When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 176 The Argument That Never Takes You

Episode 176

In the world, there is a dual-quantity method, and if you live up to it, you will live up to the law.



The Buddha is in daily life, talking about the world;

in the farmer's seed;
in the weaving shuttle;
In a meal, a meal, a drop of water;
In our dreams...


Shengge opened his eyes, and the goal he entered was the hut, which looked rather simple, but also extremely elegant, filled with the fragrance of sandalwood and ink.

On the wooden table of ordinary workmanship lay a brand-new copy of the Buddhist scriptures, and it seemed that the ink was still wet.

The font is square and rigorous, but it also reveals a kind of compassion.

Shengge really believed it now—it directly turned her into a real monk...

This monk is definitely a person who strictly abides by the rules and precepts.

It is enough to look at the furnishings and the Buddhist scriptures in the room.

Alas, do you want to destroy the character design?

Seeing the rigor of the monks copying Buddhist scriptures, he would never eat meat and drink alcohol.

Just when Shengge was hesitating, the rough wooden door was pushed open from the outside.

Shengge subconsciously raised her head and looked towards the door. She didn't know whether it was because the sun was too dazzling on this sunny day, or the person who came was too bright and charming, Shengge felt dazed for a moment.

The heroic but bright and eye-catching riding clothes, the woman's long hair is tied neatly, her facial features are exquisite and cold, and her inherent nobility makes people unable to take their eyes off.

With just one glance, Shengge was sure that this was a person from a decent family background.

Ordinary people don't have such confidence and extravagance.

However, this does not seem to be a good match.

There was a look of disdain at the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, even though it was a little softer at the moment, it still made people flinch.

Of course, a stern-faced person like Sheng Ge would never shrink back from being frightened.

So Shengge, who had just arrived, did a stupid thing that he wanted to tear himself apart.

I saw Sheng Ge standing straight like this, looking at the woman without giving in to each other, until the other party lowered its high head.


What to do, she seems to have forgotten that she is actually a monk.

How about going back and doing it all over again?
"This benefactor, I don't know what you are doing?"

Sheng Ge squinted his eyes, the sun piercing his eyes made him want to cry.

"My palace didn't know that the mage was here, so I made a sudden visit, and I ask the mage to forgive me."

Sheng Ge never thought that a woman who seemed to be high above her was so polite.

But when she saw the woman's reddish ears, her heart suddenly became cold.

No way, such bloody things like love at first sight wouldn't happen to her...

I knew that I should really keep my eyes shut and look at each other for nothing.

The woman kept her back straight like this, with joy and surprise in her eyes, looking at Shengge expectantly.

This monk looked to be about twenty, and his half-worn robes could hardly conceal his brilliance and purity.

To use an inappropriate word to describe it, she felt that the monk in front of her was like a water lotus, full of beauty and handsomeness, shimmering in the waves, making people see it in her heart at a glance, and never forget it.

On this side, she knew that this was the person she had always imagined, and also the person she longed for, with whom she could raise eyebrows and red sleeves, and exchange poems on a snowy night.

It's a pity that she already has a husband, and he has converted to Buddhism.

Shengge's heart beat faster when she was stared at by the woman.

Of course it can't be excited, she is afraid...

Don't provoke Taohua before she has figured out the plot.

The key point is that this peach blossom is still so beautiful, so glamorous and noble that it makes her a little dazed as a woman.

The woman in front of her is not much different from Du Wei in appearance, but the pride, self-confidence and dignity engraved in her bones are beyond Du Wei's reach.

Only the kind of real Zhongming Dingshi's family who grew up with a lot of love can have such a temperament.

But, why did she see loneliness in the woman's eyes.

No, I can't watch it anymore, she really doesn't want to fall in love, it's shameful to spread dog food.


If you walk too sloppy, you will lose your waist: Why is it that you are late for a while, it seems that you have missed the whole world.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: one is obviously a monk and the other is a noble girl at first glance, why can't I help but praise the golden boy and jade girl when I see it... The world of looking at faces can't afford to hurt.

Lang Jiujiu: I just want to ask the anchor, did you find a magic stick to secretly change your luck?Since the last world, the candidates for your live broadcast have inexplicably become stunning beauties.

Jackals and female cats: What was said above is not the point, the point is, have you forgotten that you are a woman, the anchor, and it is shameful to flirt with girls as a woman.

Frog who brings special products home: Why don’t you marry me... especially if you are still a monk...

Dimly lit place: A weak reminder, have you forgotten the man who is going here, maybe the woman is already married.

Lotus Fairy: We want to be a person with three views and integrity.

When Shengge was racking his brains to think about how to simply and roughly cut off this rotten peach blossom that might sprout, he couldn't help laughing when he saw the words of the lotus flower fairy.

Well, she didn't mean to.

She just thought of the white lotus first when she saw the word "Lotus Fairy"...

White lotus, the three views are upright...

Shengge didn't know, but this smile completely touched the hearts of the beautiful women.


If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: anchor, stop smirking, haven't you noticed that the beauties in front of you are all fascinated?

Beicheng Nansheng: Friendly reminder, the person in front of me is a princess...

The glass bastards in the live broadcast room saw much farther than Shengge.

Therefore, Shengge only saw the woman in front of her, while the glass bastards in the live broadcast room saw everything around them. Naturally, they also saw a burly and powerful man chasing after him in a hurry to call the princess.

princess, monk...


Shengge suddenly had a bad premonition, why did the routine feel so familiar this time.

Don't tell her that this is the fate between Princess Gaoyang and Monk Bianji.

Falling in love with a monk or something is the most cruel thing.

Of course, she doesn't want to be a person with unrighteous views, and she can't agree with the words that true love comes first.

Anchor: Let me ask you weakly, what is the name of this princess...

When Shengge asked this question in the live broadcast room, she kept looking forward to it.

Don't be, don't be...

There is still a big difference between a sudden evil fate and a destined evil fate.

It is destined, it is not so easy to break it.

If you walk too rough, your waist will flash: Gao Yang...

Seeing these two words, Sheng Ge only felt that a certain string in his heart was completely broken...

Do you want to pretend to faint? What are you afraid of?

If there is no accident, she really became Bian Ji, the monk with mixed reviews in history.

He is handsome and gorgeous, and he has a brilliant literary talent, but his forbidden love with Gao Yang has obliterated everything about him.

All that remains is the notoriety of yin.luan.

As a monk, and a monk with a bright future, but entangled with a married man...

 ask for support...

(End of this chapter)

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