When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 153 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 153 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (24)

Dimly lit place: Tsk tsk tsk...

Beicheng Nansheng: The anchor's dog legs are always so unexpected.

Lingling Qixianshang: Host, don't flatter the horse's legs, you say it so evil, won't Mrs. Sun think that you are harboring evil intentions?
I have spicy sticks to follow me: I am courteous for nothing, rape or steal.

Seeing the words of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room, Shengge finally understood why Mrs. Sun's eyes were so strange.

Both pleasure and fear.

Hehe, it turned out that she was afraid that she would attack Sun Fu.

If she wanted to do it, she would have done it long ago.

Of course, this start is not the other start.

Sun Fu was already dumbfounded at this moment. Is this still Grandma Du who chopped down a tree with one palm and beat up people unambiguously?

Well-spoken, self-styled, gentle and refined?

Is this really a compliment to him?

Sun Fu, who was terrified of being beaten, just felt flattered at the moment.

Of course, what was even more shocking was that there were too many Du Wei.

Being so humble and polite, these words do not seem to be forced, this skill is commendable.

Accustomed to Du Wei's domineering appearance, Sun Fu was a little taken aback when he suddenly saw Du Wei like this.

Beauty with thousands of faces...

"Mother, since Ms. Du just wants to live here for a while, you just agree."

"She is the savior of my son, and she has saved my son more than once in times of crisis. How can you hesitate about such a small request?"

Sun Fu was not speaking for Shengge, but was afraid that his mother's further hesitation would awaken Du Wei's violent side.

He didn't think his mother's body was stronger than the wild wolf in the mountains.


Hearing what Sun Fu said, Sun's mother felt even more awkward.

Could it be that his son has been bewitched by this seemingly alluring woman?

Or is it that something inhumane has happened to the two of them?

Looking at Miss Du's figure, she doesn't look like a big girl anymore...

Alas, this is the first time his son has brought a woman home seriously.

Rushing to be a concubine, for the sake of Miss Du's life-saving grace to Fu'er, she resolutely refrained from breaking up marriages.

Shengge didn't know at all that grandma had already spontaneously regarded her as Sun Fu's concubine.

When coming to Xin'an, Huizhou, Shengge was a random choice without any clue.

In the plot, Sun Fu and Li Jia are the most entangled with Du Shiniang's death.

"Miss Du, why don't you live in Hexiangyuan first."

After careful consideration, grandma said solemnly.

Sheng Ge was noncommittal, but Sun Fu hesitated to speak, but swallowed what he was about to say in front of Sheng Ge.

After Sheng Ge's figure got older and further away, Sun Fu spoke.

"Mother, why did you put Du Wei in Hexiangyuan?"

Hexiangyuan is the closest courtyards to him, and his mother has said more than once before that those courtyards are where his concubine's room is located.

"If it's not in Hexiang Garden, why not arrange it in Guest Garden?"

Grandmother rolled her eyes angrily.

"There are people coming and going in the mansion, and the guest garden is full of people, since you want to take Du Wei as your concubine..."


"Cough cough..."

Sun Fu had just taken a sip of tea when he heard his mother's words about taking a concubine out of breath.

Then sneakily looked around carefully, for fear of spreading the news.

Mother, do you think your son is living too chicly and want his life?

"It's so big, but still so reckless..."

Sun's mother didn't know Sun Fu's psychological activities at all.

"Mother, my son never thought of taking Naduwei as his concubine."

"Mother, don't hurt your son..."

Sun Fu felt aggrieved, and really wanted to tell his mother about his grievances.

But he himself knew that with his mother's unprincipled love for him, as long as he knew Du Wei's mistreatment of him, he would definitely call the door without hesitation.

At that time, it will be another human tragedy.

"You still want to marry her as a wife in a fair and honest manner?"

Apparently Grandmother misunderstood Sun Fu.

She thought that Sun Fu's two words of resistance were another expression of true love.


Sun Fu was dumbfounded.

Mother, when did your imagination run so wild.

"Fu'er, marrying a wife and mother will definitely not agree."

"Then Du Wei doesn't look like a girl from a good family at first sight, not to mention that she has already lost her virginity to you."

"Although my grandson's family is also a merchant's family, such a woman will never be allowed to enter the house."

Grandma said righteously.

Sun Fu raised his forehead, what does it mean to have already lost his body to him?Does he have the guts?

When he coveted Du Wei, Du Wei was fierce and would rather die.

After seeking death, Du Wei seemed to be a different person.

The appearance should be so charming, but the temperament is very different.

Although Du Wei was fierce back then, his words and deeds were actually the most gentle.

What now?
Violent, vulgar, informal, and sometimes obscene...

Sorry, he can't accept it.

Such a Du Wei, no matter how beautiful he is, he will not be blessed.

"Mom, you misunderstood."

"My son really doesn't have any wrong thoughts about Du Wei, the conscience of heaven and earth."

"Du Wei is only because he has heard too many stories about Huizhou businessmen, and he is yearning to come and experience some local customs and customs."

"Mother, you must not say those words just now in front of Du Wei."

Sun Fu racked his brains to explain the relationship between him and Du Wei.

I swear to God, the relationship between him and Du Wei is simpler than that between well water and river water.

Well water and river water are both water, and he and Du Wei are both human beings, and this is the only connection.

As for the others, he avoided them as much as possible.


Grandmother looked Sun Fu up and down, full of distrust.

Mothers know the virtues of their own sons best.

"It's true."

He is timid, he cherishes his life, and does not want to risk his life.

From then on, Du Wei was an aunt.

There is a difference in seniority, so I can always prove my innocence now.

"Do you know where she came from?"

Seeing her son's eagerness to get rid of the relationship, Sun's mother was skeptical, and temporarily exposed the problem.


Sun Fu struggled, but when he thought of Du Wei's impassioned and sad words by the river that day, his eyes lit up.

What answer could be more appropriate than Du Wei's performance that day.



If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: that's how it is.

Lang Jiujiu: Broadcaster, do you know where Hexiang Garden is.

Host: Hehe...

Shengge's hearing is excellent. Although she can't see as far as the glass scumbags in the live broadcast room, she can barely hear the maids muttering.

Jackal and female cat: Well, I don't know if Mrs. Sun would have such an idea if she knew what Sun Fu looked like when he was beaten.

Lingling on Qixian: I'll just watch and don't speak.

"Sister, why don't you ask Mrs. Sun for instructions, can you change the courtyard?"

In the age when chastity crushed people to death, how could she have the ability to overthrow the entire system? This thought existed for thousands of years.

As long as she lives in that courtyard, she might not be able to clean herself up if she really jumped into the Yellow River.

(End of this chapter)

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