When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 19 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 19 The Pig Who Wants to Marry ([-])

Ye Di: The anchor can sell this fruit, the price is up to you.

Anchor: Did you fancy the magical effect of ginseng fruit to prolong life?
Ye Di: This is just one of them.

Anchor: It seems that there is no space-time transaction, right?

Anchor: And this fruit, I can't be the master.

The obvious thing is that she is now a small follower.

Shengge started calling 001 again. Fortunately, this hot chicken system is not so unreliable.

"You haven't unlocked the effort yet."

"It's good to have ideals, but don't aim too high."

"Thousands of Miles, you just take the first step. Time and space trading is not impossible, but it can only be unlocked when the income reaches the third level."

001's cheap voice sounds serious at the moment, after all, the system and the host are closely related.

"You are only a first-level anchor now. LV2 needs 3 red crystals, LV20 needs [-], and each subsequent level will double."

"The trading function is unlocked at the third level. Two types of items can be traded in each live broadcast, four at the fourth level, and eight at the fifth level..."

"Do you understand now?"

Shengge nodded, seriously feeling that the design of this level was unreasonable.

The need for red crystals is increased tenfold, and the transaction amount is only doubled.

"One by one, it's rare to be reliable once."

Yiyi is Shengge's new name for 001. She thinks it sounds better than Dandan.

"That is……"

"However, who are you calling one by one?"

One by one, they said stinky farts, and then disappeared again.

The most intelligent live broadcasting system in the entire universe naturally needs to give the host enough freedom not to intervene or help.

Host: Ye Di, I'm sorry, this live broadcast room does have time and space trading, but it has not yet been opened.

Shengge explained to Ye Di verbatim what he said just now.

Yedi: 20 red crystals?

Ye Di: Good.

Before Shengge understood what this good meant, a row of bold and glowing reminders appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Ye Di rewarded 20 red crystals, becoming the first high-profile customer who has finished singing."

Host: Yedi, I haven't finished yet.

Anchor: I have no right to dispose of ginseng fruit. If you just fancy it for its longevity and aura, I can find a substitute.But if you have other uses, I'm afraid I can't do anything...

Ding dong, ding dong...

The anchor Shengge has been upgraded to LV3, and will continue to work hard to become the number one anchor in the universe.

The system's reminder sounded, and the level of Shengge's live broadcast room instantly changed to LV3, and the number of viewers it could accommodate also increased accordingly.

Ye Di: Can't get the ginseng fruit?

Announcer: I can't get it.

Wannian only got thirty ginseng fruits, and she didn't have that much face to ask Zhenyuan Daxian to give her one alone.

Ye Di: Then what is the substitute you mentioned?
Anchor: The flat peaches of the Queen Mother are not as rare as ginseng fruit, but they also have magical effects.

Anchor: There are 3000 plants in the front, the flowers and fruits are small, and they ripen once in 6000 years. People who eat them will become immortals.There are 9000 plants in the middle, once ripened in [-] years, people eat Xiaju and fly, and live forever; the rear [-] plants, with purple veins and fine cores, ripen once in [-] years, people eat them and live as long as the sky and the earth, the same as the sun and the moon Geng.

Anchor: Of course there are exaggerated elements in this, but it does have the effect of prolonging life.

Ye Di: What the anchor said is true?

Anchor: As long as the world does not completely collapse, it is true.

Ye Di: Okay, then I will book a deal first.

After all, LV3 only has two chances to trade.

"Bajie, why are you in a daze again? You were already a stupid pig, and now you're even stupider."

Sun Wukong greeted Sheng Ge's back again with the golden cudgel, leaving a hard red mark, but Sheng Ge himself didn't feel the pain.


"According to your words, two ginseng fruits are divided into five parts, and this is your share."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but stuff the ginseng fruit into Shengge's mouth.

Shengge's heart bleeds. Eating a ginseng fruit can give her a lifespan of 7000 years. She eats a little more than one-third of it, and she has a lifespan of more than 1 years.

It's a pity that Zhu Bajie's lifespan belongs to her, and she can't take it with her.

Hehehe, the new baby hurts so much.

She can't just stay in the world of Journey to the West for more than 1 years in order not to waste the magical effect of ginseng fruit.

No, she refuses.

"Master, can we leave Wuzhuang Temple now?"

The later is the change, the night is long and the dream is more.

The ginseng fruit tree is a fairy vine grown into a tree when the world was formed, and it is the only one in the world, which is the same age as the sky.

She really didn't want such a sacred tree at the beginning of the birth of the world to become ordinary due to the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

Tang Seng chewed slowly and ate the plate of fruit, then looked at Monkey King, and asked suspiciously, "Is this how the catastrophe passed? Why doesn't it feel so real?"

You must know that every calamity in the past has been suffering, either tied or steamed, this time I didn't even see a fairy hair.

"Is this a catastrophe?" Tang Seng was a little uncertain.

"Should I leave after causing some trouble?" Monkey King scratched his hands, eager to try.

Sun Wukong is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. He is arrogant and arrogant. He is not afraid of monsters, ghosts, difficulties and obstacles.


Shengge's heart arose. Isn't Journey to the West all broken? Why should we follow the original book?

"Ginseng fruit tree..."

"No, Brother Monkey, I just want to create a problem, why not tie up those two boys."

"Qingfengmingyue is the boy most valued by the Immortal Zhenyuan. If the two of them are kidnapped, the Immortal Zhenyuan will be furious."

The most important thing is that the famous Three Dozens of Bone Demons will happen soon.

With the breeze and bright moon, the Great Immortal of Zhenyuan came and solved Mrs. Bone.

There are many rumors that Mrs. Bone and Zhen Yuanzi have a relationship. One said that the two were family members, and the other said that Mrs. Bone was the wife of Zhen Yuanzi.

Where there is no wind, there is no wave, since there are many rumors in the future, then let the immortal Zhenyuan save face and spare the life of Mrs. Baigu.

In this way, the catastrophe is considered to be saved, and there is no need to provoke Zhen Yuanzi to be furious.

You know, in the original book, when Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, the four monks, master and apprentice Tang were captured alive.

In general, it is better to stop the power of one dozen four.

"Is it okay to only take two disciples?"


If you can't do it, you have to do it, Shengge said firmly.

Monkey King just glanced at Sheng Ge lightly, then said lightly, "You can try it."

"Bajie still wants to go back to the Heavenly Court to be the marshal of the canopy after learning the scriptures, so he doesn't want to form a life-and-death enmity with Zhen Yuanzi."

"Why don't you just follow him and treat it as a reward in advance, after all, there are still many places where Bajie can be used in the future."

When Monkey King spoke, Tang Seng responded after a little thought.

In the scripture learning team, Tang Seng seemed to make up his mind, but in fact it was Monkey King who made the final decision.

During the conversation, the Drifting Monk has been playing the role of a stake, not saying a word, his eyes are dull, no matter how he looks like an honest person.

"Since you are leaving, you must bring some ingredients."

(End of this chapter)

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