When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 154 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 154 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (25)


The maid obviously hesitated.

The means of Madam's rule have always been consistent.

"Mrs. Sun must have misunderstood my relationship with Sun Gongzi by arranging me in Hexiang Garden. Now I think Sun Gongzi should explain it clearly."

"I am Mr. Sun's savior, Mrs. Sun will not anger you."

Sheng Ge sat in the gazebo in the garden to rest.

The gloomy and gray weather always makes people feel a little depressing after a long time.

The garden in winter looks a bit monotonous, but the blue bricks and white tiles under the misty rain have a bit of charm.

Sheng Ge rested his chin and watched quietly.

Now that you have come to Huizhou, the journey of "being a human being" starts here.

Huizhou has been doing business continuously for hundreds of years, and its atmosphere is far more inclusive and open than those places with noble pride.

Traveling thousands of miles will naturally broaden your horizons.

Do as the Romans do, maybe she can try her hand at business.

Well, she has money and can waste money.

At worst, when the money is gone, she will jump into the river to fish for some...

Of course, this is just a thought.

Although this is still a society with a strict hierarchy of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants, they are still just cheap merchants in the eyes of the nobles.

But at least it is much better than her original identity as a brothel prostitute.

At the very least, businessmen are human beings.

Shengge's slender white fingers tapped on the table, slowly planning a blueprint in his heart.

Doing business is quite difficult, so I just took this opportunity to study hard.

As a lifesaver, she had to use it shamelessly.

The lady maid who went to ask questions came late, and followed Madam Sun respectfully.

How did Mrs. Sun come to see this big Buddha...

"Oh, poor child..."


Sheng Ge said that the style of painting changed too fast, and she couldn't accept it.

Host: Solving...

Shengge knew that the glass bastards in the live broadcast room must know the ins and outs.

Walking too wavy will make your waist slip: I don’t understand...('ω')
Shengge gritted his teeth, Brother Tailang's cheap look really hasn't changed for generations.

I'm a magic stick: the old man will do the math, and Mrs. Sun will solve the confusion for the host.

As soon as this sentence floated across the bullet screen, Mrs. Sun spoke sadly.

Great, my magic stick...

Alas, what should I do? After all, my firm heart for doing business hesitated a bit...

It's still easy to be a magic stick, count your fingers and make money...

Shengge raised her eyebrows, but Sun Fu was really smart, and he repeated exactly what she said that day.

With such a good memory, it would be a waste not to take the imperial examination.

It seems that she has to listen to Mrs. Sun's ears.

As Sun Fu is so suave, imposing, and talented, he should be an official...


Sun Fu, who was leisurely crossing his legs and drinking tea and eating snacks, sneezed, only to feel the wind blowing.

who, who...

Who is plotting against me behind my back...

During the days with Sheng Ge, Sun Fu was already frightened.

"Little bastard, get out of here..."

Sun Fu was so frightened that he fell off his chair with a single sentence.

Although it was like an arrow to return to his heart at the beginning, he brainwashed himself again and again to say that he was beaten up by his father.

However, seeing the beating coming, he found that brainwashing didn't seem to work.

Mother, help me...

Sun Fu knew from the sound that his father was out of breath this time.

So, regardless of Sanqi 21, let's run away first.

"Mom, help..."

While running, Sun Fu shouted at the top of his voice.

The servants of the Sun Mansion were doing their duties calmly, obviously this scene had happened more than once.

"Little brat, you still dare to run away."

"Run again, I will break your dog legs."

Sun Fu curled his lips, a little brat for a while, a dog leg for a while...

So, what the hell is he.

Besides, it would be a fool not to run away.

With his mother around, his father would always beat him more lightly.

Thinking of this, Sun Fu ran even faster, and his shouts became more shrill and sharp, spreading throughout the Sun Mansion.

Sheng Ge, who was talking happily with Mrs. Sun, looked up at the sky. Why did she have an illusion that Sun Fu's cry scared the dark clouds away.

Mrs. Sun smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say for a long time.

"Mom, help, help..."

"Why are you running? Are there wolves chasing you behind you? I don't know how to pay attention to your face."

Sun's mother poked Sun Fu's forehead and said bitterly.

"There are no wolves, but there are fathers..."

Sun Fu said out of breath.

Dad is much more terrifying than wolves.

Besides, can face be eaten? In front of Du Wei, he has already lost face...


Sheng Ge smiled, I didn't expect that Sun Fu is still a funny comparison.

She felt that Sun Fu would have a bright future, and even if he couldn't pass the imperial examination, he could still find an opera troupe to sing.

Look at this voice, it's just...

"Little bastard, if you run again, I will beat you to death..."

Shengge is clear, so it is inherited here.

A middle-aged man with a thick wooden stick in his hand appeared in front of everyone, and he was still cursing, as if he wanted to kill Sun Fu with a stick.


Mrs. Sun couldn't care less about embarrassment at this time.

If you go down with this stick, if you are not careful, you will die, okay?
What did Fu'er do this time, to let the master change the stick for beating him...

Fuer, is it difficult for you to inform your mother in advance?

"Ma'am, get out of the way..."

"This time, I have to teach this rebellious son how to behave."

"It's fine to hang out all day, but now you have a dispute with the Zheng family because of Fantou..."

Fantou Shengge touched his nose, was he shot while lying down?

"I've seen Master Sun..."

Sheng Ge said hello to Master Sun kindly.

When Sun Fu saw Shengge, it was like seeing a savior.

Auntie, please save the little one, and break that wooden tube quickly.


Master Sun's hands froze.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this situation?
"Master, this Miss Du is Fu'er's savior."

Fearing that her master would say something unacceptable, Mrs. Sun hurriedly started.


Master Sun blinked, which one is this?
It turns out that what is more embarrassing than cursing is that you are scolding your own son's savior.

"Master, Miss Du is only invited by Fu Er to live in the mansion temporarily."

Master Sun silently threw the stick in his hand behind the big tree, pretending that nothing happened just now.


When did Fu'er become so weak that he needed a beautiful woman to save him...

What should I do, it would be embarrassing for the savior to speak out...

"Miss Du, thank you Fu'er for saving your life. Fu'er is the only heir of the Sun family. You have shown great kindness to the Sun family..."

Although Mr. Sun was very skeptical about the word "savior", he was still polite and grateful.

People who have been in business all year round will not take the initiative to make enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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