When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 179 The Argument That Never Takes You

chapter 179

She knows she is beautiful, but she doesn't need to look so seriously...

Seeing such eyes, Shengge's heart was bristling. She felt that at this moment, she was like a fish on the chopping board, and the person in front of her seemed to be thinking about where to put her mouth.

I didn't like chanting at first, and now I'm even more irritable.

"Princess, little master is sincerely paying homage to the Buddha here, it's better not to bother you and me."

Fang Yiai felt that she could still save a little bit, so there was no need to give up so early.

Gao Yanghe should know what kind of uproar would be caused if such a famous young talent like Bian Ji didn't know her well.

Princess Gao Yang gave Fang Yi'ai a cold look, she couldn't listen to the melodious chanting, what to say.

Before this, Gao Yang never felt that the boring Buddhist scriptures were more memorable than any musical instrument in the world...

Of course, what is even more memorable is the little master in front of him.

"Look at what..."

After all, Sheng Ge couldn't control his violent temper. With a slap of his big hand, the wooden table full of Buddhist scriptures in the thatched cottage shattered and collapsed piece by piece, and the Buddhist scriptures were scattered all over the ground.

No one would have thought that the person who created the peace and tranquility of the room just now would look like this when seeing such a Shengge.

"Your Highness, you are surrounded by your son-in-law, don't you know that it is a virtue not to cheat?"

Sheng Ge didn't care whether the two people on the opposite side could understand or not, so he said it all at once.

She never agreed with the view that true love comes first.

Even if she is Bianji now, even if many literati in later generations who pursue romantic freedom and true love continue to beautify the love between Princess Gaoyang and Bianji, they cannot deny that this is a forbidden relationship that violates morality and is not blessed by others.

Not cheating?
Doubt flashed across the eyes of Fang Yiai and Princess Gaoyang at the same time.

"You are a high-ranking princess, so why make things difficult for me, a little monk."

Shengge is now extremely looking forward to the Master Xuanzang in this world as her sturdy master, so that she can hug her thigh brazenly.

For Princess Gaoyang, her master beats five of them.

Alas, where are you, Jin Thigh, I miss you so much, are you lost?

"Twisted melons are not sweet."

Sheng Ge said earnestly.

My child, if you don't want to be a good princess, why do you have to seek your own death?

You are a princess, the emperor will not kill you, but I will definitely kill this girl.

cut in half...

Thinking about the fate of Bianji in history, Shengge shuddered.

Cutting in half is to cut a person in half from the waist with a heavy axe.

The frightening thing about beheading in half is that the person who is beheaded in half will not die immediately, but will die after suffering a lot of pain.

It's like letting a person suffer a lot of pain and watching his waist break a little bit, and then the whole person is divided into two halves.

She really didn't want to touch such a cruel punishment.

Thinking about it this way, Sheng Ge, who had a little appreciation for Princess Gaoyang's appearance, immediately dispelled the softness in his heart.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

Well, she is a selfish and cowardly person.

Although the relationship between her and Princess Gao Yang is not considered to be an enemy or an enemy, but if the entanglement continues, it may not be so.

"If I just want to twist it."

"Is it important whether it's sweet or not? How did you know that Ben Gong doesn't like the moment when the melon is twisted?"

Princess Gaoyang looked down at Sheng Ge who was still sitting cross-legged among a pile of scattered Buddhist scriptures, and said earnestly.


Shengge blinked, what to do, she really couldn't handle such a powerful logic.

Originally, it had nothing to do with her whether she was happy about twisting melons, but who made her a melon now.

Hehehe, I feel tired and don't love it.

For such an upright Princess Gao Yang, Sheng Ge really had a headache.

Who made her a golden branch and jade leaf, the emperor's favorite princess?

Besides, she listened to that serious sophistry very well, and even silently wrote it down in a small notebook in her heart.

But the premise is that she is the person involved now.

Pain and happiness.

Shengge took a look at the tall, strong and burly Fang Yiai, little friend, is it really okay for you to be so cowardly?
Show off your masculinity and let Princess Gaoyang see your existence...

Didn't you see that your wife is cheating blatantly in front of your face?
Love is a light, green you shine.

Under Shengge's gaze, Fang Yiai lowered her head silently, pretending not to see.


mad baby...

Woohoo, what should I do, this girl wants to hug golden thighs now.

"Your Highness, if you like this thatched hut, the poor monk will give it to you."

Heh, she's not a debater anyway, she doesn't like Qingxiu.

Don't forget her distorted to the extreme aesthetics in the last world, she just likes glittery things.

This shabby cottage is so desolate, it doesn't suit her temperament at all.

After Shengge finished speaking, she gracefully left Princess Gaoyang and Fang Yiai behind, and disappeared into the lush forest.

"Princess, you can't touch the debate..."

Fang Yiai felt that she was really aggrieved to the extreme, but she couldn't resist.

Obviously his wife gave him a cuckold in front of him, but not only could he not scold him, but he had to explain it patiently, so as not to cause a catastrophe.

"Why not, it is enough for the princess to be happy."

"It's just the disciple of Daoyue, a scholar of the Dazongchi Monastery's Sapo, is it true that Buddhism can compete with the royal family?"

Princess Gao Yang was full of disdain.

The reason why the father believes in Buddhism is just to have peace of mind from the killing in his early years.

It's not that just any Buddhist is qualified to make concessions to his father.

"Princess, did you forget Master Xuanzang, who traveled westward to retrieve the scriptures, I heard that Buddhist monks who are familiar with Mahayana and Mahayana Buddhism will be selected from various temples in Chang'an to translate the scriptures, little master Bianji has a high chance of being selected .”

Fang Yiai explained cautiously.

Princess Gaoyang may not care about other monks, but Master Xuanzang must not be ignored.

Leaving aside the fact that Master Xuanzang is the younger brother conferred by His Majesty himself, just saying that he took back the scriptures without fear of hardships and dangers and passed on the Buddhist culture made Master Xuanzang's reputation reach its peak.

If Master Xuanzang really chooses Bianji in the end, then Bianji will become one of the nine eminent scriptures in a sudden transformation.

At that time, if Princess Gao Yang spread any rumors with Bian Ji, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Hearing this, Princess Gao Yang frowned, sure enough, things like monks are the most annoying.

Of course, except for her defense.

Princess Gao Yang has subconsciously attributed the debate to her people.

How can the person she likes escape?

Besides, Bian Ji has never experienced the world of mortals, so how would he know that he would not be greedy after falling into the mortal world.

(End of this chapter)

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