When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 20 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 20 Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry ([-])

Ever since Sheng Ge showed her exquisite culinary skills that are different from her rough and ferocious appearance, Tang Seng's taste requirements have also increased day by day.

No longer eating dry food, scratching his throat too hard, three meals a day are incomparably punctual, fortunately he does not eat meat or drink, otherwise he would really become a flowery monk who has had a lot of wine and meat.

At that time, the plot will completely collapse beyond recognition.

"Why don't I make a vegetarian meal and leave after I'm full."

Compared to the wilderness, Shengge wanted to cook in a fairy-like environment like Wuzhuang Temple.


This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone, anyway, Immortal Zhenyuan will not come back anytime soon.

Why do you know, Tang Seng said, this is a talk from experience.


"Holy Monk, do you want to cook yourself?"

When Qingfeng heard the news, her two delicate eyebrows twitched in surprise, her big black and white eyes widened and opened into two big circles, her red lips parted slightly, as if a body-holding technique had been used, saying no It's cute and charming.

Ever since Shengge rescued Qingfengmingyue and Qingfengmingyue, the impression of Shengge in their minds has skyrocketed, and this sentence from the holy monk is very natural.

Whether it is in Buddhism or Taoism, they all emphasize respecting teachers, so I feel a little panic when I suddenly hear Sheng Ge cooking.

Isn't it only natural for disciples to take care of their master? When did it change?

"If the holy monk wants to eat vegetarian food, I can do it later, and the holy monk doesn't have to cook himself."

The smaller Mingyue timidly grabbed Shengge's dirty front and said unhappily.

It must be that the holy monk is too kind, so the disciples deceive the master and destroy the ancestor one by one.

Shengge frowned, looking at such a pure and lovely Qingfengmingyue with clear black and white, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Well, taking them away was a last resort.

"It's okay, I'm good at cooking, and you can try it later."

Sheng Ge has only two hobbies in his life, one is beauties, and the other is food.

She thinks she looks good, so she studied cooking painstakingly in order to match her appearance. Fortunately, she has a good talent in cooking.

Originally, she could do food live broadcasts before, and her income would be higher, but who made her lazy.

So she chose the simplest problem-solving live broadcast.

After finally persuading Qingfeng Mingyue, Shengge started cooking.

Since traveling to this world, it was the first time to show cooking skills in such a lofty environment, and Sheng Ge was faintly excited.

Beicheng Nansheng: I suddenly discovered that the anchor may have a beautiful and delicate heart.

Dimly lit place: A pig cooking has subverted my world view, and I urgently need to be rescued...

He didn't care about the booing and singing of the audience in the live broadcast room. In this era, many vegetables have not been discovered or grown, so it is difficult to have enough ingredients even in Wuzhuang Temple.

spinach, cucumber, tofu, eggplant...

Except for condiments, Shengge only found a few ingredients in Wuzhuang Temple.

The more unusual and ordinary, the more the skill of the chef will be tested.

Sheng Ge didn't hesitate too much, every move, every cut is smooth and flowing, it is a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

Of course, the premise is to ignore Shengge's current big pig face.

The aroma is overflowing, and if you look at the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain floating in the perennial fairy air and clouds, even Qingfeng Mingyue, who is not heavy on appetite, can't help but swallow his saliva.

It turns out that dishes can still do this...

"You can go and inform the teacher..."

"Should I inform my disciples to come to eat?"

Shengge almost revealed his secrets, so he hurriedly made up for it.

"Okay, holy monk, wait a moment."

Mingyue and Qingfeng have always been inseparable.

Walking too wavy will make your waist flash: why does it feel that the taste is not bad, is every fat person a good cook?
Jackal: Is that so?Then should I accept the fat girl chasing me, at least I will be lucky.

Anchor: Wretched development, don't waste time.Believe this anchor, Tai Lang is fooling you.

Tailang is the abbreviation of walking too wave will flash waist.

Anchor: The baby was originally a little fairy, but was cursed by a hot chicken system.

Anchor: Pigs are just appearances.

Sheng Ge put the dishes on the table and admired them quietly. They looked good and tasted good.

I have spicy sticks to follow me: I actually believed the words of the anchor.

The temptation of delicious food is strong, Dasheng and Tang Sanzang and their party followed Qingfengmingyue two boys.

"Try it."

Everyone is satisfied except Dasheng.

Shengge felt that the Great Sage must have disliked her, so he would pick on her at will.

But thinking about it being a little bit reluctant to let the monkeys eat these meals, Sheng Ge's mood eased a lot.

"Are you full?" The Great Sage raised his eyebrows coldly, and the two boys Qingfeng Mingyue straightened up in fright.


"Let's go when you're full."

"Where are you going?"

"Why are there so many questions, just go."

The Great Sage is not the kind of person who is patient enough to explain people's doubts. He stretched the golden cudgel once, directly tied the two boys to the golden cudgel, and carried them on his shoulders.

With a swipe of his pen, Tang Sanzang arrogantly left a note for Zhen Yuanzi.

"If you don't come, you're admitting cowardice."

"We're going to tear up tickets."

Does the person who keeps talking about tearing up tickets seem to believe in Buddha?

Sheng Ge felt that it must be the Buddha who wanted to keep out of sight and out of mind when he sent Tang Seng to survive the catastrophe. After all, such a big man was an eyesore.

"Holy Monk, do you want me to eat with Mingyue as my last lunch?"

Qingfeng's big round eyes were full of panic, which made Shengge feel very pitiful.

"Pa..." Sun Wukong slapped Qingfeng's head hard.

"Don't talk, don't pretend to be pitiful, if you keep talking, you won't be treated so well."

Sun Wukong glanced at Shengge coldly, with such a soft heart, he still wanted to go back to the heaven to be the Marshal of the Canopy.

Oh, stop making trouble.

Back to heaven, but also cannon fodder.

Sheng Ge could understand the meaning in Sun Wukong's eyes, but she just couldn't adapt to such an environment where monsters were everywhere and a group of people died with a stick.

Before that, she was just an ordinary anchor, the kind who just sat and waited to die.

"Idiot, you will make up the knife if you capture and kill monsters in the future."

Sun Wukong kicked Shengge, and Shengge, who had long been used to being kicked, stood firmly this time.

Brother Monkey, can you please stop being so mean, the baby's fanciful heart has been completely shattered into scum.

She has no masochistic tendencies, and she will never be obsessed with the legend of the Great Sage again.

"Brother Monkey, I'm so stupid that I can't do such a tall and technical job as making up the knife."

Shengge repeatedly refused.

What is a make-up knife, the last blow to kill the monster.

Sun Wukong wanted to dispel the self-righteous kindness and ridiculous soft-heartedness in her heart.

Kindness and soft-heartedness are not enough to support her to become Marshal of the Canopy.

"It's okay if you can't do it. The Great Sage is not the kind who loves to make things difficult for others."

"However, my great sage likes to hear rejection."

(End of this chapter)

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