When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 183 The Argument That Never Takes You

Chapter 183 The Debating Opportunity to Live Up to Everything ([-])


After being beaten up by Sheng Ge, he was very shameless, and fought for Sheng Ge to ride.

Shengge was dumbfounded, she had dealt with wild wolves so many times, this was the first time she saw such a cowardly and cooperative wolf.

Shengge suspected that this was actually a traitor to the wolf clan.

Not only was Shengge a little dumbfounded, even the glass bastards who were waiting to watch the show in the live broadcast room were a little hard to accept.

It must be a fake wolf.


Shengge rode a wolf, accompanied by two wolves who sent each other, and descended the mountain majestically.

Shengge squinted his eyes comfortably, feeling the refreshing feeling of the mountain breeze blowing across his cheeks.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: The anchor...

Anchor: Shut up, please let this anchor quietly pretend for a while...

Shengge thought that the glass bastards in the live broadcast room were about to stab their knives, so he was extremely resolute and refused to watch the glass bastards talk

The speed of the wild wolf is neither fast nor slow, and the long hair emits a soft light under the sunshine of spring. Sitting on the back of the wolf with eyes closed, the leisurely and unrestrained Shengge is a beautiful scenery.

Shengge is quietly pretending...

But some people still blindly remember this scene of Shengge's pretentiousness as the world's most pure and rare city scenery, and they will never forget it.

Therefore, this fully demonstrates the correctness of seeing is not necessarily believing.

Fang Yiai rode a horse and stood side by side with Princess Gaoyang, so he could see everything that Princess Gaoyang could see.

It's just that he is different from Princess Gao Yang's obsession, he is more afraid.

The little monk Bianji was too mysterious, the more mysterious he was, the bigger the trouble Princess Gao Yang would make.

If in the end, the Fang family couldn't afford it anymore.

The little monk Bianji looked so handsome, with no strength to restrain a chicken, but he didn't expect to be able to make the three wild wolves in the mountains and forests so obedient.

The wild wolf is the most arrogant.

Hunting, killing wild wolves is not surprising, but taming is rare.

Did the little monk Bianji have a background that he didn't know about? Fang Yiai felt that he had to go back and investigate again. He must not let Gao Yang jump into it with the whole Fang family even knowing that it was a fire pit.

At this moment, Fang Yiai felt extremely sad.

"Consort, can you?"

Princess Gao Yang knew that Fang Yiai had always relied on her martial arts skills.


Fang Yiai looked at the little monk Bianji riding a wild wolf on the mountain road who was getting farther and farther away, and said solemnly.

He really couldn't fight three wild wolves at the same time without getting hurt, not even the monk's robe was stained.

This little monk is indeed extraordinary.

He had to admit that Princess Gao Yang had a good eye for people.

"I knew he was unique in this world."

Only the third brother can compare with it...

Princess Gao Yang silently added in her heart.

In her young years, the third brother was the most powerful and most admired person in the world.

Gao Yang's bright and proud face was stained with a blush, as if at this moment she had really entered the cardamom age of the first love.

In her eyes, it's all about him.

Even at this time, the little monk Bianji and the three wild wolves running like a gust of wind have turned into a black spot, which can no longer be seen clearly.

Fang Yi's heart ached, he longed to give her everything he had.

It's just that what he has is not what she wants.

Princess Gao Yang is born with everything that ordinary people can hardly have, so she is inexplicably stubborn and persistent in her relationship.

Love and hate...

This kind of temperament, he really can't say it's good, and he can't say it's bad.

However, as a husband, seeing his wife obsessed with another monk is really unacceptable.

"Princess, let's not slow down the plan."

Since the strength of the little monk Bianji far exceeded their expectations, the plan to use public opinion to destroy the little monk Bianji had to take a long-term plan.

Who knows, Princess Gao Yang firmly refused without even thinking about it.

"The debate is so powerful, then the status of Master Xuanzang's disciple is even more unimportant."

Hearing Princess Gao Yang's words, Fang Yiai was a little dumbfounded.

Among the Buddhist disciples of the Tang Dynasty, who would not regard being selected by Master Xuanzang as the highest honor?


Who on earth gave Princess Gao Yang such strong confidence.

Fang Yiai lowered her eyelids, her eyes were difficult to understand.


Shengge didn't know that she just wanted to pretend quietly for a while on a whim, so she accidentally picked up Princess Gaoyang again.

Sheng Ge said that as a pure girl, she really doesn't want to do such things as flirting with girls.

Don't marry He Tiao...

Knowing that you can't take responsibility, but still teasing, isn't that the same as a scumbag?

The speed of the wild wolf is still commendable. Not long after, Shengge saw the majestic and majestic Chang'an City, the towering and magnificent city gate, and the bustling people who wanted to enter the city.

This is the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty, and seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

Shengge jumped off the wolf's back, and wanted to be perfectly handsome, but a barrage suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room that had been quiet all the way.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Doesn’t the anchor know that when you are pretending to be aggressive, Princess Gao Yang looks at you obsessively not far away?

Dimly lit place: blushing face, affectionate eyes, and firm expression, it seems that the anchor has successfully picked up a girl again.

Shengge doesn't know if he has picked up a girl or not.

She only knew that she was handsome for only three seconds, and she didn't land perfectly, but fell to the ground.

She will never admit that she was frightened by the words of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room...

She understood Bianji's wish, she didn't want to explore Bianji's feelings for Princess Gaoyang, she just knew that Bianji didn't choose to reconnect with Princess Gaoyang in this life.

For her, this knowledge is enough
As for those miscellaneous feelings, I feel tired just looking at them.

Therefore, Shengge only carried out the task resolutely, and she would never explore the suffering in it.

Lang Jiujiu: Why does Princess Gao Yang always see the radiant side of the anchor? Why is she always absent at such embarrassing moments?

The Frog Bringing Special Products Home: Maybe This Is Nie Yuan...

Brother Frog's comments can be described as concise and to the point.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Have you ever thought about the bad relationship between the anchor and Princess Gaoyang, maybe seeing the embarrassed side may catalyze the relationship more, isn't that what Mary Suwen wrote?Miss Ben absolutely cannot believe that you haven't seen it.

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: Although the plot is bloody, it is not worthy of the classics.The reason why it is a classic is because countless people in life are practicing it one after another.

Anchor: Can you look forward to this anchor?Tired of love

Shengge got up from the ground staggeringly, the half-worn monk robe was completely invisible at the moment.

In addition to mud, it is weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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