When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 177 The Argument That Never Takes You

Episode 177

Alas, worry...

Why does she feel more and more hopeless.

As a monk, or a controversial monk, what wish would you have...

Alas, it's not the time to receive the plot, these feelings should wait for the aunt in front of me to leave, so she can post them again.

Except for the great sage, Shengge finally felt that someone was troublesome.

Still the kind that can't be beaten or scolded...

I really want to tear one by one by hand, I don’t have the ability to find something to create a difficult spicy chicken system.

Hey, why does it always feel like she forgot something...

Shengge scratched his head, but he still couldn't remember, so he didn't struggle.

During such a gap, the woman in front of her looked at Sheng Ge softer.

This monk is really interesting.

At first glance, it looks clean and clear.

The second glance looked bold but innocent, and the eyes were as dark as ever.

At the third glance, it looks a little more childish.

This childishness made her even happier.

Why, why didn't she meet this person earlier.

If she met her back then, would she be able to be willful once with her father's favor?

The woman felt unspeakable regret and sadness in her heart.

Shengge finally intuitively felt the scorching heat in Princess Gao Yang's eyes, and she was so excited that goose bumps all over her body.

The baby is a little fairy, don't scare the baby.

I saw Shengge blinking his eyes a few times, thinking about it, and then raised Erlang's legs in a very indecent and casual way, almost picking his nose...

Auntie, let the little one go.

At this moment, Sheng Ge finally realized the unspeakable feelings of Sun Fu back then.

Alas, the hardest thing to bear is the grace of a beauty.

"Hey, who are you..."

Sheng Ge squinted at Princess Gao Yang like a bum and a hooligan.

Self-destruct image or something, don't sit up too easily.

Shengge felt more and more that he might be a man in essence.


Gao Yang was a little dumbfounded.

Why can such earth-shaking changes happen in the blink of an eye.

A moment ago, she was elegant and handsome, independent in the world, but now she was rude and rude, just like the kind of person she disliked the most.

Princess Gao Yang frowned slightly, because of her overall majesty, she was not angry but mighty, and the air in the small thatched cottage instantly became stagnant.

Seeing this, Sheng Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you don't like it, I'm afraid you will like it with all your heart.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a monk?"

Shengge is very arrogant.

At this moment, I missed Butcher Hu's face so much.

She firmly believed that if she had the face of a butcher now, Princess Gao Yang would definitely give her a whip and punish her for a crime of disrespect, and then walk away.


Princess Gao Yang still frowned, without saying a word, as if she wanted to see how many other ways Sheng Ge could change.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: anchor, you are trying to die, cutting off the peach blossom does not mean cutting off the head...

Lingling Qixian Shang: People often say that long hair has short knowledge, but the anchor is still stupid now that he is bald.

"Do you know who this palace is?"

After a long time, Princess Gao Yang finally spoke.

Although Princess Gao Yang was a bit impatient, the first glimpse was like a small hand scratching her heart, itching, making her unable to say anything harsh.

"do not know……"

Sheng Ge said against his will.

Shengge played a trick here, and those who don't know will not be guilty.


Princess Gao Yang snorted coldly, the coldness in her eyes had turned into substance.

She could see clearly that the monk in front of her was just fooling her.

She was born in the royal family, grew up in the royal family, and is also the most beloved daughter of her father, how could she be a fool.

This monk clearly saw her thoughts, and then wanted to annoy her without a trace.

Is she that scary?
Is she not honorable enough?Is she not beautiful enough?Couldn't she bring him enough benefits?
Princess Gao Yang felt angry and happy at the moment.

Angry because of Shengge's non-cooperation, happy because of Shengge's intelligence.

She has always liked gentlemen who are elegant and gentle, with outstanding literary talents and both civil and military skills, not the kind of reckless men who are brave and foolhardy.

No matter how you look at the monk in front of her, it looks like God created it just for her.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, I can tell you, you have to remember it firmly."

"Because, starting today, this name will accompany you for the rest of your life, forever."

Gao Yang's dominance is engraved in his bones.

What she wants, she will do everything to get it.


Shengge looked at the long and thin hand that raised his chin, and was speechless.

Why is there another strong domineering president style here.

Indeed, in history, the two names Princess Gaoyang and Bianji have been closely intertwined since they met each other.

Whether it's lingering or hesitant, even if Bian Ji was cut to death in the end, the connection between the two of them will not be severed.

A thousand years of history, a thousand years of notoriety.

"This palace is the No. 17 daughter of the current emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Gaoyang."

Princess Gao Yang's chin was raised high, with indescribable pride and pride.

The word Gao Yang has the ability to make countless people look up to her, even some princes have to look at her face.

Datang, Datang...

The focus of Shengge's hearing was these two words.

She is no stranger to Datang.

The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the East, and went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures...

Isn't this what her cheap and violent master Tang Sanzang said most often?

I don't know if the Tang Dynasty in this mission world will be the Tang Dynasty she thought it would be, if there will be Xuanzang's journey to the west, if there will be so many legendary stories.

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: Wait, I seem to have grasped the point.Will the great sage, the great monk, and the elegant and noble Xiaobai appear...

Walking too wavy will flash your waist: Surprises come too fast, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Beicheng Nansheng: At this time, I really want to say something literary and artistic. The world is so big, those who should meet will still meet...

Seeing the climax of the barrage in the live broadcast room because of the word "Datang" in Princess Gao Yang's words, Shengge's heart was moved.

The world is so big, should we still meet again?

Shengge blinked, why she suddenly couldn't remember the past clearly.

Anchor: Don't get excited, maybe this Datang is not that Datang...

Shengge was very honest and started to pour cold water on the glass bastards in the live broadcast room.

She was telling the truth.

Journey to the West is a fictional world created by Wu Chengen, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty, while Bianji and Princess Gaoyang really existed in the long history of ancient times.

These two worlds are actually very different.

The real Xuanzang travels to the west, there are no demons, no immortality, no Zhu Bajie, no Drifting Monk, and no great sage...

Maybe in this mission world, she might meet Xuanzang, who was not afraid of hardships in history, who went westward to learn Buddhist scriptures and spread Buddhism, but she would not meet her sturdy and strong monk.

Why do you feel sorry?

(End of this chapter)

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