When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 187 The Argument That Never Takes You

chapter 187

Sheng Ge said that she really didn't make sense in her heart.

She always felt that if she came to the door pitifully, Tang Seng would definitely knock her to death.

But if it is serious, will it be ineffective?

Alas, I am so worried about my baby...


Walking too sloppy will flash your waist: Looking at the pretentious appearance of the anchor, Miss Ben really suspects that the anchor is not here to continue the relationship between master and apprentice, but to hook up.

Lang Jiujiu: Doesn't it look like a little girl who is in love for the first time, with a face full of entanglement but anticipation to see her little brother, and then spend the time before and after the moon, you and me.

Host: d(д)
Shengge looked surprised, the brains of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room were still as big as ever.

Hook up Tang Seng...

Sorry, she doesn't have the guts.

Well, the most important thing is that Tang Sengchang's style does not conform to Shengge's aesthetics.

She really couldn't like the strong and sturdy monk.

Anchor: Actually, you want to meet Xiaobai, right?

Shengge said secretly.

After all, Xiao Bai is the first male god-level character among the glass bastards in the live broadcast room among the grotesque, messy animal-like fairies.

The first person who amazes time always has a special feeling.

I have hot sticks to follow me: Xiaobai... I don't know how Xiaobai is doing.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: others are red sleeves adding fragrance to poems and songs, but when you come to the great monk and Xiaobai, it becomes grinding and chanting, and the ancient Buddha with green lights.

Seeing the glass bastards in the live broadcast room reminiscing about the past, Shengge's eyes flashed. How could she not know that these people have such a long relationship and such a good memory.

It turns out that the glass bastards are very gentle except for the things against her.


Don't forget that Xiaobai is the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Although she was looking forward to meeting these people, it would be incredible if she saw her.

Shengge felt that the more he thought, the more indecisive he became.

forget about it……

Shengge extinguished the candlelight in the room and began to force herself to sleep.

Whether he is or not, she will go to Hongfu Temple early tomorrow morning to find out.

Even if Master Xuanzang is not her former master, she will try her best to become one of the nine eminent masters.

In order to be evenly matched with Princess Gaoyang, she had to fight.

Obviously the task is to concentrate on cultivating the Buddha and guarding silently, why did she distort the task.

To blame can only be blamed on the coincidence of her coming, it can't be more coincidence.

It happened to be a cottage in the mountains and forests...

It happened to be love at first sight...

Hehe, it just so happens that she really wants to strangle Yiyi to death right now.

Other people's systems are golden fingers, but hers is Xiaokenbi.

Even though Shengge had done a series of psychological construction, in fact, he was still tossing and turning and having trouble falling asleep.

Until the inn was silent and noisy, Sheng Ge's eyes were still shining, but the dark circles under his eyes were comparable to giant pandas.

Sheng Ge jumped up from the bed as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, then put on the clean monk clothes, ate a steamed bun and walked towards Hongfu Temple.

Hongfu Temple was built in the eighth year of Zhenguan. Emperor Taizong built the temple in the former residence of Peng Guogong, the leading general on the right, in order to recommend Empress Taimu, with Zhishou lawyer as the seat.

When Master Xuanzang returned from the Western Regions, the Buddhist relics, Buddha statues, and Mahayana scriptures and theories brought back were all placed in this temple.

This is no secret in Chang'an City.

However, Sheng Ge looked at the overcrowded but quiet and solemn gate of Hongfu Temple, and fell silent.

Such a long queue, when will she be able to line up...

When Xuanzang returned from learning the scriptures, he became a god monk in the hearts of the people in Chang'an and even in the Tang Dynasty, the person blessed by the Buddha, and the existence of sitting on a lotus flower to become a Buddha in the future.

With such great power, it is so possible for them not to yearn for it, and not want to be blessed.

Therefore, the incense in Hongfu Temple is extremely prosperous, even if Master Xuanzang rarely shows up, even if there are imperial soldiers in thick iron armor guarding and patrolling here, even if there are many rules here...

Naturally, these rules were not made by Master Xuanzang, but by the Holy Majesty to demonstrate the great merit of Master Xuanzang.

Shengge looked at the soldiers who were constantly patrolling around Hongfu Temple with long guns and maintaining order, and then at the newly built temple wall, and estimated the probability that he would be safe and sound without disturbing anyone.

Well, she is so strong, she can definitely do it.

Shengge walked around Hongfu Temple, scouting spots, and finally chose a quiet, safe place with few people.

Hahaha, my old pig is here too...


Shengge wanted to climb over the wall, but he fell heavily to the ground as if he had hit something.

It turned out that she really couldn't get rid of the rule that being handsome can't last three seconds.

It's just that Sheng Ge, who was about to fall apart after being thrown, was not depressed, but his eyes were full of fire.

Well, this supernatural power is definitely not something that ordinary monks can do.

Perhaps, the good life that she expected to hug her thighs, eat hot food, drink spicy food, and bully others is coming.

Alas, people's luck can't stop it when it comes.

Shengge patted his bare head narcissistically, and grinned foolishly.


If you walk too rough, you will flash your waist: Damn, what did Miss Ben see, is it a barrier?It seems that the anchor really wants to meet an old friend in a foreign land.

Lang Jiujiu: I'm the only one who wants to know if the anchor's current small body can withstand the beating of the monk?

"Hurry up, catch this fake monk who intends to break into the temple, and don't let him escape..."

The soldiers in iron armor and holding spears hurried towards Shengge.

Under the sunlight, both the iron armor and the gun head glowed coldly.

It seems that as long as Shengge resists, the spear will be inserted into Shengge's body without hesitation, so that Shengge can experience the feeling of a thousand spears piercing the heart...

What the hell...

Sheng Ge looked confused, don't scare this girl, she is very timid, okay?
Isn't the temple a pure place of Buddhism? Why do you want to move the knife and gun so readily? I always feel that the style of painting is not right.

That's right, meeting her master who is a monster with a Zen stick, it's strange to be normal.

Also, she is not a fake monk.

"Speak up if you have something to say."

Shengge was very frank.

"I'm not a fake monk. I'm a disciple of Daoyue, a well-known scholar of the Dazongchi Temple. I heard that Master Xuanzang is superb in Buddhism, so I came here because of my reputation."

Sheng Ge put her head in her hands, squatted on the ground and said weakly.

Beicheng Nansheng: MMP, what kind of anchor did I fall in love with... No matter how you say it, he is a monk with great talent, why are you so cowardly?

Jackal and female cat: Can the anchor really become one of the nine virtuous men?I'm afraid it's only through the back door.

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: Seeing the anchor like this, the editor will lament that his fame has been ruined.Integrity and so on, the anchor does not exist.

Shengge gritted his teeth as he watched the glass bastards gloating while standing and talking without back pain in the live broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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