When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 184 The Argument That Never Takes You

chapter 184

She was safe and sound on the rugged mountain road.

When she arrived outside the city gate, when she wanted to pretend to be a fairy, she fell into the mud.

God really is unfriendly to this girl as always.

Maybe God knows that she is not an aboriginal, and this is silently rejecting her.

Shengge inadvertently glanced at the three wolves who behaved like puppies along the way. Why did she always feel that the three wolves were secretly laughing at her...

This must be an illusion...

Well, maybe that's not an illusion either.

Venerable Beast Tamer: This Venerable has finally come into play...

A new nickname that popped up on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room gave Shengge an ominous premonition.

Why did she subconsciously feel that the appearance of the Beast Tamer Venerable was to slap her in the face?

Well, maybe it will become the backbone of the heart-piercing glass ball group.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Brother Yu Beast is not thinking of translating what the wolf is communicating... d(д)
Venerable Beast Master: Brother Lang, my younger brother's admiration for you is like a surging river. Every time I see you in the water barrage, when I have nothing to do but dive, I am very envious.

Sheng Ge is full of black lines, will flattery be contagious?

However, even flattery is a bit innovative, how many times has she said this, don't you think it's a waste of money to copy it...

Heh, no wonder you can only dive at this level of speaking.

Beast Master: The three wolves are wondering if this stupid man who walks and wrestles is really the one who beat them just now?They are still thinking about whether to practice again.

If you walk too rough, you will flash your waist: brother mending knife, admiration.

Obviously, Brother Bu Dao is the nickname given to Venerable Beast Master by Tai Lang.

It is also a happy thing to have a little expert in making up swords among a group of heart-pricking glass scumbags.

The corners of Shengge's mouth curled up, but she couldn't help the group of glass scumbags with mysterious origins in the live broadcast room. Couldn't she unilaterally abuse these three wolves?

Isn't it suspicious? Then she will beat them until they doubt life.

What Sheng Ge said was very straightforward, well, she is just bullying.

So, the wild wolf who was eagerly exchanging jokes was gorgeously sad.

After being beaten up by Sheng Ge again, the wild wolf was as obedient as a kitten, and even wagged its tail and rubbed its big head against Sheng Ge.

Oh, that is, this girl is extremely powerful.

Sheng Ge patted the wolf on the head, indicating that the wolf can go.

This girl believes in Buddhism now and does not kill.


There was a long queue outside the city gate, and Sheng Ge was bored counting the mud on his clothes, and then his face was blackened.

Regarding the fact that Xuanzang is a Tang monk, Shengge is not too sure.

It's just that she has been fighting alone for several consecutive worlds, and she is really tired.

Please give her a thigh and let her rest for a while.

For Shengge, it was an eye-opener to meet Tang Seng.

As for the Great Sage, he is a person in myths and legends. It would be too weird if he also appeared in this world.

Besides, she is afraid of pain.

Before, she was a rough-skinned and thick-skinned Zhu Bajie, but no matter what, she had magical powers, and she couldn't be beaten to death with a golden cudgel.

But now, she is a jade-faced little monk with thin skin, tender flesh and clear eyes, which can make Princess Gao Yang fall in love with her at first sight.

With a stick, she felt that she could walk around Huangquan Road to witness whether Po Meng was an old woman or a glamorous beauty.


At this moment, Shengge felt that his mood was extremely complicated.

She will never admit that she is more timid than nostalgia.

Finally it was Shengge's turn to enter the city, perhaps Shengge looked too dirty, and the soldiers just gave Shengge a perfunctory look and let Shengge in.

At this time, Sheng Ge really wanted to say something from the Secondary School, you will definitely regret treating this girl like this.

Shengge rummaged through the fuselage, but couldn't find anything of value.

Seeing his disheveled hair and muddy body in the reflection on the lake surface, he couldn't see his true face at all, Sheng Ge thought about it.

Well, why don't you just beg, you don't even need to put on makeup.

So the Sheng singer relied on his strong fighting power to seize the busiest street with the most traffic. He picked up a broken bowl of black wooden sticks and squatted on the ground in a very down-to-earth manner.

Well, it was pretending at first, but now it looks more like a beggar than a real beggar.

Undoubtedly, watching Shengge's feat, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room laughed.

It seems that the anchor is always doing these unexpected things, but she herself doesn't think there is a problem...

They were already powerless to complain about a heroine like Sheng Ge who had such a unique style of painting.

The issue of the Three Views is too lofty to discuss.

Besides, the anchor is a complicated person.

Bad guy, not really.

Not to mention a gentleman with three righteous views.

To sum it up in one sentence, it's a cheap mouth and a tricky hand.

Shengge squatted on the side of the street drowsily, waiting for alms from a good man...

Well, she is not Bianji now, she is herself now.

Shengge kept hypnotizing herself in her heart.

If it weren't for the lack of defense skills, why would she do anything else.

Didn't it mean that Bian Ji is a young talent with a great reputation, why doesn't he have a single valuable thing on him.

Think about it, in her time, many monks were fat, with big bellies and fat in vain.

Little monk Bianji, aren't you messing around a bit too badly?

Ding ding dong...

The copper coins hit the broken bowl and made a pleasant and crisp sound.

Such a nice voice woke her up more than anything else for Shengge.

Singer Sheng covered the bowl with his hands nimbly, for fear that the hard-won copper coins would slip out of the broken bowl after a spin.


Well-meaning people look confused...

I thought it was a cripple, but I didn't expect that this movement was almost comparable to that of Lian Jiazi.

How hard it is to think about it before you can become a beggar in a degenerate way.


Shengge also looked at the kind-hearted man suspiciously.

isn't it...

Do you still want to go back on the three copper coins?
Tread, step, step...

The sound of horseshoes sounded one after another, and the one riding in the front was still the bright and dazzling Princess Gaoyang.

Like a mouse seeing a cat, Sheng Ge suddenly retracted her head.

Don't people often say that you can hide if you can't provoke them, why you can't hide even if you come to her.

Is the baby suffering in heart, and can the tasks in this world be completed properly?
Devil Prison: Didn't the anchor want to separate the relationship?Now is a good time.

The heavy-tasting Demon Prison opened its mouth like a ghost.

Anchor: This anchor is not stupid, don't try to fool this anchor.

At this time, if he showed his identity, Bian Ji's reputation would be lost.

Shengge lowered her head very low, for fear that Princess Gao Yang would see her again with sharp eyes.

can't see me, can't see me...

It's just that God seems to have abandoned Shengge again, and didn't hear Shengge's prayer.

Sheng Ge said, God thief, if you have the ability to strike this girl to death with a bolt of lightning...

The precious horse stopped in front of Shengge, and the guards and son-in-law who followed Princess Gaoyang also stopped quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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