When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 151 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 151 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (22)

Sheng Ge didn't know how much effort she had spent to restrain her wicked taste that was about to move.

Du Shiniang worked hard and planned several times to be able to be good.

After becoming a good man, he naturally didn't want to see a situation of notoriety.

This can be seen from Du Shiniang's desire to be Li Jia's wife rather than a concubine.

It's a pity that from the beginning to the end, in Li Jia's heart, Du Shiniang is just a girl in a romantic place who can have fun.

Even if this woman is charming, even if this woman wants to be loyal.

It can only be said that Du Shiniang has already been deeply imprinted on Du Shiniang by the brothel girl, the first-generation oiran, and the stunningly famous concubine.

This is not something that she can uncover by leaving the brothel and redeeming herself.

Ha ha……

Shengge raised her eyebrows, she could already imagine the commotion that would be caused if she got down on the clothes of this young man surnamed Zheng.

Think about the consequences, forget it...

My hands are itchy and my heart is itching, but I can't put it into action, so sad.

"I don't know what's good..."

Mr. Zheng's eyes turned cold, and he could hear the irony in Sheng Ge's words.


Shengge chuckled, playing with the jade pendant in his slender and tender jade hands, which was of excellent quality and estimated to be very valuable, and asked back.

Alas, such a good-looking cheap son-in-law can't see it anymore.

Thinking of the self-confessed misconception that Fan Jin's son-in-law had a hand fetish and only loved Hu Butcher's rough hands, Sheng Ge couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Zheng, may I ask why you have ever shown that you are good?"

In this day and age, people around are not surprised by this.

"It's just a broken flower and a willow tree, but it's not because you still have some good looks. You think you still have a chance to stand and talk to me like this."

The family background of the son surnamed Zheng is similar to that of Sun Fu, otherwise he would not still be wanton after Sun Fu stopped him.

Shengge played with the jade pendant silently.

What should I do, others say I love Wu Jiwu, but now she seems to hate Wu Jiwu a little bit.

Because looking at this Mr. Zheng is really disgusting, even this priceless jade pendant makes people very unhappy.

Alas, it seems that her wealth fan nature is not deep enough.

Otherwise, throw this jade pendant away.

It should be pretty hard for such a price.

The jade pendant was smashed to the ground by Sheng Ge in full view, and the clear and sweet voice slowly dispelled the haze in Sheng Ge's heart.

Sure enough, music has the magical power to soothe sadness and blow away troubles...

I really want to listen to it a few more times.

Shengge really felt cheap.

It turned out that she was not only cowardly, but also cheap.

This self-awareness is inexplicably disturbing.

"Sun Gongzi, the slave family has missed..."

Sheng Ge pouts her lips, and starts to act cute innocently, pushing the blame on Sun Fu.

After provoking Du Shiniang, wouldn't it be normal to clean up the mess a little bit?

Is Du Shiniang's life not as valuable as a jade pendant?

Sun Fu sank into the abyss with a heart that was still gloating.

Hehehe, as expected, the joke is not so easy to read.

Just a moment ago, the jade pendant surnamed Zheng who was secretly happy in his heart was broken, let's see how he will show off in the future.

Now this pot is your own...

As a very hypocritical and loyal fox friend, Sun Fu knows how precious the jade surnamed Zheng is.

No, in other words, it should be more accurate to say that the mother surnamed Zheng is always looking for this jade.

What kind of background is extraordinary, what status respects glory...

From his point of view, isn't it just a piece of child jade, and it must be taken to heaven?
Well, it's all right now, when Grandma Du made a move, the jade shattered...

If it is normal, he must be happy to watch the excitement.

It's a pity that Grandma Du now intends to turn him from a bystander into a party involved.

I really want to resist...


Sun Fu took the hand of Mr. Zheng who wanted to slap Shengge.

If the jade is broken, you can still buy a second piece.

The arm is broken, can it be regenerated again?
Brother Zheng, you have to thank my little brother for saving my life.

"Brother Zheng, please speak up if you have something to say..."


Shengge's eyes were strange, and he kept looking at Sun Fu and that Mr. Zheng.

Suddenly I shivered...

Is this kidding?

Does she seem to hear correctly?
Could it be that the tricks of these young masters have reached new heights?
Sun Fu's hairs stood on end, aunt, can you change your eyes?
"Tell me well?"

"Sun Fu, you also know how much my mother values ​​this Kodama."

"This is the jade pendant worn by the prince of the previous dynasty, and the proof of the mother's identity and blood."

Sheng Ge was stunned when he heard it, the jade pendant of the former royal prince?

Proof of identity and descent?

At least hundreds of years have passed, talk about blood?
"Sun Fu, I am a descendant of the prince."

Shengge laughed.

What is the descendant of the prince, she is still the descendant of Nuwa, the descendant of Yanhuang, and the descendant of the dragon.

Of these three identities, which one is not as majestic as the prince.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

"Bitch, what are you laughing at?"


Sun Fu smiled mischievously.

This peacemaker, he can't do it anymore.

Auntie, even if you want to laugh, hold back for a while, okay?

Learn from him, he also wants to laugh when he hears this sentence.

But did he laugh?
"I'm laughing at my short-sightedness, I didn't see Mr. Zheng's background is so brilliant."

A prince, who was from the previous dynasty, has been dead for hundreds of years...

"Young Master Zheng, I don't know if the current Majesty knows that your Zheng family respects the previous dynasty so much."

"The prince's bloodline is quite orthodox. Could it be that he still wants to do a big business?"

What can the orthodox blood of the previous dynasty do? Naturally, it is a rebellion.

This is a self-evident thing, and Shengge will stop there.


Sun Fu admired all five bodies.

It turns out that besides being good at fists and feet, my aunt also has such a poisonous mouth.

Does he have to thank his aunt for showing mercy to him before?
At the very least, I didn't think about having the entire Sun family ransacked and exterminated.

Mr. Zheng was stunned for a moment, at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

"Don't talk nonsense, my Zheng family is loyal to the Holy One, the sun and the moon can be seen."

Mr. Zheng was indeed a little panicked.

How many literati were imprisoned for writing some vague and ambiguous words with insinuations, and then sent to the guillotine.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

He could already imagine what would happen to the Zheng family after these words were passed on one time, two times, and three people became a tiger.

The more Mr. Zheng thought about it, the more guilty he felt, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Shengge was still a little puzzled about this.

She just wanted to scare the other party, but there was no need to be so cowardly.

"Mr. Zheng, could it be that you forgot that it has been cloudy for several days, with no sun and no moon."

The implication is that the sun and the moon cannot witness the sincerity of your Zheng family.

At this time, Sun Fu has already consciously retreated to Shengge Shenshen, and made the background board carefully.

Well, it's best if you don't fight against the Zheng family.

If it can't be avoided, anyway, he didn't make it up himself, and the old man can beat him a little bit less when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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