When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 134 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 134 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human"


Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, your two lovers are chatting with each other...

Talk about drinking?
Shengge hehehe, she underestimated Li Jia, or overestimated Li Jia's IQ.

Sure enough, Li Jia was unreliable.

Just now he looked affectionate and reluctant, but now he can have a drink with his rival.

Bah, there is no worst, only worse.

Shengge picked up the debris and kept hitting the ship's wall, finally alarming the ship's mother.


In less than an hour after coming to this world, she actually experienced the catastrophe of life and death twice.

If no one cares about her, if the fire continues, she will probably die in her sleep.

The boat lady called for help, and finally a female doctor from a nearby cruise ship came forward to cool Shengge down.

But looking at the disgusted look in the doctor's girl's eyes, Sheng Ge also knew that these people probably didn't like her identity.

But Shengge still thanked the doctor girl for putting up with her reluctance to treat her.

The boat docked, and Shengge really experienced a feeling of being sick.

His face, which was already as white as jade, looked a little transparent and bloodless at this moment.

While recovering from illness, Shengge also accepted the plot.

It was indeed the story of Du Shiniang, the Du Shiniang she had heard when she was a child.

Du Shiniang is a famous brothel prostitute who has made countless people come and go, but she has kept her conscience for a long time and deliberately accumulated a treasure chest, which she kept with her sisters in the courtyard, hoping to use it for her own marriage in the future.

After long-term testing and searching, she chose Li Jia, who seemed affectionate and affectionate, and hoped to entrust him for life.

Therefore, when the sisters heard that she had left the brothel from Li Jia, everyone sent them off one after another, and returned the treasure chest to Du Shiniang in exchange for financial assistance.

Li Jia worried that returning home would not be tolerated by his father, so Du Shiniang and Li Jia went on a boat trip to Wuyue, taking pictures slowly.On the way, a rich man met by chance, saw Du Shiniang's beauty, and was greedy, so he took the opportunity of drinking with Li Jia, cleverly left, and seduced Li Jia to sell Du Shiniang to Li Jia for a thousand gold and silver taels. he.

Knowing that she was being betrayed, Du Shiniang threw herself into the river with a treasure chest in her arms.

Sheng Ge is sad, "Since ancient times, beauty has been a disaster" seems to have become a deep-rooted concept among men.

From Shengge's point of view, it is a bit superficial to attribute this story to a simple infatuated woman and heartbreaker.

In such a society, it is unacceptable and disdainful for a person of status to marry such a prostitute and a concubine, and it is even more despised to touch his father for a concubine and abandon his family because of a prostitute.

It is an unwritten rule for concubines to buy and sell.

Du Shiniang is smart, beautiful and has a clear goal. She just wants to be a decent person, not a commodity that can be bought and sold.

It's just that she chose the wrong person.

Li Jia is timid and selfish, and all his affection is based on not hurting himself.

If it's just wronging others with affection, it wouldn't make Du Shiniang jump.

It can only be said that Du Shiniang pinned her future, her hopes and longings envisioned for many years on the meek and hesitant Li Jia.

This is the deadliest.

Du Shiniang's jumping into the river was actually her last struggle against fate after being helpless.

She planned painstakingly, cared for each other with all her heart, and was about to see the dawn of victory, but it still couldn't match Li Jia and Sun Fu's casual chat while drinking.

Each other vows forever, the lover loves the concubine, and all the longings are wiped out between the two men's talking and laughing.

To be a good person, no longer a plaything or a commodity, is the greatest wish in her life, but now her hope is shattered.

The person who cares most about being trusted in the world has betrayed her feelings and trust. Years of resistance seem insignificant. Under the mixed grief and anger, money and beauty are equivalent to dust. There is nothing to miss in this life, and the only way to express resistance is to die.

The more pessimistic and desperate, the more deserted, the more he imagined Li Jia to be like a bright moon, free from dust.

In other words, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

This is also the only choice she can make under the paranoia and shock.

Very normal.

Who is to blame for this incident, this tragedy?
Shengge smiled wryly, whose fault is it?

Li Jia?
That's just a small commonality of this era.

In their minds, brothel women are nothing more than toys that can be pleasing to the eye and vases that can be taken out to show off when they are looking for flowers and willows.

This is how they have been educated since childhood.

From top to bottom, without exception.

If Du Shiniang hadn't thrown himself into the river to die in despair, Li Jia wouldn't have felt that there was something wrong, but had taken it for granted.

It's just a girl in Yanhualiu Lane. If I redeem you, then I will be your master.

Even if Li Jia kept calling Du Shiniang's mistress, and holding his son's hand to grow old together, Li Jia could not conceal Li Jia's contempt for Du Shiniang from beginning to end in his heart.

Because of contempt, because he looked down on it from the bottom of his heart, he sold it for a thousand gold under Sun Fu's few words of encouragement.

Maybe Li Jia was still thinking about it at that time. It only cost three hundred gold to redeem Du Shiniang, but he made a thousand gold by reselling it.

It's really a profitable business.

Not to mention, Li Jia didn't pay a cent for the three hundred gold, it was Du Shiniang's savings from years of business.

The white wolf is completely empty-handed, and the beauty is exchanged for a daughter after sleeping.

It seems that all the good things in the world are taken up by Li Jia alone.

Is the protagonist halo?
Fortunately, at the end of the story, neither Li Jia nor Sun Fu died well.

But Shengge thought that the ending of this story was just the author's wishful thinking and deliberate beautification.

I have never regarded Du Shiniang as a human being, so who would die in depression because a plaything was thrown into the river?

The credibility is too low.

Well, I can only say that this ending cannot convince her.

It is undeniable that Li Jia is indeed a heartless, cowardly and cowardly heartbreaker.

If you can't afford it, don't make so many heart-warming promises for Du Shiniang, who was sold into a fireworks field since she was a child and wants to be a human again.

Oh, it's really complicated.

Shengge exhaled lightly and rubbed the slightly swollen acupuncture points.

Swimming in the river and having a high fever all night, the body is not so easy to recover.


"Shengge, Du Shiniang's wish is to be a human being."


Shengge was not surprised, even if he didn't say everything, Shengge could vaguely guess.

It's just that the focus now is not on wishes, but on choosing the timing for her to come in one by one.

"Yiyi, there is something I think we need to talk about."

"Do you want me to live stream Thirty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?"

"You might as well let Du Shiniang die and I'll come here again."

Obviously there are still many opportunities in this world, but you have to wait until the moment when you commit suicide by throwing yourself into the river. Isn't it so sour?
The fact is indeed the case, the sourness makes her unforgettable for the rest of her life.

I really feel that every time I travel through the live broadcast, it is like jumping off a cliff to exercise my heartbeat.


Said lightly one by one.


Shengge was a little confused at first.


Du Shiniang is dead?
 During the break at work, taking advantage of the absence of the director, I secretly coded 2000.

  Hahaha, akimbo and laughing.

  Finally, poorly ask for a subscription and a reward.

  After it was put on the shelves, the recommended position seemed to be out of my reach.

  Are the grades really that bad?

  in self-doubt...

  Please support, I just want to be on the category bestseller list.

(End of this chapter)

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