When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 133 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 133 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" ([-])

Alas, what to do if I regret it.

Money is so important, shouldn't she pick it up in the river just now? Anyway, she threw it down, so if you don't pick it up, don't pick it up.

Look at how much space is left in this wooden box, which is wasted.

It is shameful to waste.

Sheng Ge only felt dizzy, but those white hands that looked like jade were holding the treasure box tightly, for fear of being robbed.

"Little lady, my cruise ship is much more comfortable than the one you rented."

The sons of rich businessmen are showing off their superiority to their heart's content.

Indeed, standing in front of the wealthy businessman at this moment, Li Jia is indeed a bit embarrassing.

However, at the moment when he was unable to make a move, Shengge chose Li Jia.

Although this is a heartless man, it is not enough for the overlord to force his bow.

Looking at the eyes of Hong Guoguo, the son of a wealthy businessman, he almost went up to take off her clothes, and then had some exercise.


Shengge just wants to have a good rest now, and then slowly accept the plot to settle accounts.

"Do you want me to die?"

Du Shiniang deserves the title of Oiran.

Even if Shengge is in extreme embarrassment at this time, she is no longer as soft and charming as before, but it can still make people look straight.

"The boat is right here. Look at it. Is it possible that Li Jia and I can still fly with our wings?"

Shengge said impatiently.

If this girl hadn't lost her strength from being soaked in river water, she would have taught you how to be a human being long ago.

Is it amazing to be rich?

Hmph, even if you are great, you have to beat you to be great.

The son of a rich businessman was very hot in his heart, but he could also see Shengge's state at the moment.

The water in the river was so cold that it was so cold, how could such a delicate little beauty be fine if she fell.

Forget it, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

We can't let this stunning beauty who makes Qianjia's fans face each other shameless disappear.

Sheng Ge breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the rich businessman's children were no longer entangled.

With Li Jia's support, he returned to the cabin.

"get out."

Sheng Ge pointed to Li Jia who wanted to sit down and express his affection and confessed his heartfelt heart, and said that his betrayal was only due to his own difficulties.

The goose bumps on her body haven't subsided yet, but she doesn't want to get up again.

"Wei Niang, I know I broke your heart..."

Lang Jiujiu: Why do I feel that the world is so scary? It's more scary than the anchor Barren Mountains Wild Mountains Fighting Wild Wolves.

If you walk too sloppy, your waist will flash: The anchor has finally become a beauty, how can he be coveted by others, get out of the way, get out of the way.

Beicheng Nansheng: Who is Tongtong?
"go out."

Shengge didn't even look at Li Jia.

Why, don't you go out because you want to peek at this girl changing clothes?
I really didn't expect the famous Tai students to have such a heavy taste.

If you want to see but don't show, this girl has finally become beautiful, is it easy?

As Brother Tailang said, no one can covet, she can see for herself.

Li Jia's eyes seemed to be full of spring water, as if he wanted to express his endless affection.

However, Shengge is a man who doesn't understand style.

In Shengge's eyes, Li Jia was still a young man, a young man who was not very pleasing to the eye.

Li Jia sighed for a long time, and before turning around, he glanced at the small box that Sheng Ge was still holding tightly.

Shengge is sad, young man, you are too greedy.

On the one hand, he coveted this girl's beauty, and on the other hand, he was secretly eyeing this girl's pocket money.

Who gave you the guts.

Li Jia turned his head three times a step at a time, as if he was waiting for Sheng Ge to call softly, Mr. Wang, to come back.

It's a pity that today's Du Shiniang's glamorous and unparalleled shell is filled with Shengge.

Up to now, Shengge himself can't tell whether it's a man or a woman.

She has been a pig, a middle-aged woman, and a pig butcher...

Don't say it's a man or a woman, it's good to be a human being.

Seeing that Li Jia finally walked out of the room slowly, Sheng Ge closed the door and closed all the windows, then changed clothes.

"Wei Niang, Wei Niang, should I hire you a doctor?"

While Shengge was wiping her hair, she heard Li Jia knocking on the door.

Please doctor?
Hehe, according to your belated attitude, others would have drowned long ago.

"No need, don't bother me."

The knock on the door had the meaning that as long as Shengge didn't speak, he would never stop.

finally clean...

Shengge lay on the bed, hugged her little box and fell into a deep sleep.


Shengge only felt that his body was about to catch fire, sticky, drowsy, Shengge vaguely felt that he had a fever, but it was like a nightmare, and he couldn't wake up no matter what.

Shengge desperately wanted to open his eyes and shout out, but unfortunately he still couldn't make any sound when he opened and closed his mouth.

Heh, she knew how it would be okay to soak in the river in winter.

Even if she has rough skin and thick flesh, hasn't she not had time to exercise?

Now this body is beautiful, but definitely not rough...

Du Shiniang is an oiran lady who has lost countless people's money and wants to give her a smile. She is proficient in all kinds of art in the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting rooms, but she is definitely not proficient in the art of strengthening the body.

She is an out-and-out beauty, delicate and frail and easy to push down.

Lotus Fairy: If it continues to burn like this, it will burn foolishly, right?
Jackal and female cat: The face can be steamed with eggs, what should I do?

Lang Jiujiu: There's no way, we can't wake him up, and the one who was still expressing affection just now went to call that rich man a brother.

I'm a magic stick: the old man can figure it out, and it's not impossible.

I'm a magic stick: Master Yedi, please take action.

Lingling Qixianshang: Does the god stick mean the voice of Ye Di's first boss when he speaks?
I'm a magician: this is just one of them, and the other is the anchor's greedy and stingy temperament. Didn't he hold a small box even if he had a high fever?

Yu Sheng Mushroom Cool: Good advice.

#夜帝 rewarded [-] red crystals. #
#夜帝 rewarded [-] red crystals. #
Ye Di: If the anchor doesn't wake up again, I will be compensated twice.

Blinding special effects coupled with deafening, heavy tastes-the thought-beautiful music keeps appearing in the live broadcast room.

Although Shengge's consciousness is a little fuzzy, the live broadcast room is closely connected with her, and she can still see the barrage and hear the sound intermittently.

The boss has made a move...

20 red crystals.

But before Shengge was happy, he saw the boss's sentence of double compensation.

I am so surprised……

The baby is sick now, and the glass bastards don't care if they don't comfort him, but they are still threatening.

Yedi: It's useless to pretend to be pitiful. The 20 red crystals are not for watching you sleep.

Ye Di: Especially except for the face, everything else is covered with black mist, it's very scary, okay?

Ye Di: If you don't wake up twice, then quadruple.

four times...

At this moment, Shengge only felt that his heart was bleeding, and his consciousness returned instantly.

Don't underestimate the appearance of a poor and frightened old man.

Four times the compensation is tantamount to killing her.

Can't sleep, can't sleep...

Shengge struggled, and threw all the decorations in the boat on the ground with a clear and loud sound.

As long as the people outside are not deaf, they should come in and take care of her, who jumped into the river and almost died.

With a scorching body temperature, there seemed to be countless shadows in front of Shengge's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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