When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 188 The Argument That Never Takes You

Chapter 188

(ω) hey

It's not that she can't beat these soldiers, it's no wonder that the people don't fight with the officials.

Standing behind these soldiers is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the ninety-five-year-old who sits on the throne.

The emperor got angry and buried millions of corpses, this is not just for fun.

She provoked Princess Gaoyang and could still struggle and save her.

But if you challenge the majesty of the emperor, then wait for early death and early rebirth, and you will be a hero again after 18 years.

The leader of the guards looked at Shengge with a serious face, as if he wanted to hear how Shengge continued to make up.

"Let's have something fresh to say."

"That's what everyone who wants to break in but can't get in says."

"Come here, take him away, check if there is any problem with his identity, if there is a problem, he will be put in prison, if there is no problem, he will be thrown out."

and many more……

Shengge felt that he could still struggle to the death.

"Almsgiver, Buddhism is pure, it's not good to be so angry."


Shengge's bare head was slapped.

was beaten...

Being beaten by a guard, Sheng Ge refused to accept it.

"If you talk too much, you'll go directly to prison."

Shengge blinked, thinking that the prison was nothing but thatch and rats, and instantly froze.

Hmph, no one can stop her from hugging Jin's thigh today.

Shengge took a deep breath and began to amplify his moves...

"Master, my apprentice has come to see you."

"Xiaobai, Second Senior Brother is here..."

"Master, I am Bajie, someone bullied me..."

Shengge, a shameless person, yelled at the top of his voice, and in the end the more he shouted, the more wronged he became, and he almost burst into tears.

The soldier opposite Shengge was stunned, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this was a fake monk who was bluffing and deceiving.

During this period of time, they have met countless monks, this is really the first time, and it has to be said that they have learned a lot.

Also, Bajie?
What, didn't you just talk about debates...

Fearing that the sound would not be transmitted far enough, the people in Hongfu Temple would not be able to hear it, so Sheng Ge made a trumpet shape with his hands, shouting heart-piercingly.

"Gag your mouth and take it away..."

() 嘤嘤嘤~
The bald monk who was copying Buddhist scriptures in the temple was startled by the piercing cry, and the brush in his hand left heavy strokes on the scriptures.

The great monk looked at the scriptures that were about to be copied, and threw down his pen angrily.

I'm really mad at this monk...

"Xiaobai, did you hear any noise..."

I saw a young man grinding ink slowly not far from the great monk.

The young man's black hair was tied neatly, and the luxurious brocade robe didn't have a single wrinkle, and his every move was indescribably elegant and extravagant.

The great monk and the youth formed a stark contrast.

One is rude and the other is expensive.

"Maybe the second senior brother is here."

The young man's voice was as cool as the morning breeze, refreshing and comfortable.

"Can you turn your head when you speak..."

The great monk was quite dissatisfied.

Hearing the words "Second Senior Brother", the Great Monk frowned slightly, but he quickly let go, and no one saw it.

"Come on, come on, why are you howling like this, maybe the barrier above his head can block his nine-toothed rake."

The great monk criticized with righteous words.

"Master, you are actually angry because you have to copy another page of Buddhist scriptures."

The young man stopped what he was doing, and turned around. Zhilan Yushu, the light and the wind and the moon.

It seems that such a person should not exist in this poor temple.

Tang Seng: "..."

His little white horse seemed to be getting more and more worried when he spoke.

not clean up...

Well, he has to admit the truth to Xiao Bai.

Tang Seng started copying Buddhist scriptures again, but the howling of ghosts and wolves rang out again for no money.

Killing a pig, it is.

"Master, I am Bajie, have you forgotten the days when my apprentice was tied up by goblins and steamed in a pot for you..."

"Xiaobai, I am the second senior brother. I even planed the grass on your jade pendant. They also said that the dew on the grass is urine..."

Pull it again, and this time even the paper is torn.

Tang Seng raised his head and looked at Xiaobai, while Xiaobai looked at the jade pendant on his waist with a look of disgust.

Can you not mention this matter, troublesome.

Tang Seng is well aware of the changes before and after Bajie.

Hearing the pitiful voice shouting outside, Tang Seng looked inexplicable.

Now that I have gone, why return.

Especially when he came back in such a miserable and useless manner.

Could it be that Wukong's stick on the westward journey has no effect?

Or, he didn't beat him hard enough with his Zen staff.

Seeing that Tang Seng hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Bai pondered for a moment, then spoke quietly.

"Master, do you want to bring the second senior brother in?"

Tang Seng rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

"How many second senior brothers do you have? No matter what you pick up, even a small barrier can't break through. It's so stupid."


Xiaobai spread out his hands, looked at the direction of the voice from outside Hongfu Temple and curled his mouth.

Second Senior Brother...

I can't help you.

Well, if the master says no, then don’t take it.

Tang Seng tried his best to calm down, forcing himself not to hear the howling pigs.

It's just that the mind can't be calmed down just by saying it's quiet.

"Master, this disciple is about to be stabbed to death..."


The sound stopped abruptly.

Tang Seng threw the brush and disappeared into the room at a ghostly speed.

Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, he knew it.

Xiao Bai carelessly tidied up the place where the ink was splashed. As for what happened outside the temple, he wasn't worried at all.

With the master around, no matter how big troubles the second senior brother encounters, he will be able to solve them easily.

As for the second senior brother, he was also very helpless.

At worst, I will be beaten up by the master.

Don't worry, although the master's Zen staff is powerful, he will definitely beat the second senior brother mercilessly.

After all, Brother Hou's Ruyi Golden Cudgel is also very powerful, so Master doesn't want to worry about it.

Well, it's not an exaggeration to beat someone up twice without saying goodbye.

If Shengge knew Xiaobai's thoughts, she would definitely yell for injustice, so she resigned.

At that time, she worked hard to visit one by one.


When Shengge was going to rise up, a big monk in golden cassock appeared strangely in front of him. No one knew when the other party came out.

This is better than pretending...

After not seeing him for so long, Master seems to be getting more and more serious.


Tang Seng frowned looking at Sheng Ge who was tied up and stuffed in his mouth.

This apprentice is still so stupid.

However, why did he become so handsome, comparable to his Xiaobai?

Oh, the monk is not happy.

Shengge looked at Tang Seng who didn't say a word and said nothing to save her, and was dumbfounded.

Master, what are you looking at so stupidly, let's untie it first.

Shengge never imagined that Tang Seng was jealous of his better looks.

Oh, is this really his apprentice?

He's obviously a jerk, okay?
I really don't want to admit it, why don't I turn around and leave.

"Holy Monk..."

The guards put down their spears one after another to say hello to Tang Seng.

Shengge: "..."

Heartbroken, there is no harm without comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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