When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 156 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 156 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (27)

At this time, Master Sun was looking at Sheng Ge pleasing to the eye, and readily agreed.

As long as Sun Fu can make progress and stay away from those cronies, even if he has a bad relationship with the Zheng family, he will be happy.

Master Sun thought very well, even if Miss Du's life-saving grace to Fu'er was fake, but for the sake of this matter, he would still treat her with courtesy.

But, in the next second, what did he see...

clap clap clap...

After several crisp sounds in a row, the long and thick wooden stick was broken by Sheng Ge calmly...

Don't you need to blink your eyes to break a thick wooden stick...

What to do, he seems to have believed in Du Wei's life-saving grace to Fu'er.

Of course, he also understood Fu'er's grievances.

Fu'er, Dad understands you...

But why is dad still so excited...

As long as Fu'er can make progress, it doesn't matter if he gets beaten up a few times...


Another sound...

In the end, the stick held by Sheng Ge was crushed into powder...

Master Sun only felt his lower body become cold, this Miss Du is really...

Hard to say...

When Sun Fu saw his father's astonishment, he instantly felt the dark clouds of distress slowly dissipate.

Madam Sun was completely shocked...

Fortunately, Fu'er has nothing to do with Miss Du, and he doesn't want to take concubines. Otherwise, with such a fierce fighting power, the Sun family might really lose their heir.

Thankfully, her son finally sobered up once and was not fooled by beauty.

The savior is worthy of being a savior, and this ability is enough to make ordinary people far behind.

The little servant stood there muttering, surprised?

Aren't you too ignorant and ignorant...

Hmph, stupid humans...


He seems to be human himself...

"Miss Du, you are so skilled..."

Master Sun said dryly.

This Ms. Du really answered a sentence that people should not be judged by appearances, and sea water should not be measured.

That's okay, as long as Fu'er is afraid of Miss Du, then the imperial examination is no longer a mirror image.

As long as Fu'er makes progress, Ms. Du will be the great benefactor of the Sun family.

"Good skill..."

Mrs. Sun agreed, her eyes complicated.

Why did she still want to bring Du Wei and Fu'er together...

Fu'er said that Du Wei was a famous concubine of the generation in the capital, so that's what the famous concubine looked like.

The capital is indeed the capital, and even the famous concubine is different from those coquettish sluts.

The painting style is so fresh and refined, I don't know...

Does she have to thank those goblins who covet the master for not being like Du Wei?

Otherwise, grass might grow on her grave.

Thank goodness...

After a while, she would copy scriptures and thank Buddha.


"Miss Du, what are your plans?"

The maids went to clean the courtyard, and the Sun couple sat with Shengge under the gazebo in the garden, cooking tea and chatting.

And Sun Fu squatted on the ground with his head drooping in despondency, reminiscing about his wandering years that would never come back.

Xiaocui, Xiaoliu, goodbye...

He was finally popularized about what a student of the emperor is.

Sure enough, it was even more high-end and elegant than he had imagined.

He's just a little bug, it's good to go shopping in brothels, what qualifications does he have to take the imperial examination.

Grandma Du, I know I was wrong.

A misstep is an eternal hatred, Sun Fu finally understood this sentence thoroughly.

He didn't know why he went crazy that night, he insisted on mooring at the Guazhou Ferry, he just happened to hear Du Wei singing, and the next day he saw Du Wei's flourishing beauty...

Well, he wished he was deaf at that time...

Aunt Du, you are so tough, let's talk about it when we have something to say.

Sun Fu held a small wooden stick and counted the ant nests on the ground, with tears in his eyes...

No matter how chic the past was, it is gone forever.

"Huizhou merchants have traveled all over the world for hundreds of years and are famous."

"Since I've come to Huizhou, I don't want to learn how to do business."

Sheng Ge could tell that Master Sun was not a gloomy person.

Therefore, those who appreciate should also be people who are aboveboard.

Rather than being secretive, it is better to be aboveboard.

The way of doing business?

Mrs. Sun sat quietly without expressing any opinions.

Although she was surprised, she didn't say much.

"Women in business are not tolerated in the world."

"Are you ready?"

Master Sun frowned, and spoke a little embarrassedly.

Huizhou merchants have been passed down for hundreds of years, and few women are in charge of business.

If there is no heir, it is also a woman who recruits a relative to stay at home.

It must be admitted that it is very harsh for women to do business.

Whether it is secular vision or peer bullying, it is not so easy to get over it.

Gossip is more like a knife, seemingly invisible, but it can see blood.


Shengge didn't hesitate much.

is it hard?

It is difficult.

This live broadcast world has always given her the feeling that she has nowhere to start.

"Being human" is easier said than done.

The identity of a prostitute is an inescapable past, a stain that will never be erased in the eyes of the world.

Although people often say that heroes don't ask where they come from, but in fact?

Han Xin's crotch humiliation has been mentioned for thousands of years...

She knows that money and power are always right.

Quan, at this moment, is like the top of a mountain to her, the road is full of ice, snow and thorns, which is beyond reach.

Although doing business was her whim, it was still a good choice.

What about gossip?

Well, she has thick skin.

She knew in her heart that one must be strong and control one's own destiny.

Then it all starts with business...

For the first time, Shengge showed an ambition that didn't belong to her.

Shengge has always been a mediocre person.

"That being the case, next, I will teach you to read the account books first, and learn some simple management methods by the way."

Master Sun didn't ask any unnecessary questions.

People in business are especially sharp-eyed. This Miss Du's clothing and accessories are all extraordinary, so she is not a person who is short of money.

"Thank you, Master Sun, junior."

Shengge smiled more sincerely.

Sun Fu silently counted the ants on the ground, thinking about it.

He also wants to go into business...

As long as you don't read...

Parents, don't be fooled by Du Wei's gentle and innocent appearance.

"You are kind to the rich, and it is right to reciprocate."

Master Sun didn't worry too much about the identity of Shengge's woman.

In the past decades, he traveled all over the world, and it's not like he hasn't seen a woman who stands alone and doesn't give way to her husband.


Shengge lowered his head, inexplicably guilty.

However, thinking of Du Wei's death, Sheng Ge instantly felt confident again.

Tat for tat, once this matter is over, the past has nothing to do with it.


After Shengge left, the Sun couple were still sitting in the gazebo.

Mrs. Sun has to tell Mr. Sun about the ins and outs.

After listening, Master Sun narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while he slowly said, "This woman is not from the pool."

The history cannot be faked.

"Master, but will Miss Du's status affect the integrity of the Sun family?"

(End of this chapter)

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