When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 180 The Argument That Never Takes You

chapter 180

Princess Gaoyang has great self-confidence. She has a beautiful appearance, a noble background, and a warm temperament.

She didn't believe that a monk who had tasted peace for a long time could really have a calm mind all the time.

"Didn't it mean that the journey to learn the scriptures was long and difficult, why did you come back so quickly?"

"When Xuanzang traveled to the west, didn't he say that it could be ten years at least, or decades at most? Why did he come back after a few years?"

Princess Gao Yang complained childishly.

She was only a half-grown child when her father, the emperor, personally appointed Master Xuanzang as his younger brother and ordered him to go west to learn Buddhist scriptures and promote Buddhism.


Fang Yiai remained silent, can I say this casually?
Master Xuanzang came back from learning the scriptures, and the whole Chang'an and even the whole Tang Dynasty fell into a carnival. His Majesty also praised him several times. This is the first time that someone dislikes Master Xuanzang's return too early.

"Perhaps Master Xuanzang has a deep connection with Buddhism, and the Buddha is sympathetic and sincere."

Fang Yiai, who didn't want to speak at first, noticed Princess Gao Yang's unhappy expression and decided to speak.


Princess Gao Yang has no expression on her face, what's the difference between saying this and not saying it.

In fact, Fang Yiai was right in reminding her that her father's favor and trust in Master Xuanzang has reached an unimaginable level.

She once also pretended to ask the Buddha to see Master Xuanzang sincerely, intending to rely on Master Xuanzang's influence on her father to further deepen her power.

It's just that she was rejected.

That's right, she didn't even meet Master Xuanzang.

At first she thought Master Xuanzang was busy, but after she was refused three times to see him, she knew that she was not liked by this famous monk.

This cognition made her briefly frustrated, but she didn't take it to heart.

She never thought she would have anything to do with monks.

However, now it seems that it is a bit early to say.

"Isn't it known to everyone in the world?" Princess Gao Yang said confidently.

As long as the emperor's imperial edict has not been announced to the world, there is still time for everything.

The selection of the nine virtuous scriptures, in addition to being familiar with the Mahayana scriptures and being recommended by the generation, is also very important to the reputation and character.

It is difficult to manipulate public opinion to praise a person, but it is the easiest to slander a person with some rumors.

What Bianji lost now, she will make up for Bianji in another way.



Fang Yiai's entire face was extremely dark.

He's shameless, isn't he?

As a son-in-law, there is really no one who can reach her level.

Princess Gaoyang is full of ambition, and she has an added ambition for Shengge.

In fact, Princess Gao Yang's psychology is not difficult to understand.

Being in a high position, pampered and pampered, since childhood, she wanted to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, but her marriage was not going well.

Now, by chance, by accident, I met a person who penetrated into the bottom of my heart at a glance, how could it be so easy to figure it out.

And this monk's evasion and pretending to be stupid, not only did not discourage Princess Gaoyang, but more aroused a desire to win.

Even if she actually lost the momentary throbbing in front of the debate machine.

I have to say that Shengge was stupid.

Ever since meeting Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong, Sheng Ge, who has awakened the skills of being simple, rude, mean-spirited, hands-off and cowardly, has been automatically immune to this kind of love between children.

It's already burning high incense if she wasn't directly hooked up by Princess Gaoyang.


If you walk too sloppy, you will flash your waist: Don't rush to run, the anchor, let's talk about the feeling of being teased by the princess.

I'm a magic stick: the old man pinches his fingers and calculates, there is a relationship between the anchor and Princess Gaoyang that is constantly being cut and messed up...

Lang Jiujiu: I always feel that the big brother-in-law's head is green and the prairie is endless.

Sheng Ge didn't take it seriously at first, with a leaf in his mouth, pretending to be a chic swordsman...

The sword of the great river comes from the sky...


Seeing Brother Shengun's unreasonable fate, Shengge couldn't be chic, and couldn't calm down.

Her fortune-telling and fortune-telling skill is learned from the big brother of the magic stick, and the ability of the big brother of the magic stick has been tested by time and practice.

Does God think she is living too happily?

She felt that her attitude was very clear and firm.

Was it because she didn't refuse thoroughly enough?

Or is she still pretty...

MMP, being too beautiful is also a sin.

Anchor: Brother Magic Stick, you can’t say that.

Anchor: No matter what, we all have the truth of husband and wife... Bah, the truth of master and apprentice...

Sheng Ge is really a little convinced that his head is so weak...


A jackal and a female cat: Damn it... the anchor, did you accidentally expose something?

Dimly lit place: Is this the essential reason why the anchor learns skills from Brother Magic Stick?

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: Master-student...teacher-student love, just thinking about it makes me excited.

I'm a magic stick: please let me go...

The magic stick brother was so weak that the three words begging to be let go were instantly covered up by the barrage of bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

Shengge curled his lips, isn't life so boring, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room are so stunned because of such a trivial matter...

Isn't it just a slip of the tongue...

Yedi: It's so lively...

The boss came out and made a difference.

This is Shengge's deepest experience, every time the boss plays, he is deeply in tune with Shengge's thoughts.

The blinding special effects combined with the blingbling glowing text instantly dropped those booing barrages in seconds.

This is the real one man guards the gate and ten thousand men can't open it.

This momentum...

Shengge automatically turned on his dog-legged side.

The big boss and local tyrant are in front, please don't stop her from offering her knees.

In other words, it seems like she hasn't seen the boss show his face in the live broadcast room for a long time.

Is it possible to be the Guanyin who saves the suffering and saves the world from the water and fire?

Announcer: Boss, long time no see. (ω`)
Isn't the starry eyes the fans' unique eyes when they see their idols?Look, more images, more down-to-earth.

Shengge silently gave herself a thumbs up in her heart, and yelled 666 by the way.

Boss, can you wave your hand and give me a heroic reward for the sake of the little one's cooperation...

Shengge really wanted to see how amazing the live broadcast room would be after unlocking it step by step.


Thousands of time and space away, the frowning Ye Di couldn't help but sneezed.

At his stage, sneezing has almost disappeared from him.

No need to hesitate, Yedi knows that someone is talking about him...

Perhaps, the person talking about him is the anchor on the screen with a flattering smile, narrowed eyes, and an indescribable dog-leg.

It seems that this time the pig anchor turned into a monk.

It's just, can a cowardly, cowardly, lowly, bully and fearful person like the anchor really be able to be a monk who is pure-hearted, ascetic, and compassionate...

Why did he have a premonition that this is another world that is about to be destroyed by the anchor.

Live streaming or something, it’s most comfortable to watch as a farce, don’t think about whether it’s reasonable or not.


 The author typed [-] words on a hungry stomach after get off work.

  so hungry...

  But there is nothing in the dormitory.

  Crying (;︵;`)
(End of this chapter)

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