridge."

Fan Jin scratched his head and looked at his father-in-law who still had eye feces hanging from the corner of his eyes and said.

Do you want to remind your father-in-law?

Or forget it...

"You are hungry?"

"If you're hungry, you're hungry, why wink?"

Sheng Ge didn't notice it, and thought Fan Jin's eyes were cramping.


Fan Jin thought about such an embarrassing thing, since his father-in-law couldn't understand his hint, he still didn't say it.

"You wait, I'll cook the porridge after I wash up."

Shengge waved his hand, yawned and said.

When Shengge looked at the ugly old man with eye feces, beard and beard in the mirror, he felt a large group of crows croaking and flying over his head.

So it's not that Fan Jin's son-in-law has eye disease...

Shengge only felt that her face was about to be lost.

While drinking porridge at the dining table, while the two were chatting one after another, Sheng Ge discovered another embarrassing thing.

Obviously she didn't grind her teeth, snore, or talk in her sleep before, but why is she making loud noises now, hmm, snoring.

Fan Jin, son-in-law, you must be lying.


"That must be because I'm too tired." Sheng Ge said seriously.

"Well, my son-in-law thinks so too." Fan Jin was very appreciative and replied solemnly.


In the following time, Shengge regarded learning lockpicking magic skills as the focus of life, and bought all kinds of locks, which made the locksmith start to wonder if Shengge had finally figured it out and stopped taking the imperial examination. But continue to be a businessman...

That's right, a businessman...

Buying locks...


"Son-in-law, father-in-law, I think it's easier to open the lock with a brick."

Shengge didn't know how many gray hairs she had lost because of learning the magical lockpicking skill.

The few black hairs that were already struggling were almost eroded by the white hair.

Sure enough, being a grand rogue requires talent.

"is it hard?"

Without taking his eyes off the book, Fan Jin touched a lock and it opened with a click.



Shengge sighed, talking about the Four Books and Five Classics in his mouth, but his hands were constantly fighting against the locks in his hands.

Hmph, isn't it a lock?

This girl doesn't believe it anymore, wild wolves can beat each other, but there is nothing they can do with a lock...

Late autumn has passed, and winter is coming. When everyone is immersed in the joyous New Year, Shengge is already preparing for the county examination in February next year.

In February of the lunar calendar, the days of spring are long and the flowers are blooming. It is a good time.

As a top student, she has gone through various exams since she was five years old. Sheng Ge originally thought that she was invulnerable to all kinds of poisons and calm.

However, when the notice of the county examination came down completely, Shengge found that he was not calm anymore.


boundless tension...

"Father-in-law, the most important thing is to participate."

Fan Jin said what Sheng Ge had said to comfort him.

Sheng Ge glanced at Fan Jin, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak.

"Students who don't want to go to high school are not good students."

Sheng Ge pursed his lips and said lightly.

"Father-in-law, your current knowledge is enough to pass the county examination and government examination consecutively."

Fan Jin modestly did not mention the court examination.

After all, he has taken the college entrance examination for more than 30 years.

"is it?"


After getting Fan Jin's affirmative answer, Sheng Ge threw down the book that was about to be torn by her and went out for an outing...


Fan Jin felt that he must have been meddling in his own business just now, and his father-in-law seemed nervous like this.

Which exam-taking student would be in the mood to go out for a picnic before the exam like his father-in-law...

That's right, a picnic.

"Father-in-law, wait for me."

Fan Jin swallowed his saliva, and had to admit that his father-in-law's barbecue was mouth-watering.

The father-in-law who took the exam in February was not in a hurry, and he was even less anxious when he took the Juren exam next year.

Well, as for reading or something, let's eat first.


Sheng Ge looked at Fan Jin, who was making a fuss with quick hands and feet, and curled the corners of his mouth.

In the past six months, Fan Jin has changed a lot.

After all, it is difficult to imagine being as pedantic and rigid as before with a simple, rough and always jumping-off person like her.

Besides, Fan Jin's little son-in-law has such a strong sense of survival, and it's the easiest thing to do such a simple thing as what he likes.

Pedestrians passing by couldn't help curling their lips when they saw the Weng and his son-in-law sitting on the grass eating meat.

What's indecent, what's embarrassing for scholars...

Fan Jin, who is used to being scolded, can no longer change his face, and the big-hearted Sheng Ge is even more invulnerable.

Well, you must not eat grapes and think grapes are sour.

Drinking a little wine, eating roasted meat that was sizzling, and watching the petals competing to bloom by the way, Sheng Ge only felt that the small life was very beautiful.

She is essentially a person with no big ambitions, and she had no choice but to follow Gu Huaiyuan to do great things in the last world.

If this world hadn't been afraid that Xiao Fan Fei and Huang Tengda would start to have moths who wouldn't recognize her as her father-in-law, she would like to find a paradise to experience the life of picking chrysanthemums and living in Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence.

In Shengge's heart and mind, the county examination arrived with great vigor.

An old man in his 60s came in among a group of young boys, which felt even more sour than standing out from the crowd.

Along the way, Shengge has received countless attention gifts.

Look, look, there will be no less meat.

Shengge didn't even know how he blocked such probing, curious, or mocking eyes, and then walked into the examination room without changing his face.

As soon as she sat down, Shengge felt that she was about to collapse.

Who said that eyes can't kill, and it can't kill because there are not enough eyes.

The exam questions were quite satisfactory, Sheng Ge cleverly combined his unconstrained imagination with Fan Jin's obscure and difficult to understand, and wrote a very good-looking article with his pen and ink.

Of course, it would be even better if the handwriting could be more elegant.

Shengge dragged her chin and admired it beautifully for a moment, then stood up and handed it to the chief examiner for review.

Shengge lowered his head, silently waiting for his fate to be pronounced, thinking about what to eat to supplement his nutrition after the exam.

The examiner didn't say anything, but made a mark on the Shengge test paper.

(End of this chapter)

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