When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 141 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 141 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" ([-])

That's a deal?
Eldest sister, who did you make an agreement with...

Sun Fu became more and more suspicious that the Fireworks and Willow Alley in the capital was deserted, and that such Du Shiniang was allowed to sit firmly in the No. 1 Ji position, and everyone flocked to her.


Well, he was blind too.

However, thanks to God's blessing, he was sober.

If you are inferior to others, you have no right to resist.


After several times of asking for directions, it was already past lunch time when Sheng Ge arrived at Li's residence...

This is the point...

Why hasn't anyone told her that Li Buzheng lives so far away?

Alas, does this count as meeting the real Du Shiniang's father-in-law who is only known by name in the plot?
Throughout the story, Li Buzheng did not show up, but no one could ignore it.

It was such a person who didn't show his face that Li Jia was so frightened that he didn't dare to go home at first, and then sold Du Shiniang...

"Miss Du and my son came to visit the third son of your mansion."

The boy was very winky, and when he saw the door was closed, he would go to knock on the door automatically.

"No visitors."

"Our third son has just come back, and the master and wife are busy."

The door was only opened a crack, and then it slammed shut after speaking.


Not only the barriers to entry are high, but the door is so difficult to enter.

Shengge stepped forward and knocked on the door again.

"Your son owes us money, if we are not allowed to go in, we have to talk about it."

"The third son of the dignified Chief Executive's family, I heard that he is still a scholar of the Taixue, so there is no reason to owe money."

These four words are useful at any time.

The sword of public opinion, rather than letting others use it to hurt you, it is better to take the initiative to hold it in your hand.

The concierge gave Shengge a hard look, then said "wait" bluntly, and closed the door again.

Wait, wait...

When Sheng Ge felt that he was so hungry that he was about to eat the lion at the door, the door finally opened.

Following the doorman's guidance, the person Sheng Ge and Sun Fu met was not Li Jia, but Li Jia's father who was said to have a strict and strict family style and a reputation.

Regarding the family style of the Li family, Sheng Ge only wanted to laugh and not speak.

If he really valued the rules of Qingming as rumored, he shouldn't let Li Jia go to Fireworks and Willow Lane.

In a family with a really good family tradition, the children are all clean and self-conscious, and take good care of their feathers.

Heh, Li Jia just has a good reputation.

As for what, exactly, who knows.

"You are Du Wei?"

Li Buzheng ignored Sun Fu and looked at Shengge.

The strong disgust in his eyes and voice was like Shengge digging the grave of Li family ancestors.

Sun Fu was delighted by Li Buzheng's neglect.

Now it seems that it is not unrecognizable to be beaten by Du Wei. At least Li Buzheng will never remember his appearance, let alone know that he is the son of a well-known wealthy businessman in Xin'an, Huizhou.

Thank goodness...

Well, if he gains power in the future, he will be merciful when tormenting Li Jia, and it will be regarded as repaying today's kindness.

"I am Du Wei."

"That Du Wei that your son used to be fascinated by and never wanted to go home."

"Of course it was also Du Wei who was abandoned by your fat, cowardly and incompetent son who broke his promise and threw himself into the river."

Shengge's back was straight, and his momentum was not weak at all.

Although she is cowardly, she is not guilty now.

It is true that Li Jia first made a vow of eternal alliance, and after he had made the best of it, he betrayed Du Shiniang and forced Du Wei to throw himself into the river.

Cause and effect, cause and effect.

After all, Du Wei is dead, how could this matter be exposed so easily.

How to start a new journey without sorting out old grievances.

Sun Fu was dumbfounded, girl, eldest sister, can you speak well?In this way, those with guns and sticks are obviously finding fault. This is not an answer to the question.

Knowing that Li Buzheng doesn't like it, but still acting like this...

Eldest sister, if you want to die, don't drag the young master, the young master hasn't had time to give birth yet.

Sun Fu sneaked away from Shengge, trying to reduce his presence.

I don't know this guy, I don't know this guy, it's true...

"Oh, so you threw yourself into the river."

"For a filthy person like you, why didn't the river drown you?"

Li Buzheng said coldly with a cold look in his eyes.

It was as if a person like Sheng Ge who had tarnished Li Jia should not have lived in this world.

The river didn't drown her, but it was her fault.

Now, Li Jia, who was already frightened, became even more frightened.

Tit for tat...

Didn't Dad say that these officials are the smoothest?But the situation is not right...

Dad, have you lied to your son?

Listen to Li Buzheng's words, it's all about stabbing people's hearts.

You know, when Du Wei threw himself into the river that day, he was really taken aback.

Although he is lustful, he doesn't want to kill him.

Later, seeing Du Wei floating up strangely, he once again had a small thought that was about to move.

But the facts have proved that such careful thinking is unwarranted.

Now that his poor mother came to him, it was impossible for him to recognize him as her caring and precious son...

Sure enough, he was not expected to be an official.

The hearts of these officials are hard, he can't compare.

But, is Miss Du Weidu so easily poked?

Heh, the river can't even be collected, so Li Buzheng can stab him to death with a few words.

"Are you sorry?"

Shengge chuckled, bent her straight back, shrugged her shoulders, and remained unmoved.

Want to overwhelm her?Heh, I don't even look at who trained her.

This girl once jumped over clouds, jumped over cliffs, killed wild wolves, fought in wars, and served as a county magistrate...

If he was frightened by such a little minister, the Great Sage would beat her to death with a stick.

For such an embarrassing apprentice like her, the Great Sage probably wouldn't recognize her.

With an existence like the Great Sage, who broke through Ling Xiao presumptuously and aggressively, she was taught by him, so how could she be cowardly all the time.

Counseling is an art and a skill.

Well, it's like Fan Jin's little son-in-law's lockpicking skills without blinking an eye.

"I'm really sorry, the god said that all the bad luck in my life has passed, I shouldn't die, and the future must be precious."

What the hell is too expensive...

Anyway, it is more expensive than Buzheng...

Shengge felt that she seemed to be gradually developing like a joker.


Li Buzheng looked contemptuous.

A woman who grew up in the fireworks field has experienced countless men, and she is also expensive.

Heh, which nobleman is blind and wants to find such a dirty woman.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

Li Buzheng was full of impatience, and waved his hand, as if the presence of Sheng Ge polluted the air in Li's residence.

"This is useless, the air is circulating."

Shengge kindly reminded her.

Perhaps, the old man is uneducated.


Sun Fu was really about to cry.

He was really afraid that he would become a fish in the pond today, and then Li Buzheng threw him into prison with a big wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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