When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 182 The Argument That Never Takes You

chapter 182

Shengge's teeth itched with hatred, his sharp teeth pierced the leaves, and the bitter taste filled his entire mouth.

Alas, her heart is bitterer than the sap of leaves at this moment.

In this season, there is not even a single edible fruit to be found in the forest.

Sheng Ge was so vicious that he was not afraid of hardship, bit the whole leaf and swallowed it into his stomach.

It's better to be poisonous, just poison this girl to death.

Unfortunately, it has always been a disaster for thousands of years.

The battle chickens in such a disaster as Shengge, God couldn't have taken them away so easily.

"Hey, why is this mountain forest so big, why is it so far away, when can we go out."

Shengge sighed for the umpteenth time.

Didn't she just want to see the style of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty?

Even if Bianji likes cleansing, there's no need to find such a place where nothing shits like that.

Shengge hammered his drowsy hand, looking at the still endless mountain road, feeling hopeless.

If she had known earlier, she should have snatched a horse...

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Anchor, I don’t know if I should say something...

Anchor: If you have something to say, there is...

Sheng Ge felt that he was a self-cultivated anchor, and he must not embarrass the Xueba group, so he silently retracted the second half of the sentence.

Walking too sloppy will flash your waist: Just now Princess Gaoyang and Brother Mao seemed to be plotting something, but the live broadcast room was ignited by the anchor's words about husband and wife, so everyone didn't notice...

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Also, if the anchor can't walk, he can ride a wolf... Think about the sensation that the anchor has tamed the wolf, riding a wolf into the city will cause a sensation, blood is surging.

Lingling Qixian: It is true that Brother Mao and Princess Gaoyang were talking about something in the gods and spirits just now. As a clear stream, I vaguely heard them say that Master Xuanzang chooses disciples...

Brother Hat is the pet name of Fang Yiai, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room.

Because they have never seen such a strong person who has practiced endurance like Fang Yiai.

But what is the relationship between Xuanzang's selection of disciples and Princess Gaoyang? Could it be that Princess Gaoyang hides a heart towards Buddha under her arrogant and fiery appearance...


Shengge felt that the possibility of this was very small.

Princess Gaoyang is interested in only one debate in Buddhism...

Well, is it a bit embarrassing to say that?

As for Brother Tailang's sentence to tame a wolf and ride back to Chang'an City, Shengge subconsciously ignored it.

Could it be that the glass bastards in the live broadcast room have forgotten her deep blood feud with the wolf clan...

If there are wolves in the wolf clan who have had adventures like her and have been reincarnated in several worlds, then they must be enemies of life and death.

Past grudges...

Beicheng Nansheng: Master Xuanzang, Master Xuanzang... so familiar.

I'm a magician: It seems that the anchor is going to join another teacher, I'm so sad.

good life good life...

Shengge couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw several well-mannered good students appearing in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

I know you guys like to have a good life, even if you start a football team, no one cares about you.

But why did the time change.

She vaguely remembered that it was five years after Master Xuanzang went west to get scriptures and returned to Chang'an that Bianji and Princess Gaoyang had known each other.

At that time, Monk Bianji and Princess Gaoyang had already fallen into and entangled with each other, and finally chose to escape.

Is it possible...

Shengge had a terrible guess in his mind, and his whole heart couldn't help beating faster.

Thinking about the peerless demeanor of their Buddhist scriptures team going through five stages and killing six generals under the leadership of Tang Sanzang, she seemed to know the reason why Master Xuanzang came back early.

Does this mean that this world actually overlaps or merges with the previous Journey to the West world to some extent?


This girl is also a person with golden thighs, and this girl is going to hug her thighs.

When he meets Princess Gao Yang next time, he can also let Princess Gao Yang enjoy the feeling of being bullied.

Even without her, Bian Ji would have become Master Xuanzang's apprentice. Now that she is here, of course he has to hug his thigh shamelessly.

The most urgent task is to rush back to Chang'an City and recognize relatives...

Anchor: Why do you think Princess Gaoyang muttered about Master Xuanzang...

Shengge stroked his bare head, quite puzzled.

Looking at the weeds growing hard around him, something flashed in Shengge's mind.


It turned out that Princess Gao Yang had this idea.

Gao Yang must have known about Bian Ji's understanding of Mahayana and Mahayana Buddhism, as well as his reputation among the younger generation of Buddhist monks, and wanted to destroy Bian Ji's reputation and his chance to become a Tang monk.

Hehehe, she is really the most poisonous woman.

Princess Gao Yang's move is tantamount to drawing fire from the bottom of the pot, hitting the nail on the head.

Just when she wanted to hug the golden thigh, Princess Gao Yang wanted to break the golden thigh for her.

Little cute Bianji, open your eyes wide, Princess Gaoyang who has status, identity and strategy doesn't need to be guarded at all.

If Princess Gaoyang was a man, who would sit in the Li family's kingdom?

Master, help, there are always princesses who want to harm my apprentice.

At this time, Sheng Ge inexplicably missed Tang Seng's Zen stick, the kind that killed a goblin with a Zen stick.

Come quickly, Master, if you beat Princess Gaoyang to death, your apprentice will not stop you...

Lang Jiujiu: Why else, isn't it just because I fell in love with the anchor...

I'm a magic stick: the old man counted his fingers, Gao Yang and the anchor will be entangled forever...

The four words "Shengun's life entanglement" gave Shengge goosebumps all over his body. Brother Shengun, can we still talk properly?

Anchor: God stick, can you hold back your words?

It is precisely because she knows how accurate the words of the magic stick are that she is afraid.

I have been entangled for a lifetime...

Terrible, isn't it.

She doesn't want to be bothered at all.

I'm a magic stick: Alas, the anchor really has a different heart, the master and apprentice's boat capsizes, may I ask the anchor, do you feel the feeling of being about to be drowned, those are the sad tears of the old monk...

Anchor: Dramatist...

What Shengge wants to do most now is to find Tang Seng...

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible for Brother Tailang to ride a wolf. A four-legged wolf can always run faster than a two-legged one.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: what is the anchor doing...

Anchor: Riding a wolf...

Jackal with female cat: 666, how many wolves have been tamed by the anchor for a short time...

The wolf is the most lonely animal.

Shengge blinked and said, why should she be tamed? Isn't she just going to ride down the mountain?
Hit it, it will be fine if you are afraid.

Maybe this mountain forest is too big and too dense, or maybe the fate between Shengge and the wolf clan is too deep.

Even if Shengge didn't go to the wolf clan, the wolf clan would go to her.

Sheng Ge looked at the two or three wild wolves with cold eyes, and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't meet a pack of wolves.

Just two or three, trivial.

Things went more smoothly than Shengge had imagined. Of course, it was also possible that the three that Shengge met were just huskies in wolf skins pretending to be wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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