When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 157 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 157 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (28)

The two are young couples, she knows how much the master attaches importance to reputation.

Although she felt sympathy for Du Wei, she really didn't want to see the master's name stained with blemishes.

Starting from scratch seems to be just a few simple words, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky when sitting up.

"Madam, is the past really so important that it cannot be erased?"

"As long as her future glory can completely illuminate the past, will the stain still be a stain?"

"For decades, my eyes can still recognize people."

"This girl, she will never give up until she achieves her goal."

"It's better to give charcoal in the snow than icing on the cake. This move should be regarded as repaying the debt for the rich."

The family knows their own affairs.

He saw Fu'er's fear and guilt when facing Miss Du.

Fear is easy to understand, but what about guilty conscience?


Mrs. Sun seemed to understand, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"come over……"

Master Sun said coldly to Sun Fu who was still squatting on the ground.

Sun Fu's body trembled habitually, there was no way, the shadow of his father had penetrated into his bones.

In fact, when Sun Fu heard his father say repay the debt, his heart was raised.

For so many years, my father has been traveling all over the world, so naturally he is not so easy to fool.

"Come here, do you need Dad to bring you another stick?"

Sun Fu stood up with a wry smile, and walked towards Master Sun slowly step by step.


Sun Fu knelt down on the ground very consciously.

The loud sound of knee contact with the hard ground is painful to hear.

"Father, I nearly drove Du Wei to death..."

Sun Fu didn't take chances, and told his parents about the real grievances between him and Du Wei.

Of course, it didn't overturn the previous theory about the savior.

Although Sun Fu is a prodigal son in love and a playboy, he never wants to force anyone to death.


Master Sun was furious, and he slapped the stone table heavily with his palm.

Is his son a jerk now?
"Father, my son knows his mistake..."

Sun Fu's heart trembled, and he thought for no reason that if Du Wei slapped the table, it must be more than just loud.

"Heh..." Master Sun snorted lightly, full of self-deprecation.

It was in vain that he boasted of being a noble character all his life, but he couldn't even discipline his own son well.

"The ancestral hall is kneeling."

"From now on, I will cut off contact with your cronies and dog friends."

"If you can't pass the country test, then don't think about the past and the moon in this life."

Master Sun was really angry this time.

Being able to force someone to jump into the river is no different from forcing someone into prostitution.


Sun Fu obediently agreed.

Such a father made him unable to think of any resistance.

Can he tell his father that his friends have abandoned her?
Du Wei was too tough and frightened everyone.

After Mrs. Sun helped Master Sun to leave, Sun Fu stood up tremblingly from the ground.

Alas, he had to report to Du Weifeng to check his statement.

Is there anyone in the world who is so hardworking and not so good?
Entering the guest garden, you have to report it, and Sun Fu feels heartbroken...

Shengge frowned, Sun Fu saw her like a mouse seeing a cat, didn't he wish he could run as far as he could?

After finally coming home and not going out to roam around, why did you see her?

Do you want to take her to go wandering together?
As the saying goes, drinking and flirting with girls is the easiest way to cultivate relationships.

"Please come in."

As a guest, how can you keep the host away.

"Miss Du, I have confessed to my parents."

Shengge looked at the dust on Sun Fu's knees, and his eyes flashed brightly.

It seems that the child who got into trouble outside confessed to his parents...

"and then?"

Shengge asked curiously.

Just confess it, and even ran over to tell her specifically, do you want her to praise Sun Fu for his honesty?
Or is it that Mr. Sun Fu is here to ask for credit?

"No then..." Sun Fu scratched his head with a dazed look on his face.

Didn't he just want to inform Du Wei, so that Du Wei can make mental preparations?


"Then you go."

Shengge felt that she and Sun Fu were not on the same track, and it was really difficult to communicate.

"Don't worry, the old grievances between you and me will be wiped out, and I will not deliberately torment you again from now on."

Suddenly, Sheng Ge comforted Sun Fu with a few words of kindness, but he only got a supercilious look from Sun Fu.

Sun Fu said that the baby was suffering.

And since then...

My son has no future, and the future is doomed to be gloomy and miserable.

Are the books that good-looking?
Is there a beautiful woman with a delicate body and a soft body that is easy to push down?

The answer is so clear, but it's a pity that he is still forced to stay away from the beauty, throw himself into the embrace of the book, and struggle hard.

Don't talk to me, I suddenly don't want to talk to you anymore.

Shengge laughed, Sun Fu, are you so lost that you dare to roll your eyes at this girl.

"Is that why you don't want to leave?"

Shengge was very surprised when he saw Sun Fu turning his head three times a step at a time.

Is she so attractive?Big enough for Sun Fu to overcome his fear...

Alas, it feels good to be narcissistic.

"I don't want to kneel in the ancestral hall..." Sun Fu said dejectedly.

Ever since he was a child, the ancestral hall was the place he hated the most.

"Hey, the ancestral hall is so lively, if you kneel down, it's as if you're communicating with your predecessors."

The smile on the corner of Shengge's mouth grew wider and wider.

Sun Fu is actually a spoiled brat who once thought that there is nothing in this world that money cannot do.


Sun Fu sighed and quickened his pace.

I don't want to talk to Du Wei.

Is the ancestral hall busy?Are there many ghosts?heartbroken...

Sun Fu felt that ever since he got acquainted with Du Wei, his heart was riddled with holes, and when would it completely wither?



Sheng Ge didn't know how the Sun family resolved the matter with the Zheng family. Anyway, she didn't wait for the Zheng family to attack, as if the farce on the street that day was just an illusion.

The cloudy and rainy days that had lasted for many days finally cleared up, and Shengge finally started to learn how to read books and simple management techniques from the big shopkeeper that Master Sun relied on the most.

Everyone in the Sun family knew that Sheng Ge was Sun Fu's savior.

Therefore, even though they complained about the woman doing business in public, they still dutifully fulfilled Master Sun's orders.

Doing business is a university question, so broad and profound that Sheng Ge had a ridiculous idea.

If I knew it was so difficult, I might as well pretend to be a man and rely on the imperial examination.

Didn't it mean that the first time was born and the second time was familiar?Anyway, as Butcher Hu, she had already passed the provincial examination and had been a county magistrate for several years.

But Shengge looked at his rare good figure, so he put away this idea.

Women dressed as men?

Don't be funny, unless everyone is blind.

Shengge used to watch TV and read novels and saw a woman disguised as a man, always wondering, don't everyone have bad eyesight?

Let's learn business honestly.

A good figure is used to please oneself, not to be spoiled.

(End of this chapter)

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