When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 142 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 142 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" ([-])

Alas, this year must be his unlucky year.

"Presumptuous, I really grew up in that kind of place, I don't know the rules, I don't know the shame."

Li Buzheng clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could strangle Shengge to death.

I really don't know why my son is blind, and fell in love with this kind of beautiful but vulgar woman.

Countless ladies from famous families in Shaoxing Mansion looked down upon this woman from a brothel.

"Look at what you said, is it that I took your son's hand into the Fireworks Willow Lane?"

"Master Li, although I understand that all parents think that their children are good in everything, even farts smell good, but you have to know that a slap can't slap."

"If it wasn't for Li Jia's daily expression of so much love and no regrets, why would I come to Shaoxing Mansion with him?"

"No matter how prosperous Shaoxing is, can it compare to the capital?"

"To put it bluntly, your son is not worth mentioning among my benefactors, but who made me be blinded by your son's so-called deep affection before, thinking that this is a good man, waiting for me to go home, and then foolishly I promise it with my body."

"Who knows, Li Jia is just a cowardly and heartless man who wants everything but doesn't want to give anything. If I had known this earlier, I would never have taken a liking to such a person."

"Being my benefactor, I feel ashamed."

Shengge smiled lightly, lazily and casually, as if teasing her own cat.

To be honest, Sheng Ge looked down on Li Jia even more than Sun Fu.

Sun Fu is a man who likes beauty and looks good.

But what about Li Jia?

Wandering around the brothel, talking about vows of eternal love, but just playing around and feeling that I have true love and want to marry back home.

When everything was ready, I regretted it again...

Heh, you let your mother give birth to you and then stuff it back into your stomach.

If she can, she will never blame the past, even if Du Wei's death, Li Jia cannot get rid of the responsibility.


Li Buzheng blew his beard and stared, trembling when he spoke.

But Sun Fu wanted to cry but had no tears, big sister, are all women in brothels so bold and pungent?

Didn't it mean that those Huakui ladies are all proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they don't show their teeth or feet when they smile. Apart from their status, they are completely comparable to the ladies of Zhongming Dingshi's family?
Was he too naive before, or did he meet a fake oiran...

He prefers the latter...

Hearing what Du Wei said, Li Buzheng couldn't respond.

The son I had placed high hopes on was judged by the most despised woman in a brothel as a benefactor who would even dislike him...

"Du Wei, don't go too far."

After all, Li Buzheng is a scholar, it is difficult to talk like Shengge (chou) open (bu) big (yao) close (lian)...

"Is it too much? Don't forget that you are cursing me to death when I come in."

"However, the me in the past is really dead, and now I am a man of great wealth and honor as the god said."

"So don't worry about me clinging to Li Jia."

For some reason, Sheng Ge really wanted to say something from the Secondary School at this time, the past me you love to ignore, the future me you can't afford...

Well, Taizhong Er, it may be a bit ashamed to say it...

Then she didn't say anything...

Sun Fu, who was talking about it, heard Sheng Ge's words that he was really dead again, and suddenly his back felt cold, and a layer of cold sweat was densely covered on his forehead.

Eldest sister, aunt, the little one will never think of you again, can you not scare the little one?
"I'm here today just to ask for a debt."

"Li Jia's food, clothing, housing and transportation in Beijing are all my money. Now that the kindness has been broken, it's better to settle the money sooner."

Shengge stretched out his hand, motioning for Li Buzheng to ask for it.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, the official gave Jia'er thousands of gold when he entered Beijing, and there is still a thousand gold left when he comes back this time."

Li Buzheng was really gnashing his teeth with hatred, if he hadn't cultivated enough, he really wanted to scratch Du Shiniang's face and see how she would seduce her son.

"Oh, Mr. Buzheng, if you don't tell me, I really forgot..."

"Thank you..."

Shengge said this with a smile on his face, like a bustard.

Sun Fuxin, who was watching the play, mentioned it in his throat, and he knew that Du Wei would not let him watch the play so easily.

"The one thousand gold you mentioned was given by this young master."

"Let me introduce you grandly. This is the son of the Sun family in Xin'an, Huizhou, Sun Fu."

"That son of yours is no good. He eats my clothes, wears my flowers, lives in my clothes, and even sold me back to Sun Fu."

"I don't know who inherited your son's face."

"In the future, you don't need to build the city wall for wars. Li Jia will go directly, and his face is enough to withstand thousands of troops."

Du Wei, Miss Du...

Young Master, I also want to ask you, who inherited your words and fists...

Even if the mother in the brothel has words, what about fists?
"Li Buzheng, I'm free now, and I'm not your son's concubine. I don't know how the government will judge you if your son betrayed me like this."

"You are an official, why don't you give us an analysis first."

"In a while, the emperor's imperial envoy will come to Shaoxing Mansion to conduct this year's official performance appraisal. Alas, I don't know what will happen if the son of the chief minister takes the lead in not repaying the debt, and willfully buys and sells people. I think it will be very difficult for the imperial envoy to come. Be interested."

"You know, I know the officials in the capital very well..."

very familiar...


In his heart, Sun Fu once again labeled Shengge as outspoken.

He also said that Li Jia had a thick skin, but no matter how thick Li Jia was, could he be thicker than Du Wei?

Totally underwhelming, okay?
Li Buzheng felt that there was a fire in his heart, but he had nowhere to vent it.

"Break into a private house and slander the officials of the court, you should be shot."

After much deliberation, Li Buzheng still felt that the dead were the most reassuring.

The son surnamed Sun seems to be honest, unlike this Du Wei who is just a stabbing head, wishing to stab everyone to death.

"My lord, you are so thoughtful."

"The past between me and your son is not a secret, and the farce on the river is well known. Of course, when I came to the cloth government, I asked more than a dozen people back and forth."

"Your son's virtue of being heartless and greedy for money and not paying back money, if I have it, I'm afraid there will be even more trouble."

"However, if my lord gets along harmoniously today, people from the outside world may say that my lord is a clean official, and he will help you if you don't want to help your relatives."

getting along well……

Li Buzheng cursed fiercely in his heart, the word harmony is really disgusting.

And Sun Fu was completely dumbfounded...

This little lady came prepared, no wonder the road was so grand and exciting.

Are all the famous singers and dancers so mysterious now?

Damn, will he be tricked into becoming a beggar...

It seems that Fireworks and Willow Lane is a risky place, at least not as safe as he thought at first...

(End of this chapter)

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