When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 152 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 152 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (23)

"Let me wait for you..."

Mr. Zheng pretended to be calm and left after throwing down a harsh word.

Leaving behind a crowd of young masters looking at each other and fragments of the jade pendant.

The son surnamed Zheng raised his eyebrows, which was enough to make other rich businessmen fearful.

They can be seen that this Du Wei is not a good stubble.

A sage does not deceive me, but women and villains are difficult to raise.

"Brother Sun, I remember that I still have something to do, so I will leave first, and we will meet again when I have time."

People left one after another, using reluctant reasons that sounded fake at first glance.

Sun Fu thought of the indescribable eyes of his former cronies before leaving, and knew that he was about to be abandoned by this small group.

Thinking about the scene of visiting brothels in a group before, Sun Fu couldn't help feeling excited.

Unfortunately, this scene is gone forever.

Alas, Sun Fu feels depressed when he thinks that he will be alone when he visits brothels in the future.

I haven't returned for two months, and I don't know what happened to Xiaoliu Xiaocui and the others...


Shengge really couldn't stand Sun Fu's eyes.

Can you imagine what it would be like for a man to show reluctance to another group of men with different looks?

The picture is too beautiful to bear to look directly at.

Sun Fu shook his head again and again, without thinking, he also knew that Grandma Du was thinking about it again.

Hearing Du Wei's voice, Sun Fu's longing for Xiaoliu Xiaocui disappeared in an instant.

How come I forgot that the brothel is not a safe place.

I often walk by the river, so how can I not wet my shoes?

If one day he is unlucky and meets a beauty like Grandma Du again, he is afraid that he will die on the street.

Swear to God, he will never go to brothels again.

No matter how important a beauty is, she must have a little life to sleep with, right?

Sun Fu bent down to pick up the fragments of the jade pendant and wrapped them in the handkerchief handed over by the servant.

Just in case, if the Zheng family came to ask for the jade pendant, it would be an explanation.

Lang Jiujiu: Oh, I feel so sad for no reason.

If you walk too rough, your waist will flash: Oh, I miss you for no reason.

Jackal and female cat: Alas, I feel so sad for no reason.

Shengge rolled her eyes, she couldn't arouse any emotions in the live broadcast room whether it was the group of glass scumbags whose painting style had changed.

Well, this is another emerging genre.

As a smart academic master, Shengge decided to carry forward the virtue that silence is golden.

There is no need to doubt, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room must have dug a hole for her, waiting for her to jump.

Hmph, this girl is so smart, she can respond to all kinds of changes with the same.

I'm a magic stick: the old monk has done the calculations, and the anchor has already seen your thoughts.

Lingling Qixian: Isn't it because I feel sad and miss the melancholy anchor's cowardly and cowardly appearance...

Sheng Ge couldn't complain about Lingling Qixian's increasingly down-to-earth painting style.

Miss sister, didn't you agree to be each other's little padded jackets? Why did you approach the glass scumbags so quietly?

Anchor: ←_←

Anchor: Give you a look to experience it yourself.


Seeing Sheng Ge who had inexplicably started to breathe again, Sun Fu was terrified.

A needle in a woman's heart...

This is not too fickle for some.

"Miss Du, why don't I buy you a house in the city."

Sun Fu now just wants to draw a clean line with Shengge, and then never contact him again.

As for the old man's scolding, he is not afraid now.

"Why bother, the Sun Mansion is so big, just give me a wing room."

"Sun Gongzi, how do you say we met?"

Sun Fu blinked, looking confused.

Auntie, can you speak straight, you don't need to be dumb.

"How does Ms. Du think it's appropriate for us to meet?"

Sun Fu, who was afraid that he might be wrong, asked cautiously.

"Tell me the truth."

"It's just that I saved you a few times while walking with you, and solved some thieves and mountain beasts who wanted to kill you."

"Mr. Sun, I'm not talking about you. You've heard the principle of not revealing your wealth."

"If you didn't keep saying that you have a lot of money, why would you cause so much trouble?"

Shengge smiled softly, and began to incarnate as a bosom lady to be persuasive and seductive.

Sun Fu was dumbfounded, is this okay?

Is he too ignorant?Or the skin is not thick enough.

No, he will study more in the future.

Reading makes him happy...

It was obvious that those two big men came here for Du Wei, so what did they have to do with him.

"Miss Du said so."

Sun Fu has no extra thoughts now, he just wants to feel the warmth of home.

He needs his father to come out and be bold.

As long as you let him go home, everything is easy to talk about.

"It's so cute..."

Sheng Ge patted Sun Fu on the head and said with a smile.

The servant looked at it calmly, to be so close to Miss Du, the young master must have accumulated evil virtues in his ancestors.

The boy's worship of Shengge is like a surging river, flowing endlessly.

The more we get along, the more I feel that Ms. Du is different.

Well, the fist is strong, the mouth is poisonous and cunning, and the most important thing is that she looks innocent and beautiful...

If Shengge knew what the boy thought of her, he would definitely ask curiously, child, are you praising or scolding, can you still speak well?

Shengge returned to the Sun Mansion with Sun Fu.

At first, Sun's mother didn't look at Shengge directly, until Sun Fu squeezed his throat and said in a grievous voice that Shengge was his savior, and Shengge got Sun Mu's eyes.

Next, it was Sun's mother who greeted Sun Fu overwhelmingly.

Shengge finally understood that there was actually some truth in the saying that a loving mother often loses her children.

Looking at Sun's mother's unprincipled, right and wrong pampering, Sheng Ge felt that it was not unusual for Sun Fu to commit murder and set fire.

"Cough cough..."

Shengge coughed twice, indicating that grandma, an outsider, was still there.

"Miss Du, thank you for saving my son's life."

"No matter what wish you have, my Sun Manor will do my best to fulfill it."

Even if Grandmother knew from Sun Fu that Sheng Ge was Sun Fu's savior, it would be difficult for Grandmother to have too much affection for Sheng Ge.

It is difficult for such a charming and charming woman from the bottom of her heart to make her grandma, who has been fighting wits and courage with countless women for many years, feel good.

In grandma's opinion, Sheng Ge is no different from those people.

Before Shengge could speak, Sun Fu began to tear down the stage.

"Mom, can you stop talking big?"

Whatever wish?
Mother, have you forgotten that our Sun family is just an ordinary wealthy businessman's family...

This tone is just like the king of heaven.

"Mrs. Sun, this junior just wants to live here for a while."

"Ms. Sun is beautiful and kind, just like the Avalokitesvara statue drawn by a national hand, it really makes the younger generation dare not look directly at it."

"Before seeing Mr. Sun's conversation is good, self-styled, kind and generous, the younger generation guessed that he must have a loving mother, so Mr. Sun can develop such a gentle and refined temperament."

"Sun Gongzi is such a glorious person, it is a great honor for this junior to be able to save him."

(End of this chapter)

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