When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 140 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 140 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" ([-])


The person surnamed Sun in Shengge's mouth burst into tears in his heart, thinking that if he died sitting in the lobby, at least someone could collect the body, so as not to die silently.

God, why am I so unlucky.

Apart from being playful, I didn't do anything immoral other than flirting with a girl from a good family. Going to the brothel to fight for fans is also generous, but why is it so unlucky.

Maybe, it's time for him to worship Buddha to get rid of his bad luck.

"I have money, and you don't need to pay for the tea."

This girl has a box of priceless treasures, I can treat you to tea every day
Of course, as long as you're not scared.


Sun Fu is tired, is this a question of tea money?

As soon as Sheng Ge said this, many people in the teahouse looked at Sun Fu with contempt.

He is still a soft eater...

How lucky it is to be able to meet such a priceless beauty after eating soft rice.

Well, they also want to eat soft rice...

If Sun Fu knew what the group of people in the teahouse were thinking, he would spit out a mouthful of old blood, and then pointed to the nose of this group of people and cursed that they had no eyes. Didn't you see that there was a tree missing from the shore?
good luck……

Good luck on Huangquan Road.

"Miss Du, the lobby is fine, lively, lively..."

With a big pig face, Sun Fu racked his brains to think of some benefits of drinking tea in the lobby.

It's a pity that I can only think of the word lively for a long time.

He was the one who hated crowding with so many people in the lobby the most before.

It's not an elegant room...

Sun Fu winked and looked at his young man, but under such a strange impression, the young man turned into a little fan of Shengge, with bright eyes, he almost went through fire and water, so he didn't have time to look into his young master's eyes.

It was Shengge who noticed Sun Fu.

Could it be that I accidentally scratched my eye when I beat him up just now?

Check out this draw...

What can I do if I'm blind, she won't agree with her body.

"Don't go to the private room, don't go, don't go..." Seeing that it was impossible to ask for help, Sun Fu scolded the servant severely in his heart, and then began to play tricks, sitting down and refusing to leave.


That's amazing, so you are such Sun Fu.

Just like that, Du Shiniang was forced to jump into the river...

"Here it is."

After thinking about it, Sheng Ge could save another small sum of money.

Shengge looked at Sun Fuxuan's position, and there were guests in all directions. It's really sour to talk about things in such an environment...

Is this deliberately exercising how thick her skin is?
I'm a magician: the old man figured it out, Sun Fu was afraid that the anchor would kill him without anyone noticing in Yajian, and then throw him into the river to feed the fish.

Lang Jiujiu: I agree, I almost cried without seeing Fu Sun...

Shengge blinked after watching the barrage, so it was like this.

"So you were afraid that I would kill you."

"Don't worry, as a good citizen who emphasizes five things and four beauties, he will not do anything illegal."

kill him……

Sun Fu lowered his head, afraid that the resentment in his eyes would show.

For Du Shiniang, he covets and fears, but more of it is resentment.

Growing up so big, I have never suffered such a big grievance.

"Sun Fu, Li Jia is not qualified to sell me to you."

"Li Jia seems to be redeeming my life for me, but I paid the money, and Li Jia is just a stealer."

"I am free, and the government can prove this."

Fortunately, Li Jia had no brains and did not enslave Du Shiniang, otherwise she would be in even more trouble now.

"If you don't want to part with that one thousand gold, go find Li Jia and get it back. Do you need me to show you the way? It just so happens that I'm also going to collect debts, so we can have a companion..."

Li Jia was dumbfounded, is this woman crazy?

When did the shady woman in the fireworks field become so righteous and upright.

Most people really don't have the guts.

He knew a thing or two about Li Jia's identity, he was the Chief Executive of Shaoxing Mansion.

People never fight with officials. Although his family is a rich merchant in Huizhou, merchants are the lowest.

Officials' families have always been friendly with money.

If he came to the door because of his daughter, and if his father found out, he might break one of his legs.

It's useless to pass it on for three generations, anyway, breaking a leg doesn't hinder the birth of a son...

Especially if the money is still for a woman, if this matter is told, not only will no one sympathize with him, but they will spit on him severely.


little lady...

Bah, he swears to God, it's really just inertia.

Because his family is rich, he has become a habit of molesting little girls.

"Miss Du, my family has an urgent matter and I can't stay here, so my daughter will treat it as making friends."

Li Jia now only wants to return to Xin'an, Huizhou.

The only way to feel at ease is to return to your own territory.

At that time, he will be as high as the sky, let the birds fly and the sea is wide, and let the fish leap.

This little lady surnamed Du, he had to figure it out slowly to avenge today's revenge.

Even if he can't take revenge, he still has to drag his gang of dog meat friends.

Didn't you say it's hard to be together?

A big boss is a big boss, and Qianjin throws it out without blinking an eye.

But it's weak to come alone, so let's bring Sun Fu, and the singing will be more lively.

After all, it is a story of three people, how could Sun Fu just leave the scene so casually.

Do you have horns on your head?


"You're not going?"

Sheng Ge rubbed the cup in his hand, raised his brows, and asked each word in reply.


Sun Fu replied with a bitter face.

Better to lose a leg than to lose a life.

The big deal is to go to Li Jia, and he will start flattering, didn't he say that he would not hit the smiling face with his hand?

Well, he just kept laughing until he got cramps.

He didn't believe it anymore, flattering could offend Mr. Li.

Hmph, he must get to know a bigger official in the future, and kill that little guy Li Jia.

Dare to count him...

"It's so cute..."

These two words again...

Sun Fu always feels that he has been molested by the No.1 Ji Ji in Liuxiang, Huajie, Beijing...

You're so good, I'll give you a candy...

It's really cold.

"Strike while the iron is hot, why don't we go now, maybe we can grab a lunch, and I don't know if this official eats the same as us ordinary people."

Sheng Ge couldn't help curling his lips when he thought about Li Jia who was pretending to be crazy and running away with 1000 taels on his back.

Both the hat and shoes fell off, why didn't the 1000 taels be lost?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I have been tricked by Li Jia, a heartless man who is greedy for beauty.

Little people?
Sun Fu complained in his heart, No. 1 Ji in the capital, food and clothing, which one is not the top choice.

"That's not quite right."

Sun Fu suggested inarticulately.

There is no one who comes to the house to choose a meal.

That's right, it's a door-to-door guest.

He and this violent woman just met by chance, and they definitely didn't work together to collect debts.

"Why isn't it appropriate? That's it."

Anyway, going, sooner or later is not as good as going now.

Now, always an auspicious day.

(End of this chapter)

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